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frm......Lists Mail Fields

frm option(s) [folder | username]


The frm command list the From: and Subject: fields of selected messages in a mailbox or folder.


-n Uses the same numbering scheme as readmsg.
-q Works in quiet mode, producing only a one-line summary for each mailbox or folder specified.
-Q Works in very quiet mode, returning only error messages.
-s status Uses status to specify messages; status can be new, unread, old, or read.
-S Summarizes the number of messages.
-t Displays full From: field, even if it means displacing the Subject: field.
-v Prints a header before listing the contents.



ftp......File-Transfer Protocol

ftp option(s) hostname


The ftp command connects to a remote computer—either on your own network or on the wider Internet. After you’re connected to the remote computer, you can copy files back and forth, delete files, and view directory contents so long as you have the proper permissions on the remote computer to do so.

There are two different levels of FTP access usually found on the Internet. Anonymous FTP is one level. It occurs when certain portions of a computer are opened to the Internet at large, and anyone can download files from the FTP server. In these cases, you pass along a username of anonymous and a password of your electronic-mail address. The second level of access occurs when FTP servers are set up to allow access to specific people. In these cases, you’ll need an account on the FTP server, complete with username and password.

Using the FTP command is rather simple—you merely use it on a command line (with or without options; options are usually unnecessary) with or without a hostname. A new FTP prompt replaces the system prompt (as you will see later in the Examples), and from there you enter commands that are executed on the remote machine.

NOTE:  Most Linux distributions, including Slackware Linux, come with the WU-FTP FTP server. This subject is covered under the ftpd command.


-d Turns on debugging.
-g Turns off filename globbing.
-i Turns off interactive mode.
-n Turns off auto-login after connecting to remote site.
-v Turns on verbose mode, where all information from the remote server is displayed.
! command arg(s) Runs a shell on the local machine, along with optional argument(s).
$ macro arg(s) Runs a macro on the local machine.
? command Displays Help information for the specified FTP command.
account password Specifies a password that will be required after you login a remote system. This is used with FTP server that are not anonymous in nature.
append file1 file2 Appends the local file1 to the remote file2.
ascii Sets transfer mode to ASCII (text) format, which is the default. If you transfer binary files in ASCII format, you’ll find that the binary files have been reduced to rubbish.
bell Launches a system sound every time a file is transferred.
binary Sets transfer mode to binary (file) format. This can be used to transfer any file; it’s the opposite of the ascii setting.
bye Ends the remote FTP session and the local ftp program.
case Changes the case of all incoming files to lowercase.
cd directory Changes the current directory on the remote machine to directory. This only works if you have access to the cd command on the remote FTP server.
cdup Changes the current directory on the remote machine to one level up in the hierarchy.
chmod options file Changes the permissions on the specified file on the remote machine. If you don’t specify new permissions with options, the ftp command will prompt you for new permissions.
close Ends the remote FTP sessions, but leaves the ftp program running locally.
cr Changes carriage-return stripping to on.
delete filename Deletes filename from the remote FTP server.
debug Turns on debugging mode.
dir directory filename Returns the contents of the specified directory (or the current working directory if no directory is specified) on the remote machine, either to the screen or to a specified filename on the local machine.
disconnect Ends the remote FTP sessions, but leaves the ftp program running locally.
get file1 file2 Downloads file1 from the remote machine and stores it locally as file2. If file2 is not specified, the file will be stored locally as file1.
glob Turns on filename expansion for the mget, mdelete, and mput commands.
hash Returns hash marks (#) for each block transferred.
help command Returns help information for the specified command.
idle seconds Sets the idle setting on the remote machine in seconds.
image Sets transfer mode to binary (file) format. This can be used to transfer any file; it’s the opposite of the ascii setting.
lcd directory Changes the current local directory to directory. If a directory is not specified, the current local directory is changed to your home directory.
ls directory filename Lists the contents of directory (or the current working directory if no directory is specified) on the remote machine, either to the screen or to a specified filename on the local machine.
macdef macrofile Defines a macro, ending with a blank line; the result is stored in macrofile.
mdelete filename(s) Deletes file(s) on the remote machine.
mdir filename(s) Returns directory information for multiple, specified filename(s).
mget filename(s) Gets the specified filename(s) from the remote machine.
mkdir directory Creates a new directory on the remote machine.
mls directory localfile Lists the contents of the remote directory into localfile.
mode modename Changes the mode to the new modename. The default is streaming mode.
modtime filename Displays the last modification time of specified filename.
mput filename(s) Uploads specified filename(s) from local machine to FTP server.
newer remotefile Downloads remotefile if it is newer than the version on the local machine.
nlist directory localfile Lists the contents of the remote directory into localfile.
open host (port) Opens a connection to the specified host and optional port. If you don’t specify a host, the command will prompt you for one.
prompt Turns off (or on) interactive prompting.
proxy command Runs command on another connection.
put file1 file2 Copies local file file1 to the remote machine as file2. If file2 is not specified, then the name file1 will be used.
pwd Prints the current (working) directory on the remote machine.
quit Ends the remote FTP session and the local ftp program.
recv file1 file2 Downloads file1 from the remote machine and stores it locally as file2. If file2 is not specified, the file will be stored locally as file1.
reget file1 file2 Downloads file1 from the remote machine and stores it locally as file2. If there was an interruption in the transfer, the new transfer will start where the old one was interrupted.
remotehelp command Returns help information about command from the remote machine.
remotestatus file Returns the status of the remote machine or file on the remote machine.
rename file1 file2 Renames file1 on the remote system to file2.
reset Resets the transfer queue.
restart byte Restarts a transfer, beginning with a specific byte count.
rmdir directory Deletes directory on the remote machine.
runique Turns on unique local file naming; if you’re attempting to grab a file from a remote machine and one already exists with the same name locally, the remote filename will be grabbed and a number (.1, .2, etc.) added to the new file.
send file1 file2 Copies local file file1 to the remote machine as file2. If file2 is not specified, then the name file1 will be used.
site command Returns information about the remote site.
size file Returns the size of the remote file.
status Returns information about the current session.
struct name Changes the file-transfer structure to name. The default is streaming.
sunique Turns on unique remote file naming; if you’re attempting to upload a file to a remote machine and one already exists with the same name, the file will be uploaded and a number (.1, .2, etc.) added to the new file.
system Returns the name of the operating system running on the remote machine.
trace Turns on packet tracing.
type type Sets the file-transfer type to type; the default is ASCII. Without type specified, the current type is returned.
umask mask Sets the mode mask on the remote machine. Without mask specified, the current mask is returned.
user name password account Sends your name, password, and account number to the remote server. If you don’t specify password or account, the remote server will prompt you for the information.
verbose Turns on verbose mode.

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