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-b The same as the batch command.
-d The same as the atrm command.
-f file Takes input (that is, the names of commands) from file instead of standard input.
-l The same as the atq command
-m Sends electronic mail when the job is completed.
-q queue Sets the niceness level for the at command, using a queue designation. This designation is a single letter, ranging from a to z. The higher the letter, the “nicer” the command will run (see nice for a description of niceness and the Linux operating system). The default for at is c, so if you want a command to be run when the system has less stress, you’d choose a letter like m as the queue designation. Conversely, if you want a command to be run no matter what, you’d use a queue designation of a.
-V Prints the version number.



at......Print At

atq option user job-ID


The atq command lists all jobs that are already scheduled with the at command (for the superuser) or the jobs of a specific user, as well as a specific job ID. This is the same as at -l.


-q queue Sets the niceness level for the at command, using a queue designation. This designation is a single letter, ranging from a to z. The higher the letter, the “nicer” the command will run (see nice for a description of niceness and the Linux operating system). The default for at is c, so if you want a command to be run when the system has less stress, you’d choose a letter like m as the queue designation. Conversely, if you want a command to be run no matter what, you’d use a queue designation of a.
-v Shows jobs that have been completed but not yet deleted from the queue.



atrm......Remove Job

atrm option user job-ID


The atrm command removed jobs scheduled with the at command. Superusers can delete all jobs, while other users can remove only their own jobs. This is the same as at -d.



batch......Run Batch Commands

batch option(s) time


The batch command runs a series of commands one at a time, which are entered from a command line as standard input. The difference between batch and at is that batch automatically runs the commands when the system load is light; in these cases, you don’t specify when the command is to be run. However, you can specify an execution time with the batch command.

When you have finished entering the commands from the command line, use Ctrl-D to end input.


-f file Runs commands from file, not from standard input on the command line.
-m Sends electronic mail when the job is completed.


$ batch

pr -a kevin.memo

lp kevin.memo




cpio......Create Archive

cpio flags option(s)


The cpio command is used to create archives, either on a local filesystem or on a tape backup. The default is to copy to a tape archive.


The cpio command must be combined with one or more of the following flags:

-i option patterns Copies all files that match patterns, which can incorporate wildcards. (If you use wildcards, you must quote them so that the shell doesn’t interpret them.) If you don’t specify a pattern, then all files are copied.
-o options Copies all files specified by name.
-p options directory Copies files to a local directory, instead of to a tape archive.

The options available to each flag is part of the explanations of each option.

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