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10-5 Enhance the Program ModularityNow that you added more procedures to your program, you may need to take a second look at the modularity of the program. One disadvantage of the program is that the flag Found is used in three procedures to check the existence of the required record. Another disadvantage is that the payroll.txt file is being copied into the temporary file whether or not the required record exists. This redundancy could be avoided by building a new procedure to search the file and set (or reset) the Found flag. Thus, when any of the other procedures is entered, the procedure knows in advance whether or not the record exists. Therefore, all the steps can be included inside an IF block as shown below: READLN(SSNumber); SearchRec(PayrollFile, EmployeeRec, SSNumber, Found); IF Found =1 THEN BEGIN ... { open files and carry out the required chores } ... END ELSE { send the proper message } END; The new procedure SearchRec is invoked after the value of the SSNumber is entered from the keyboard. The procedure opens the file, searches for the required employee, and returns the proper value of the flag Found. If the record is found, the regular chores (updating, deleting, or reading) are carried on by the other procedures; otherwise, the proper message is sent and no files have to be reopened. The following are some important points of the SearchRec procedure:
This is the program in its final shape: { -------------------------- figure 10-2 ----------------------------- } PROGRAM EmployeeDataBase2(INPUT, OUTPUT, PayrollFile, NewFile); CONST FileName = 'payroll.txt'; TempFile = 'temp.txt'; Header = '------------- Main Menu --------------'; Header1 = '--------- Employee DataBase ----------'; Header2 = '---------- Employee Record -----------'; Separator = '--------------------------------------'; TYPE EmployeeRecord = RECORD ID :STRING[5]; Name, Position :STRING[20]; SSN :STRING[11]; CASE Category :CHAR OF '1' :(MonthlySalary :REAL); '2' :(HourlyRate :REAL); '3' :(Commission, BasicSalary :REAL; Area :STRING[20]) END; SSNstring = STRING[11]; VAR NewFile, PayrollFile :TEXT; EmployeeRec :EmployeeRecord; Title :ARRAY [1..9] OF STRING[20]; OneLine :STRING[80]; { ------------------------- Procedure SearchRec --------------------- } PROCEDURE SearchRec(VAR PayrollFile:TEXT; Employee:EmployeeRecord; SSNumber:SSNstring; VAR Found:INTEGER); BEGIN Found:= 0; ASSIGN(PayrollFile, FileName); RESET(PayrollFile); WHILE NOT EOF(PayrollFile) DO BEGIN WITH Employee DO BEGIN READLN(PayrollFile, ID); READLN(PayrollFile, Name); READLN(PayrollFile, Position); READLN(PayrollFile, SSN); READLN(PayrollFile, Category); CASE Category OF '1': READLN(PayrollFile, MonthlySalary); '2': READLN(PayrollFile, HourlyRate); '3': BEGIN READLN(PayrollFile, Commission); READLN(PayrollFile, BasicSalary); READLN(PayrollFile, Area) END END; { End of CASE structure } IF SSNumber = SSN THEN Found:= 1; END { End of WITH block } END; CLOSE(PayrollFile); END; { ------------------------- Procedure ReadRec ------------------------ } PROCEDURE ReadRec(VAR PayrollFile:TEXT; Employee:EmployeeRecord); VAR SSNumber :STRING[11]; Found :INTEGER; BEGIN WRITELN; WRITE('Please enter the SSN of the employee: '); READLN(SSNumber); SearchRec(PayrollFile, EmployeeRec, SSNumber, Found); IF Found =1 THEN BEGIN ASSIGN(PayrollFile, FileName); RESET(PayrollFile); WHILE NOT EOF(PayrollFile) DO BEGIN WITH Employee DO BEGIN READLN(PayrollFile, ID); READLN(PayrollFile, Name); READLN(PayrollFile, Position); READLN(PayrollFile, SSN); READLN(PayrollFile, Category); CASE Category OF '1': READLN(PayrollFile, MonthlySalary); '2': READLN(PayrollFile, HourlyRate); '3': BEGIN READLN(PayrollFile, Commission); READLN(PayrollFile, BasicSalary); READLN(PayrollFile, Area) END END; { End of CASE structure } IF SSNumber = SSN THEN BEGIN WRITELN(Header2); WRITELN(Title[1],ID); WRITELN(Title[2],Name); WRITELN(Title[3],Position); WRITELN(Title[4], SSN); CASE Category OF '1': WRITELN(Title[5], MonthlySalary:0:2); '2': WRITELN(Title[6], HourlyRate:0:2); '3': BEGIN WRITELN(Title[7], Commission:0:2); WRITELN(Title[8], BasicSalary:0:2); WRITELN(Title[9], Area) END END; { End of CASE structure } END END { End of WITH block } END; CLOSE(PayrollFile) END ELSE { If not found } BEGIN WRITELN('SSN not found in file.'); WRITELN('Please try again.'); WRITELN END END; { ------------------------- Procedure DelRec ------------------------- } PROCEDURE DelRec(VAR NewFile, PayrollFile:TEXT; Employee:EmployeeRecord); VAR SSNumber:STRING[11]; Found :INTEGER; BEGIN WRITE('Please enter the SSN of the employee to be deleted: '); READLN(SSNumber); SearchRec(PayrollFile, EmployeeRec, SSNumber, Found); IF Found =1 THEN BEGIN ASSIGN(NewFile, TempFile); REWRITE(NewFile); ASSIGN(PayrollFile, FileName); RESET(PayrollFile); WHILE NOT EOF(PayrollFile) DO BEGIN WITH Employee DO BEGIN READLN(PayrollFile, ID); READLN(PayrollFile, Name); READLN(PayrollFile, Position); READLN(PayrollFile, SSN); READLN(PayrollFile, Category); CASE Category OF '1': READLN(PayrollFile, MonthlySalary); '2': READLN(PayrollFile, HourlyRate); '3': BEGIN READLN(PayrollFile, Commission); READLN(PayrollFile, BasicSalary); READLN(PayrollFile, Area) END END; { End of CASE structure } IF SSNumber <> SSN THEN BEGIN WRITELN(NewFile, ID); WRITELN(NewFile, Name); WRITELN(NewFile, Position); WRITELN(NewFile, SSN); WRITELN(NewFile, Category); CASE Category OF '1': WRITELN(NewFile, MonthlySalary:0:2); '2': WRITELN(NewFile, HourlyRate:0:2); '3': BEGIN WRITELN(NewFile, Commission:0:2); WRITELN(NewFile, BasicSalary:0:2); WRITELN(NewFile, Area) END END; { End of CASE structure } END; END { End of WITH block } END; {End of DO } CLOSE(NewFile); CLOSE(PayrollFile); { Copy NewFile back to Payroll File } ASSIGN(PayrollFile, FileName); REWRITE(PayrollFile); ASSIGN(NewFile, TempFile); RESET(NewFile); WHILE NOT EOF(NewFile) DO BEGIN READLN(NewFile, OneLine); WRITELN(PayrollFile, OneLine) END; CLOSE(NewFile); ERASE(NewFile); { Erase the temporary file } CLOSE(PayrollFile); { User Messages } WRITELN('The employee ', SSNumber, ' is removed from file.') END { End of the "IF Found.." block } ELSE { IF not found } BEGIN WRITELN('The SSN ', SSNumber, ' is not found.'); WRITELN('Check the number and try again.'); WRITELN END END; { -------------------------- Procedure AddRec ------------------------ } PROCEDURE AddRec(VAR NewFile, PayrollFile:TEXT; Employee: EmployeeRecord); BEGIN ASSIGN(PayrollFile, FileName); RESET(PayrollFile); ASSIGN(NewFile, TempFile); REWRITE(NewFile); WHILE NOT EOF(PayrollFile) DO BEGIN { Copy each record from PayrollFile to the NewFile } READLN(PayrollFile, OneLine); WRITELN(NewFile, OneLine) END; { Accept a new record from the keyboard } WITH Employee DO BEGIN WRITE('Please enter Employee ID: '); READLN(ID); WRITE('Name: '); READLN(Name); WRITE('Position: '); READLN(Position); WRITE('SSN (xxx-xx-xxxx): '); READLN(SSN); WRITE('Payroll category: '); READLN(Category); CASE Category OF '1': BEGIN WRITE('Monthly Salary: '); READLN(MonthlySalary) END; '2': BEGIN WRITE('Rate: '); READLN(HourlyRate) END; '3': BEGIN WRITE('Commission: '); READLN(Commission); WRITE('Basic salary: '); READLN(BasicSalary); WRITE('Area: '); READLN(Area) END END; { Store the information in NewFile } WRITELN(NewFile, ID); WRITELN(NewFile, Name); WRITELN(NewFile, Position); WRITELN(NewFile, SSN); WRITELN(NewFile, Category); CASE Category OF '1': WRITELN(NewFile, MonthlySalary:0:2); '2': WRITELN(NewFile, HourlyRate:0:2); '3': BEGIN WRITELN(NewFile, Commission:0:2); WRITELN(NewFile, BasicSalary:0:2); WRITELN(NewFile, Area) END END END; CLOSE(NewFile); CLOSE(PayrollFile); { Copy NewFile back to Payroll File } ASSIGN(PayrollFile, FileName); REWRITE(PayrollFile); ASSIGN(NewFile, TempFile); RESET(NewFile); WHILE NOT EOF(NewFile) DO BEGIN READLN(NewFile, OneLine); WRITELN(PayrollFile, OneLine) END; CLOSE(NewFile); ERASE(NewFile); { Erase the temporary file } CLOSE(PayrollFile) END; { ---------------------- Procedure UpdateRec ------------------------- } PROCEDURE UpdateRec(VAR NewFile, PayrollFile:TEXT; Employee:EmployeeRecord); VAR SSNumber :STRING[11]; Found :INTEGER; BEGIN WRITE('Please enter the SSN of the employee to be updated: '); READLN(SSNumber); SearchRec(PayrollFile, EmployeeRec, SSNumber, Found); IF Found =1 THEN BEGIN ASSIGN(PayrollFile, FileName); RESET(PayrollFile); ASSIGN(NewFile, TempFile); REWRITE(NewFile); WHILE NOT EOF(PayrollFile) DO BEGIN WITH Employee DO BEGIN READLN(PayrollFile, ID); READLN(PayrollFile, Name); READLN(PayrollFile, Position); READLN(PayrollFile, SSN); READLN(PayrollFile, Category); CASE Category OF '1': READLN(PayrollFile, MonthlySalary); '2': READLN(PayrollFile, HourlyRate); '3': BEGIN READLN(PayrollFile, Commission); READLN(PayrollFile, BasicSalary); READLN(PayrollFile, Area) END END; { End of CASE structure } IF SSNumber <> SSN THEN BEGIN WRITELN(NewFile, ID); WRITELN(NewFile, Name); WRITELN(NewFile, Position); WRITELN(NewFile, SSN); WRITELN(NewFile, Category); CASE Category OF '1': WRITELN(NewFile, MonthlySalary:0:2); '2': WRITELN(NewFile, HourlyRate:0:2); '3': BEGIN WRITELN(NewFile, Commission:0:2); WRITELN(NewFile, BasicSalary:0:2); WRITELN(NewFile, Area) END END { End of CASE structure } END { End of IF block } ELSE BEGIN WRITELN('Please enter the updated information:'); WRITE('ID: '); READLN(ID); WRITELN(NewFile, ID); WRITE('Name: '); READLN(Name); WRITELN(NewFile, Name); WRITE('Position: '); READLN(Position); WRITELN(NewFile, Position); WRITELN(NewFile, SSN); WRITE('Category: '); READLN(Category); WRITELN(NewFile, Category); CASE Category OF '1': BEGIN WRITE('Salary: '); READLN(MonthlySalary); WRITELN(NewFile, MonthlySalary:0:2) END; '2': BEGIN WRITE('Hourly Rate: '); READLN(HourlyRate); WRITELN(NewFile, HourlyRate:0:2) END; '3': BEGIN WRITE('Commission: '); READLN(Commission); WRITELN(NewFile, Commission:0:2); WRITE('Basic Salary: '); READLN(BasicSalary); WRITELN(NewFile, BasicSalary:0:2); WRITE('Area: '); READLN(Area); WRITELN(NewFile, Area) END END { End of CASE structure } END { End of ELSE block } END { End of WITH block } END; { End of DO } CLOSE(NewFile); CLOSE(PayrollFile); { Copy NewFile back to Payroll File } ASSIGN(PayrollFile, FileName); REWRITE(PayrollFile); ASSIGN(NewFile, TempFile); RESET(NewFile); WHILE NOT EOF(NewFile) DO BEGIN READLN(NewFile, OneLine); WRITELN(PayrollFile, OneLine) END; CLOSE(NewFile); ERASE(NewFile); { Erase the temporary file } CLOSE(PayrollFile); { User Messages } WRITELN('The employee ', SSNumber, ' is updated.') END { End of IF block } ELSE BEGIN WRITELN('The SSN ', SSNumber, ' is not found.'); WRITELN('Check the number and try again.'); WRITELN END END; { -------------------------- Procedure Menu -------------------------- } PROCEDURE Menu; VAR Option:INTEGER; BEGIN WRITELN(Header); WRITELN; WRITELN('1. Display an employee record.'); WRITELN('2. Add a new employee.'); WRITELN('3. Delete an employee.'); WRITELN('4. Update an employee record.'); WRITELN('5. Exit.'); WRITELN(Separator); WRITE('Make a choice and press a number: '); READLN(Option); CASE Option OF 1: ReadRec(PayrollFile, EmployeeRec); 2: AddRec(NewFile, PayrollFile, EmployeeRec); 3: DelRec(NewFile, PayrollFile, EmployeeRec); 4: UpdateRec(NewFile, PayrollFile, EmployeeRec); 5: Exit END; Menu END; { --------------------------- Main Program --------------------------- } BEGIN { Assign titles } Title[1]:= 'ID: '; Title[2]:= 'Name: '; Title[3]:= 'Position: '; Title[4]:= 'SSN: '; Title[5]:= 'Salary: '; Title[6]:= 'Rate: '; Title[7]:= 'Commission: '; Title[8]:= 'Basic Salary: '; Title[9]:= 'Area: '; Menu END.
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