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dnsquery......Query DNS Server

dnsquery option(s)


The dnsquery command queries nameservers via BIND resolver library calls.


-n nameserver Specifies the nameserver, either by IP addresses or domain name.
-t type Sets the type of resource record of interest, one of the following:
A address
NS nameserver
CNAME canonical name
PTR domain-name pointer
SOA start of authority
WKS well-known service
HINFO host information
MINFO mailbox information
MX mail exchange
RP responsible person
MG mail group member
AFSDB DCE or AFS server
ANY wildcard
-c class Sets the class of resource records of interest, one of the following:
IN Internet
HS Hesiod
ANY wildcard
-p num Specifies the period to wait before timing out.
-r num Sets the number of times to retry if the nameserver doesn’t respond.
-s Uses a stream rather than a packet.

faucet......Network Pipe Repair

faucet option(s) port


The faucet command is a fixture for a BSD network pipe, providing the functionality of pipes over the network. It behaves as the server end of a server-client connection and works well with hose, especially when you don’t have easy access to the destination account (such as a root account where .rhosts are a bad idea). Basically, faucet creates a BSD socket, binds it to the port specified on the command line, and listens for connections. Every time faucet gets a connection, it runs command and its args.

WARNING:  The faucet command is not considered to be a very secure method of networking. Use with caution.


There are many more options with this command; these are the most frequently used. Check the online-manual page for a full listing.

-localhost Specifies that the listening socket should be bound to a specific Internet address on the local host.
-daemon Specifies that faucet should disassociate from the controlling terminal once it has started listening on the socket, using the setsid() system call.
-shutdown Turns the bidirectional socket into a unidirectional socket.
-serial Tells faucet to wait for one child to finish before accepting any more connections.
-pidfile filename Write its process ID into filename.

fuser......File Users

fuser option(s) filename(s)


The fuser filename lists the process IDs of those, using a particular file or filesystem. Information returned includes the following:

c Current directory
e Executable file
f Open file
m Mapped file or shared library
r Root directory


- Resets options to defaults.
-signal Sends a signal to a process. Use -l to see a list of the signal names.
-a Shows all files, not just the ones being accessed.
-k Kills all the processes accessing the file.
-l Returns a list of the signal names.
-m Returns information about a mounted filesystem.
-s Runs in silent mode.
-u Returns names of the users of the processes.
-v Works in verbose mode, returning process ID, username, command name, and access fields.

getpeername......Get Peername

getpeername option(s)


The getpeername returns information about a socket connection.


fd Specifies file descriptors.
-verbose Returns more detailed information.

hose......End of Network Pipe

hose option(s)


The hose command is a fixture for a BSD network pipe, providing the functionality of pipes over the network. It behaves as the client end of a server-client connection and works well with faucet, especially when you don’t have easy access to the destination account (such as a root account, where .rhosts are a bad idea). Basically, hose creates a BSD socket, binds it to the port specified on the command line, and listens for connections. Every time hose gets a connection, it runs command and its args.

WARNING:  The faucet command is not considered to be a very secure method of networking. Use with caution.


There are many more options with this command; these are the most frequently used. Check the online-manual page for a full listing.

-delay n Specifies how many n seconds to wait between tries.
-retry n Specifies that connections should be retried n times.
-shutdown r Makes it a read-only socket.
-shutdown w Makes it a write-only socket.
-unix Specifies that port is not an Internet port number or service name, but rather a filename for a UNIX domain socket.

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