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-0 Listing of files end with a null, not a newline; files that contain a newline in their names can then be included. (Used with -i and -p flags.)
-a Sets the access times of files to now. (Used with -i and -p flags.)
-A Appends new files to an existing archive on a disk. This must be used with the -O or -F options. (Used with -i and -p flags.)
-b Swaps half-words and bytes. (Used with -o flag.)
-B Sets block size as 5120 bytes per record, as opposed to the default 512 bytes per record. (Used with -i and -o flags.)
-c Reads and writes header information as ASCII text. (Used with -i and -o flags.)
-C num Sets block size as num, as opposed to the default 512 bytes per record. (Used with -i and -o flags.)
-d Creates directories as needed. (Used with -o and -p flags.)
-E file Extracts files found in archive file. (Used with -o flag.)
-F file Uses file as an archive. (Used with -i and -o flags.)
-H type Specifies the format type, which is useful when moving archives to non-Linux machines. The default is bin, for binary. Other types are crc (SVR4 with checksum), hpodc (Hewlett-Packard portable format), newc (SVR4 portable format), odc (POSIX.1 portable format), tar, or ustar (POSIX.1 tar). (Used with -i and -o flags.)
-I file Reads input archive as file. (Used with -o flag.)
-l Sets up links instead of copying files. (Used with -p flag.)
-L Follows any symbolic links. (Used with -i and -p flags.)
-m Modification times are maintained. (Used with -o and -p flags.)
-M mesg Prints mesg when switching between media. Must be used with -I or -O. (Used with -i and -o flags.)
-n Shows user and group IDs; must be used with -v. (Used with -o flag.)
-O file Directs the output to file on another machine. (Used with -i flag.)
-r Renames files; prompts you for new filenames. (Used with -o flag.)
-s Swaps bytes. (Used with -o flag.)
-S Swaps half-words. (Used with -o flag.)
-t Prints table of contents of a proposed archive; doesn’t actually create archive. (Used with -o flag.)
-u New files can overwrite old files unconditionally. (Used with -o and -p flags.)
-v Turns on verbose mode, where all files are listed. (Used with all flags.)
-V Turns on a modified verbose mode, where dots are printed instead of filenames. (Used with all flags.)



cron......Cron Daemon

crond option(s)


The crond command launches the cron daemon, which scans crontab files and runs their commands at the appropriate times. The cron system is a way to set up tasks so that they regularly occur.


-b Runs crond in the background; default unless -d is specified.
-c directory Specifies the directory containing crontab files.
-d[debuglevel] Sets the debugging level; the default is zero.
-f Runs crond in the foreground.
-lloglevel Sets the logging level; the default is 8.

ctlinnd......Control InterNetNews

ctlinnd option(s)


The ctlinnd command sends a message to the control channel of innd, the InterNetNews server. In the normal mode of behavior, the message is sent to the server, which then performs the requested action and sends back a reply with a text message and the exit code for ctlinnd.

There is a long list of options and commands associated with this command; check the online-manual pages for more information.



df......Disk Free

df option(s) disk_device


The df command returns the amount of free disk space on your Linux system, either across all mounted hard-disk systems or on a specific disk_device. The disk_device must be a device name (like /dev/hd1, /dev/hd2, et al) or a specific directory (like /bin). The space is shown in 1K blocks.


-a Reports on all filesystems, even those with 0 blocks (empty filesystems).
-i Reports in inode format: used, free, and percent-used inodes.
-P Reports in POSIX format: one line per filesystem.
-t type Reports on a type of device.
-T Returns the type of each filesystem.
-x type Excludes type of device.



diskd......Disk Daemon

diskd option(s)


The diskd daemon waits for a disk to be inserted into a specified drive, and then either runs a command or exits. This is useful when you want to automatically mount a disk as soon as it is inserted.

WARNING:  Using this command repeatedly over a long period of time is known to cause hardware damage in the long run.


-d drive Specifies the drive to be observed. The default is drive 0 (/dev/fd0).
-i interval Sets the polling interval, in tenths of a second. The default is 10 (one second).
-e command Specifies the command to be executed after the disk is inserted.

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