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Special Edition Using Linux, Fourth Edition new buy it
(Imprint: Que)
(Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing)
Authors: Jack Tackett, Jr., Steve Burnett
ISBN: 0789717468


PART I—Installing Linux
Chapter 1—Understanding Linux
What Is Linux?
Why Use Linux?
Linux Distributions
Advantages of Using Linux
Open Systems Portability
Advantages for Computer Professionals
Disadvantages of Using Linux
Lack of Technical Support
Hardware Problems
Inability to Use Current Software
Lack of Experience
Overcoming the Disadvantages
Disappearing Disadvantages
The Commercial Side of Linux
Commercial Programs from Red Hat
Commercial Programs from Caldera
A Brief History of Linux
Who Owns Linux?
From Here…
Chapter 2—Linux Installation Overview
Understanding Linux’s Hardware Requirements
The System’s CPU
The System’s Bus
Memory Needs
Disk Drives and Space Requirements
Monitor Requirements
Network Access
Miscellaneous Hardware
Starting the Installation Process
Understanding the Various Installation Methods
Compiling Needed information
Creating the Boot and Supplemental Disks
Partitioning Your Hard Drive
Understanding Partitions
Repartitioning Your DOS Drive
Using the Linux fdisk Program
Adding the Necessary Partition
Troubleshooting Problems
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Chapter 3—Installing Red Hat
Starting the Installation Process
Understanding the Various Installation Methods
Compiling Needed Information
Creating the Boot, Supplemental, and Rescue Disks
Installing the Linux System
Using the Linux fdisk Program
Adding the Necessary Partition
Creating the Swap Partition
Using Disk Druid
Installing the Software Components
Configuring Your System
Configuring Your Network
Configuring the TCP/IP Network
Configuring the Clock
Selecting the Services to Start on Reboot
Selecting Your Root Password
Installing LILO
Installing Red Hat Linux on DEC Alphas
Using Supported Alpha Hardware
Creating the Boot and Root Disks
Installing the Main Red Hat Distribution
Going Back to the Beginning
Troubleshooting Problems
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Chapter 4—Installing Caldera OpenLinux Lite
What You Need to Install Linux
Making the Preparations
Preparing the Installation Floppies
Creating the Install and Modules Disks
Installing Linux
Using a Previous Configuration
Configuring LISA
Probing for Hardware
Preparing the Hard Disks
Using the Linux fdisk Program
Adding the Necessary Partition
Creating the Swap Partition
Installing the Linux Software System
Configuring Your System
Installing LILO
Uninstalling LILO
Going Back to the Beginning
Resolving Problems
From Here…
Chapter 5—Running Linux Applications
Maneuvering Through Linux
Entering Commands
Recalling Command History
Making Selections
Completing Commands
Managing Users
Logging In and Out
Adding Users Under Slackware
Adding Users with Red Hat
Using Red Hat’s Control Panel to Manage Users
Changing Passwords
Using Basic Commands
Getting Help for Commands with man
Using Directory-Manipulation Commands
Using File-Manipulation Commands
Dealing with DOS Files Under Linux
Shutting Down Linux
Running Linux Programs
Using the workbone CD Player
Using the sc Spreadsheet Calculator
Using the bc Calculator
Using the minicom Telecommunications Package
Playing Games
Running DOS Programs Under Linux
Installing DOSEMU
Configuring DOSEMU
Running DOSEMU
Running Windows Programs Under Linux
From Here…
Chapter 6—Upgrading and Installing Software with RPM
Understanding Key Terms Used in This Chapter
Understanding the Politics of Upgrading
Installing Software
Understanding the System Administrator’s Job
Using the Red Hat Package Manager
Locating Packages
Installing Packages with RPM
Uninstalling Packages with RPM
Updating Packages with RPM
Querying Packages with RPM
Verifying Packages with RPM
Installing Non-Linux Software
Reviewing File Permissions
Solving Problems
Removing Applications
Upgrading Your Kernel
From Here…

PART II—System Administration
Chapter 7—Understanding System Administration
Understanding the Importance of Proper Administration
Understanding Multiuser Concepts
Understanding Centralized-Processing Systems
Elements of the Centralized-Processing Model
Understanding Distributed-Processing Systems
Elements of the Distributed-Processing Model
Understanding the Client/Server Model
Performing Administration in a Networked Environment
Defining the Role of the Network Administrator
Understanding Hardware and Software Issues
Performing Common Networking Administrative Tasks
Training the Administrator
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Chapter 8—Using the vi Editor
Introducing vi
What Is vi?
Understanding the Editing Process
Using vi
Looking at vi’s Two Modes
Creating Your First vi File
Starting vi by Using an Existing File
Exiting vi
Undoing a Command
Writing Files and Saving the Buffer
Positioning the Cursor
Adding Text
Deleting Text
Changing and Replacing Text
Copying, Cutting, and Pasting
Repeating Commands
vi Command Summary
Setting the vi Environment
Using set to See and Set Options
Setting the showmode Option
Setting Toggle Options
Changing Options for Every vi Session
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Chapter 9—Booting and Shutting Down
Understanding the Boot Process
Booting Linux from a Floppy
Booting from a Boot Manager
Understanding LILO, the Linux Loader
Configuring LILO
Using LILO
Shutting Down Linux
From Here…
Chapter 10—Managing User Accounts
Working with Users
Adding a User
Using the adduser Command
Setting User Passwords
Removing a User
Working with Groups
Adding a Group
Deleting a Group
Managing Home Directories
Web-Based Administration
From Here...
Chapter 11—Backing Up Data
Considering Backup Issues
Considering Backup Tips
Planning a Backup Schedule
Performing Backups and Restoring Files
Using tar
Using cpio
From Here…
Chapter 12—Improving System Security
Handling Physical Security
Dealing with Password Security
Developing Login Security
Accounts Without Passwords
Unused Accounts
Default Accounts
Guest Accounts
Command Accounts
Group Accounts
Handling File Security
SUID and SGID Programs
Avoiding Social Engineering Threats
Recording Use of the su Command
Developing a Secure System
Security Threats
Controlling the Root
Controlling Modems and Crackers
Preventing Idle Terminals
Enforcing Security
Handling Security Breaches
Performing Backups
PAM: The Pluggable Authentication Modules Architecture
Understanding PAM Configuration Files
Required, Requisite, and Optional: Module Order and Necessity
Shadow Passwords: What Good Are They?
The /etc/password and /etc/shadow Files
Adding, Changing, and Deleting Users with Shadowed Passwords
From Here…
Chapter 13—Configuring the Linux Kernel
Preparing to Build a New Kernel
Configuring a New Kernel
The Interactive Text-Based Program
Using the Menu-Based Program
Using the X Windows-Based Program
Compiling the New Kernel
Building a Modularized Kernel
Working with Kernel Modules
Restarting kerneld
From Here…

PART III—Managing the File System
Chapter 14—Managing File Systems
Understanding File Systems
Mounting and Unmounting File Systems
Mounting File Systems Interactively
Mounting File Systems at Boot Time
Unmounting File Systems
Understanding the Network File System
Exporting an NFS File System
Understanding the /etc/exports File
Mounting NFS File Systems
Maintaining File Systems
Using the fsck Command
Creating and Formatting File Systems
Using fdisk to Create Disk Partitions
Using mkfs to Build a File System
Using Swap Files and Partitions
Creating a Swap Partition
Creating a Swap File
From Here…
Chapter 15—Using Samba
Installing Samba
Configuring Samba on Linux
The [global] Section
The [homes] Section
The [printers] Section
Sharing Directories
Testing the smb.conf File
Running the Samba Server
Using smbclient
From Here…
Chapter 16—Understanding the File and Directory System
Understanding File and Path Names
File Types
Ordinary Files
Directory Files
Directories and Physical Disks
Special Files
File Permissions
Linux Standard Directories
Classic UNIX Directories
Linux Directories
From Here…
Chapter 17—Managing Files and Directories
Listing Files
Organizing Files
Copying Files
Moving and Renaming Files
Removing Files or Directories
Viewing the Contents of a File
Using cat to View a File
Using more to View a File
Using less to View a File
Searching Through a File and Escaping to the Shell
Viewing Files in Other Forms
Searching for Files
Changing File Time and Date Stamps
Compressing Files
From Here…

PART IV—Working with Linux
Chapter 18—Understanding Linux Shells
Logging In
Understanding Shells
Looking at Different Shells
Configuring Your Login Environment
Understanding Processes
Understanding Shell Command Parsing
Using Commands, Flags, and Parameters
Performing Filename Matching
Connecting Processes with Pipes
Redirecting Input and Output
Substituting Shell Variables
Substituting Command Results
Regular Expressions
Understanding Command Groups, Subshells, and Other Commands
Doing Background Processing
Arranging for Processes to Run in the Background
Using the nohup Command
Using the cron Daemon
Understanding Command Feedback
Editing and Aliasing Shell Commands
Editing Commands
Viewing Command History
Aliasing Commands
Completing Commands
Adding Text with Cut and Paste
Working with Shell Scripts
Writing Programs with the Shell
Programming with Control Structures
Customizing Linux Shells
Exporting Variables to the New Shell
Defining Command Aliases
From Here…
Chapter 19—Managing Multiple Processes
Understanding Multitasking
Initiating Multiple Processes
Starting Multiple Processes
Starting a Background Process
Using Pipes to Start Multiple Processes
Using the Scheduling Commands
Running Commands at Specified Times with at
Running Long Tasks with batch
Scheduling Commands with cron and crontab
Reporting On and Monitoring the Multitasking Environment
Finding Out Who’s on the System with who
Reporting On the Status of Processes with ps
Controlling Multiple Processes
Using nohup with Background Processes
Scheduling the Priority of Commands with nice
Scheduling the Priority of Running Processes with renice
Terminating Processes with kill
From Here…
Chapter 20—Printing
Selecting a Printer to Work with Linux
Knowing What You Need to Configure Printers
Knowing How Printing Works Under Linux
Understanding the Important Programs for Printing
The lpd Daemon
The lpr Command
The lpq Command
The lprm Command
The lpc Command
Understanding the Important Directories
Understanding the Important Files
Understanding the /etc/printcap File
Understanding the Fields in /etc/printcap
Setting the PRINTER Environment Variable
Creating a Test printcap Entry
Putting It All Together
Configuring Red Hat Printers
From Here…
Chapter 21—Installing the X Windows System
Understanding X Windows
What Is a Client/Server System?
Output Capabilities
User Interface Capabilities
Input Capabilities
Installing the XFree86 System
Installing the Software
Ensuring Hardware Support for XFree86
Installing the X System with pkgtool for Slackware
Configuring XFree86
Running the SuperProbe Program
Understanding the XF86Config Sections
Running the xf86Config Program
Running X in -probeonly Mode
Using the X Windows Resource Files
From Here…
Chapter 22—Using X Windows
Navigating X Windows
Using Menus
Using Virtual Terminals in X Windows
Using Window Managers for Linux
Using X Applications in Red Hat
Using X Windows Applications with Slackware 96
Having Fun with DOOM for Linux
Installing DOOM
Starting DOOM
From Here…

PART V—Network Administration
Chapter 23—Understanding the TCP/IP Protocol Suite
The History of TCP/IP
Internet Terminology
The Open Systems Interconnection Model
The TCP/IP Protocol Stack
IP Addresses
IP Address Classes
Network Naming
NIC Naming Tree
Subnetworks and Subnet Masks
Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
Network Segmentation
Internet Network Setup
Understanding the Types of Connections
Choosing a Networking Configuration
Understanding Network Configuration Guidelines
Using Routers and Bridges
From Here…
Chapter 24—Configuring a TCP/IP Network
Understanding the TCP/IP Configuration Files
The /etc/hosts File
The /etc/networks File
Initializing Ethernet Interfaces
Using ifconfig to Inspect a Network Interface
Configuring the Software Loopback Interface
Configuring a Network Interface
Configuring Parallel IP Interfaces
Understanding TCP/IP Routing
Deciding On a Routing Policy
Using the /sbin/route Program
Monitoring a TCP/IP Network with netstat
Displaying Active Network Connections
Examining the Kernel Routing Table
Displaying Network Interface Statistics
From Here…
Chapter 25—Configuring Domain Name Service
Introducing DNS
Configuring the Resolver
The /etc/host.conf File
The /etc/resolv.conf File
Using the named Daemon to Set Up the Server
The named.boot File
Database Files and Resource Records
The named.hosts File
The named.rev File
The named.ca File
From Here…
Chapter 26—Configuring Electronic Mail
An Overview of Electronic Mail
History and General Concepts
The Shared-File Messaging Model
The Client/Server Messaging Model
MUAs, MTAs, and MDAs
The IETF Requests for Comment
Internet Protocols
Mail Message Formatting
sendmail’s History
sendmail’s Architecture
sendmail Rulesets
From Here…
Chapter 27—Configuring a Usenet News Service
A Usenet Primer
History and Origins of Usenet
Usenet Structure
Configuring Usenet Clients
NN and TIN
From Here…
Chapter 28—Using the emacs Editor
Starting emacs
Using emacs
Looking Over the emacs Screen
Creating Your First emacs File
Starting emacs by Using an Existing File
Exiting emacs
Undoing a Command
Writing Files and Saving the Buffer
Using Files
Positioning the Cursor
Adding Text
Deleting Text
Searching and Replacing Text
Copying, Cutting, and Pasting
Basic Command Summary
Customizing emacs
From Here…

PART VI—Using the Internet
Chapter 29—Using SLIP and PPP
Understanding the Requirements for SLIP and PPP
Using dip to Automate SLIP Operations
Using dip in Command Mode
Using dip with Static IP Addresses
Using dip with Dynamic IP Addresses
Using diplogin to Provide SLIP Service
Creating SLIP Accounts
Using the /etc/diphosts File
Using PPP
Automating PPP Links with pppd and chat
Providing PPP Service
Keeping Your PPP Link Secure
From Here…
Chapter 30—Accessing the Network with telnet, ftp, and the r- Commands
Using telnet to Access Remote Computers
telnet Command Summary
Sample telnet Session
Using FTP for Remote File Transfer
Anonymous FTP
ftp Command Summary
A Sample FTP Session
A Sample Anonymous FTP Session
Using the r- Commands
From Here…
Chapter 31—Surfing the Internet with the World Wide Web
Introducing the World Wide Web
Understanding the Web’s Structure
Understanding URLs
Searching the Web
Using FTP with a Web Browser
Using archie with a Web Browser
Using telnet with a Web Browser
Using gopher with a Web Browser
Accessing Usenet News with a Web Browser
Getting on Mailing Lists
Finding Mailing Lists
Using Mailing Lists
Using Wide Area Information Servers (WAIS)
From Here…
Chapter 32—Creating Web Documents with HTML
Understanding HTML
Working with HTML
Using Basic HTML Elements
Understanding HTML Syntax
Using Document Tags
Formatting Text
Organizing Information with Lists
Linking Pages with Anchors
Using Graphics
From Here…
Chapter 33—Using Electronic Mail
Understanding E-Mail
Sending E-Mail with mail
Writing a Message While Sending E-Mail
Canceling a Message
Sending a Prepared Message
Sending the Result of a Command or Program by E-Mail
Reading Your Mail
Using mail to Read Mail
Reading E-Mail from Other Files
Sending Mail While Reading
Printing Mail Messages
Getting Help with mail
Saving E-Mail to Files with mail
Deleting and Undeleting Messages with mail
Replying to E-Mail with mail
Routing Mail to Others
Forwarding Messages
Sending a Copy with mail
Using Aliases and Mailing Lists
Customizing Your mail Environment
Quitting the mail Program
Quitting and Saving Changes
Quitting and Not Saving Changes
Using the elm Mailer
Starting elm
Using elm Commands
Using the Mutt E-Mail Client
Where to Get Mutt
For More Information on Mutt
From Here…
Chapter 34—Surviving Usenet News
What Is Usenet News?
A Usenet Glossary
A Brief History
How Usenet Is Structured
Group Hierarchies
News Distributions
No Central Authority
Usenet Culture
Lack of Visual Reference
Newsgroup Culture
Reading and Posting News
Subscribing to Newsgroups
Reading News
Replying via E-Mail
Posting an Article
Netiquette on Usenet
Using the rn News Reader
From Here…
Establishing the File Hierarchy
Performing a Basic Configuration
Starting Up Apache
Debugging the Server Startup Process
Open File Error Messages
Port and Bind Error Messages
Bad User or Group Name Messages
Initial Server Startup Error Messages
Setting Up Apache-SSL
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PART VII—Setting Up a Linux Web Server
Chapter 35—Getting Started with Apache
Compiling Apache
Step 1: Edit the Configuration File
Step 2: Run the Configure Script
Step 3: Run make
Chapter 36—Configuring Apache
Configuration Basics
Per-Directory Configuration Files
MIME Types: AddType and AddEncoding
Alias, ScriptAlias, and Redirect
A Better Way to Activate CGI Scripts
Directory Indexing
User Directories
Special Modules
Server-Side Includes
Configurable Logging
Content Negotiation
As-Is Files
Advanced Functionality
Host-Based Access Control
User Authentication
Database Management File Authentication
Virtual Hosts
Customized Error Messages
Assorted httpd.conf Settings
From Here…
Chapter 37—Managing an Internet Web Server
Controlling Server Child Processes
Using the Scoreboard File
Increasing Efficiency in the Server Software
Using Server-Side Includes
Using .htaccess Files
Using .asis Files for Server-Push Animations
Automating Logfile Rotation
Understanding Security Issues
CGI Issues
Server-Side Includes
Symbolic Links
Publicly Writable Spaces
Other Tuning Issues
From Here…
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F