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Learn Pascal in a Three Days (2nd Ed.)
(Publisher: Wordware Publishing, Inc.)
ISBN: 1556225679
Publication Date: 07/01/97
In order to make the program more reliable, you may add the following features:
- 1. When you enter the SSN for a new employee, the program does not check the data format; in which case, a wrong number such as 12345-678 will be accepted. You can add the necessary statements to check for the exact number of digits as well as the hyphens.
- 2. If you enter a value other than 1, 2, or 3, it will be accepted as a Category. Consequently, the salary will not be processed by the CASE structure. You can add the necessary steps to check the valid values of the Category variable.
- 3. If you added the same employee to the file twice, this program would not know that the record already exists. Therefore, you need to check the SSN before you add a new record.
- 4. If you are using Turbo Pascal, you would better use units. With units you can put each procedure in a separate file called a unit. The units you build could be usable by more than one program.
These enhancements are left for you as a drill.
- 1. In this chapter you learned how to use variant records to store your data into an efficient data structure.
- 2. You can declare a variant record type using the following format:
type-name = RECORD
fixed field-list
variant field-list
The variant field list takes the following form:
CASE tag-field : type-definition OF
label-1 : ( field-list : type-definition)
label-2 : ( field-list : type-definition)
label-n : ( field-list : type-definition)
- 3. The variant record may contain a fixed part followed by a variant part, or a variant part only.
- 4. You learned how to read, write, update, and delete variant records stored in files, using the CASE structure.