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Table 32.1 provides a quick listing of some of the most common HTML tags for text formatting.

Table 32.1 Selected HTML Text-Formatting Tags

Tag Action

<B>…</B> Makes text bold.
<BLOCKQUOTE>…</BLOCKQUOTE> Formats text with left and right indents.
<FONT>…</FONT> Controls various aspects of text with attributes—for example, text color (COLOR=rgb_value) and size (SIZE=number).
<I>…</I> Makes text italic.
<PRE>…</PRE> Leaves text formatting exactly as it appears.
<STRIKE>…</STRIKE> Formats text as strikethrough.
<U>…</U> Underlines text.
<EM>…</EM> Logical style; emphasizes text (typically displayed as italic).
<KBD>…</KBD> Logical style; shows text as a keyboard style (usually displayed in a monospaced font).
<STRONG>…</STRONG> Logical style; emphasizes text (typically displayed as bold).

Miscellaneous Text

Two formatting tags that don’t fit in with other tag categories are the <ADDRESS> and </ADDRESS> tags. These tags are used to mark addresses, signatures, and so on within a document. Typically, text with this format is placed at the end of a document, following a horizontal rule mark. The exact formatting of <ADDRESS> text is determined by the individual Web browser.

Organizing Information with Lists

Sometimes you need to deliver information that’s logically grouped in some fashion. For example, you might have a list of graphic images to display, or you might want to show a numbered top 10 list. HTML provides several different ways to format and display lists of information. Using lists in HTML is a powerful way to deliver information, because the user’s Web browser formats all the text in the list in a consistent manner. All you have to do is decide how the information fits together.

Displaying Unordered Lists

An unordered list is text displayed separately with a bullet or other formatting character. Each text entry in an unordered list can be several lines long.

Two sets of tags are used to create an unordered list. The <UL> and </UL> tags define the beginning and end of the list, and the <LI> tag is used to mark each list item. Listing 32.4 shows the HTML source for a simple unordered list. Figure 32.5 shows how Mosaic displays this list.

Listing 32.4 An Unordered List



<TITLE>An Unordered List</TITLE>



<LI>This is list item 1.

<LI>This is list item 2.

<LI>This is list item 3.




FIG. 32.5  An unordered list displayed in Mosaic.

Presenting Ordered Lists

An ordered list presents list information in numerical order. Each time a new list item is identified, the number of the list item is incremented. Ordered lists are defined by the <OL> and </OL> tags, and the same <LI> tag used in unordered lists is also used in ordered lists to mark each list item.

Listing 32.5 shows the HTML source for a simple ordered list. Figure 32.6 shows how this list is displayed in Mosaic.

Listing 32.5 An Ordered List



<TITLE>An Ordered List</TITLE>




<LI>This is list item 1.

<LI>This is list item 2.

<LI>This is list item 3.




FIG. 32.6  An unordered list displayed in Mosaic.

Using Definition Lists

Think of how a glossary in a book looks: You typically have each word or term offset by itself and then a paragraph giving its definition. HTML definition (or glossary) lists provide a way to do this with Web pages. A definition list consists of a term—this can be one word or a series of words—followed by a definition. The definition is usually explanatory text.

Although definition lists are particularly useful for glossaries, you can use them to present any kind of information where you need a title and an explanation. One common use is to make the glossary term a hypertext link to another document and make the definition a description of the linked document. (Creating hypertext links is discussed later in this chapter, so keep this application of a definition list in mind.)

Definition lists require the <DL> and </DL> tags to mark the start and end of the list. Rather than use a simple list item tag, definition lists use dual tags: <DT> to mark the glossary item and <DD> to mark the definition. Listing 32.6 shows the HTML source for a simple definition list. Figure 32.7 shows how this list is displayed in Mosaic.

Listing 32.6 A Simple Definition List



<TITLE>A Simple Glossary List</TITLE>




<DT>Item 1

<DD>This is the definition field for list item 1.

<DT>Item 2

<DD>This is the definition field for list item 2.

<DT>Item 3

<DD>This is the definition field for list item 3.




FIG. 32.7   A simple definition list displayed in Mosaic.

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