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make......Make Program

make option(s) target


The make command manages a group of files that make up a program. When there are changes to a program, such as a change in the source code, the make command can create a new program, keeping existing portions of the program while incorporating the changes. The make command determines which pieces of a program need to be recompiled and issues the commands to recompile them.

The make command is used most often with the C programming language (as well as X Window System software), but it can be used with any programming language whose compiler is run with a shell command.

The make command uses a Makefile to determine what changes are necessary and issues the commands needed to update the files. Typically, the executable file is updated from object files, which are derived from source files.

You typically need only run make on a command line to perform all the recompilations automatically. A README file included with the distribution will typically provide more detailed instructions.


-b Ignored; included for compatibility with non-GNU versions of make.
-m Ignored; included for compatibility with non-GNU versions of make.
-C dir Changes to dir directory before doing anything.
-d Returns debugging information in addition to the normal information.
-e Uses environment variables over variables specified in makefiles.
-f file Uses file as a makefile.
-i Ignores errors arising from compilation problems.
-I dir Specifies dir as a location to search for included makefiles.
-j jobs Sets the number of jobs (commands) to run simultaneously.
-k Continues as much as possible after an error.
-l load Specifies that no new jobs (commands) should be started if there are other jobs running and the load average is at least load (a floating-point number).
-n Prints the commands as though they were executed, but does not execute them.
-o file Skips remaking file, even if the makefile indicates that it should be remade.
-p Prints the database generated from the makefile, then runs the command.
-q Works in question mode, returning an exit status that is zero if the specified targets are already up to date, nonzero otherwise.
-r Eliminates built-in implicit rules.
-s Doesn’t print the commands as they are executed.
-S Cancels the effect of the -k option; useful in a recursive make.
-t Touches files instead of running their commands.
-w Returns the working directory before and after other processing.
-W file Pretends that the target file has been modified. Use this with the -n option to see what would happen if you actually did modify the file.



makedepend......Make Dependencies

makedepend option(s) sourcefile(s)


The makedepend command reads a sourcefile and parses it like a C-preprocessor, processing all #include, #define, #undef, #ifdef, #ifndef, #endif, #if, and #else directives so that it can correctly tell which #include directives would be used in a compilation.

Every file that a sourcefile includes, directly or indirectly, is a dependency. These dependencies are then written to a makefile in such a way that make will know what to recompile when a dependency has changed.

By default, makedepend sends output to makefile (if it exists) or Makefile.


-a Appends dependencies to the end of the file instead of replacing them.
-Dname=def Defines name in the makedepend symbol table.
-fmakefile Defines an alternate filename for the makefile.
-Iincludedir Specifies an include directory by prepending includedir directories listed in an #include directive.
-m Issues a warning when a file is to be included more than once.
-oobjsuffix Specifies a suffix for an object file, instead of the default .o.
-pobjprefix Specifies a prefix for an object file (usually a new directory).
-sstring Sets a new starting string delimiter for the makefile.
-wwidth Sets the line width. The default is 78 characters.
-v Runs in verbose mode, where the names of files included is sent to the screen.
-Yincludedir Replaces the standard include directories with includedir.



makestrs......Make String Table

makestrs option(s)


The makestrs command makes string table C source files and header. The C source file is written to stdout.


-arrayperabi Generates a separate array for each string.
-defaultab Generates a normal string table even if makestrs was compiled with -DARRAYPERSTR.
-earlyR6abi Maintains binary compatibility between X11R6 public-patch 11 (and earlier) and X11R6 public-patch 12 (and later).
-functionabi Generates a functional abi to the string table.
-intelabi Works with Intel platforms conforming to the System V Application Binary Interface (SVR4).

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