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diskseek......Disk Seek Daemon

diskseek option(s)

diskseekd option(s)


The diskseek command accesses the floppy drive to clear the dust out. (Really!) There are two ways to call this command. You can use diskseek to access the drive once, or you can use diskseekd to access the drive every 16 minutes.


-d drive Sets the drive to access; the default is drive 0 (/dev/fd0).
-i interval Sets the interval (in seconds) to access the drive, if you’re running diskseekd. The default is 1000 seconds. You can combine diskseekd with an interval of 0, which is useful when using diskseek from a crontab.
-p pidfile Stores the process ID of the diskseekd daemon in pidfile instead of the default /var/run/diskseekd.pid.

du......Disk Usage

du option(s) file(s) directory


The du command lists how much disk space is used by a file or a directory (as well as all of its subdirectories) in 1K blocks. If no file or directory is named, the default is the current directory.


-a Returns information about all files, not just directories.
-b Returns information in bytes, not blocks.
-c Totals all files and directories listed.
-D Includes symbolic links that are command lines.
-k Returns information in kilobytes (default).
-l Totals all files, including links that may already be counted.
-L Includes symbolic links.
-r Reports if du cannot access a file or directory.
-s Works in silent mode, reporting only totals.
-S Excludes subdirectories from totals.



fdisk......Disk Partitioner

fdisk option(s) device


The fdisk command creates and deletes partitions on a hard disk. A hard disk device is usually one of the following:


The partition is specified with a partition number following the device name. For example, the first partition on the first hard drive is /dev/hda1.


-l Lists partition tables for all known hard drives and then exits.
-spartition Prints the size of a non-DOS partition.

fdmount......Mount Floppy

fdmount option(s)


The fdmount mounts a floppy disk. This can be either a Linux-formatted floppy or an MS-DOS floppy. It also checks whether the disk is write-protected, in which case it is mounted read-only.


-d Runs in daemon mode.
--detach Runs daemon in background, and detaches it from its tty.
-f Attempts a mount or unmount operation even when /etc/mtab says that the drive is already mounted or not mounted, respectively.
-h Shows short parameter description.
-i interval Sets the polling interval for daemon mode.
-l Lists all known drives with their symbolic name, type, and mount status.
-p file Dumps the process ID of the daemon to file.
--nodev Mounts with the NODEV option.
--noexec Mounts with the NOEXEC option.
--nosuid Mounts with the NOSUID option. Ignored for MS-DOS filesystems.
--nosync Mounts without the SYNC option, even when not running as daemon.
-o option Sets filesystem-specific options for MS-DOS: check, conv, dotsOK, debug, fat, quiet, blocksize.
-r Mounts the disk read-only.
-s Mounts with the SYNC option.



fdrawcmd......Floppy Controller

fdrawcmd option(s)


The fdrawcmd sends raw commands to the floppy-disk controller. You must have write permission to the selected drive.

There are a number of commands associated with this command. See the online-manual pages for more information.


All numbers may be given in octal (0209), decimal (137), or hexadecimal (0x89).

command Sends command directly.
drive=drive Specifies the drive; the default is 0 (/dev/fd0).
length=length Sets the length of the transferred data for commands reading from and writing to the disk.
mode Specifies various flags or’ed together describing the properties of the command.
parameter Sets a parameter for the command.
rate=rate Specifies the data-transfer rate: 0 for high density, 1 for double-density 5.25-inch disks, and 2 for double-density 3.5-inch disks.
repeat=count Repeats a command count times.

fdformat......Floppy Format

fdformat option device


The fdformat is used to format a floppy drive. This is formatted in the Linux format, not in the normal DOS format. Floppy device names are usually /dev/fd0 or /dev/fd1.


-n Skips formatting verification.

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