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gprof......Display Profile Data

gprof option(s)


The gprof command produces an execution profile of C, Pascal, or Fortran77 programs. The effect of called routines is incorporated in the profile of each caller. The profile data is taken from the call graph profile file (gmon.out, by default), which is created by programs that are compiled with the -pg option of cc, pc, and f77. The -pg option also links in versions of the library routines that are compiled for profiling.

Gprof reads the given object file (the default is a.out) and establishes the relation between its symbol table and the call graph profile from gmon.out. If more than one profile file is specified, the gprof output shows the sum of the profile information in the given profile files.


-a Suppresses printing of statically declared functions.
-b Suppresses printing of descriptions of each field in the profile.
-c Determines the static call graph of the program with a heuristic that examines the text space of the object file.
-e name Suppresses the printing of the graph profile entry for routine name and all its descendants (unless they have other ancestors that aren’t suppressed).
-E name Suppresses the printing of the graph profile entry for routine name (and its descendants), like -e, and also excludes the time spent in name (and its descendants) from the total and percentage time computations.
-f name Prints the graph profile entry of only the specified routine name and its descendants.
-F name Prints the graph profile entry of only the routine name and its descendants, like -f, and also uses only the times of the printed routines in total time and percentage computations.
-k fromname toname Deletes arcs from routine fromname to routine toname.
-s Produced a profile file gmon.sum that represents the sum of the profile information in all the specified profile files.
-z Displays routines that have zero usage (as shown by call counts and accumulated time).



imake......Make Front End

imake option(s)


The imake command generates makefiles from a template, a set of cpp macro functions, and a per-directory input file called an Imakefile. This allows machine dependencies (such as compiler options, alternate command names, and special make rules) to be kept separate from the descriptions of the various items to be built.


-Ddefine Sets directory-specific variables; sent to cpp.
-Idirectory Sets the directory containing the imake template and configuration files.
-Ttemplate Specifies the master template file.
-f filename Sets name of the per-directory input file.
-C filename Specifies the name of the .c file being constructed in the current directory.
-s filename Specifies the name of the make description file to be generated, but does not invoke make.
-e Executes the final Makefile.
-v Prints the cpp command line used to generate the Makefile.



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