Table of Contents

Appendix F
What’s on the CD-ROM

In this appendix
Red Hat Linux 5.1: Award-Winning Operating System
Caldera OpenLinux Lite 1.2 and StarOffice 4.0 for Linux
About the Software

Special Edition Using Linux, Fourth Edition, is delivering to its readers a complete Linux solution. On the CDs included with this book, you will find Red Hat Linux 5.1, Caldera OpenLinux Lite 1.2, and StarOffice 4.0. So not only do you get two great Linux distributions, but you also get a world-class office suite.

See “Linux Installation Overview” on p. 29 for installation instructions

Red Hat Linux 5.1: Award-Winning Operating System

CDs 1 and 2 contain Red Hat Linux 5.1, chosen by InfoWorld as the Desktop Operating System Product of the Year for two years in a row. Red Hat Linux is for users who need a reliable, secure, and high-performance computer environment on their desktop and server PCs. Here’s what you get with Red Hat Linux 5.1:

Desktop environment. Red Hat Linux 5.1 allows you the freedom you want on your desktop. You can choose from multiple window mangers. You can also get on the Net, build some programs, and format floppy disks—all at the same time—and enjoy an extremely stable operating system that multitasks more smoothly than other operating systems. Systems running Red Hat Linux are able to run continuously for months on end.
Internet server. Red Hat Linux can provide Internet services, including Web, e-mail, news, and DNS for multiple sites with real virtual hosting.
Learning platform. The CD contains full source code (except for commercial apps). What could be a better learning platform? Red Hat Linux comes complete with C, C++, F77 compilers, programming languages (python, perl, Tcl/Tk, scheme0), and tools for math- and engineering-related applications (spice, GNUplot, xfing).

Caldera OpenLinux Lite 1.2 and StarOffice 4.0 for Linux

CD 3 contains OpenLinux Lite 1.2 and the noncommercial version of StarOffice 4.0.

Caldera OpenLinux Lite 1.2

OpenLinux Lite 1.2 is the free version of their “Linux for Business” product, a full-featured Linux distribution. OpenLinux is the only self-hosted Linux distribution available today. That means all binaries shipped with the distribution have been compiled and tested to run in the OpenLinux environment.

Desktop environment. In addition to the standard window managers other Linux distributions give you, OpenLinux Lite 1.2 also gives you a trial version of their Looking Glass desktop solution. It gives you powerful file management and a drag-and-drop desktop that makes it easy to add programs and links to your desktop environment.
Ready for the Internet. Caldera OpenLinux Lite is perfect for the Internet. Everything you need for the client and the server is included.
Easy installation. It only takes about 30 minutes to install Caldera OpenLinux Lite with its user-friendly interface that walks you through all the steps.

StarOffice 4.0

CD 3 also includes the noncommercial but fully functional version of StarOffice 4.0. StarOffice is a complete office suite that includes word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation capabilities, and more. It is one of the most popular office suites available for Linux, and it was recently awarded the Editor’s Choice award by 32 Bits Online.

About the Software

Please read all documentation associated with a third-party product (usually located in a file named readme.txt or license.txt) and follow all guidelines.

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