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host......Host Information

host option(s) hostname server


The host command prints information about a specified hostname or server using DNS. You can also specify IP addresses, which will then be converted to hostnames through DNS.


-a Looks for ANY type of resource record class.
-A Looks up the IP address for a hostname, then does a reverse lookup to see if they match. Also looks up the hostname of an address, then does a reverse lookup to see if they match. Also checks IP addresses for all hostnames in a given zone. Returns no information if everything matches.
-c class Looks for a specified resource record class (ANY, CH, CHAOS, CS, CSNET, HS, HESIOD, IN, INTERNET, or *). The default is IN.
-C Lists all machines in a zone, determining of the zone’s servers are authoritative.
-d Works in debugging mode.
-dd Works in debugging mode, but with more detail than -d.
-D Returns the number of unique hosts in a zone, as well as the names of hosts with more than one address per name.
-e Suppresses information about hosts outside of a specific zone.
-E Returns the number of unique hosts in a zone, as well as the names of extra-zone hosts.
-f file Sends output to file as well as standard output.
-F file Sends output to file, with extra resource data sent to standard output.
-G zone Returns the number of unique hosts in a zone and the names of gateway hosts.
-H zone Returns the number of unique hosts in a zone.
-i Returns information about an IP address: hostname and class (always PTR).
-I chars Ignores warnings about hostnames with illegal characters (specified by chars) in their names.
-l zone Returns information about all the hosts in zone.
-L level Specifies the level to search to when using the -l option.
-m Prints MB, MG, and MR records; expands MR and MG records to MB records.
-o Suppresses sending data to standard output.
-p server Returns information about a primary server in a specific zone. Designed for use with the -l option.
-P servers Returns information about preferred hosts; servers is a comma-delimited list. Used with the -l option.
-q Suppresses warnings in silent mode, but not error messages.
-r Requests cached information from server, not new queried information.
-R Searches components of the local command when non-fully-qualified names are found.
-S Returns all hosts, but not subzones, to standard output, including the host class and IP addresses. Used with the -l option.
-t type Requests information about type entries in the resource record; type is A, ANY, NS, PTR, or *.
-T Prints time-to-live information for cached data.
-u Uses TCP instead of UDP.
-v Works in verbose mode.
-vv Works in verbose mode, including the defaults on host.
-w Works persistently until host returns information.
-x Queries multiple hosts and zones; can also be used to query multiple servers with -X.
-X Queries multiple servers as well as multiple hosts and zones.
-Z Includes trailing dots in resource records, as well as time-to-live data and the class name.



hostname......Set Hostname

hostname option hostname


The hostname command returns information about the current hostname, while a privileged user can use the command to set a new hostname.


-d Prints Domain Name Server (DNS) domain name.
-f Prints the full domain name.
-s Prints the short domain name.
-F file Checks file for the hostname.

ping......Network Ping



The ping command send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts, to determine network performance.


-c count Stops after sending (and receiving) count ECHO_RESPONSE packets.
-d Sets the SO_DEBUG option on the socket being used.
-f Outputs packets as fast as they come back or one hundred times per second, whichever is more.
-i wait Waits wait seconds between sending packets.
-l preload Sends preload many packets as fast as possible before falling into its normal mode of behavior.
-n Works in numeric mode.
-p pattern Specifies “pad’” bytes to fill out the packet you send.
-q Works in quiet mode; nothing is displayed except the summary lines at startup time and when finished.
-r Bypasses the normal routing tables and send directly to a host on an attached network.
-R Includes the RECORD_ROUTE option in the ECHO_REQUEST packet and displays the route buffer on returned packets.
-s packetsize Specifies the number of data bytes to be sent. The default is 56.
-v Prints verbose output.

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