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ftpcount......FTP Count



The ftpcount shows the current number of users for each class defined in the ftpaccess file.



getlist......Get Newsgroup List

getlist option list


The getlist gets a list from an NNTP server. The list can be one of active, active.times, distributions, or newsgroups. These values request the active, active.times, /usr/lib/news/distributions, or /usr/lib/news/newsgroups files, respectively.


-h hostname Connects to specified hostname.



lynx......Text WWW Browser

lynx option(s) URL


The lynx command launches a character-based World Wide Web browser. It doesn’t display images in a graphics-rich environment. As a result, it’s a fairly speedy Web browser because there is no wait for graphics.


-anonymous Specifies an the anonymous account.
-ascii Disables Kanji translation when Japanese mode is on.
-auth=ID passwd Sets the ID and password for sites that require such authentication.
-book Launches lynx with the bookmark pages as the initial document.
-cache=number Sets the number of cached documents; the default is 10.
-case Turns on case-sensitive string searching.
-cfg=filename Specifies a new configuration file.
-crawl Outputs each page to a file if used with -traversal; outputs each page to standard output if used with -dump.
-display=display Set the display variable for X rexeced programs.
-dump Sends the formatted output of the default document to standard output.
-editor=editor Launches edit mode with the specified editor.
-emacskeys Uses emacs-like key movement.
-force_html Interprets the first document as an HTML page, no matter what.
-ftp Disables FTP access.
-get_data Sends form data from standard input using GET method and dump results.
-head Sends a HEAD request for the mime headers.
-homepage=URL Sets a homepage separate from start page.
-image_links Toggles inclusion of links for all images.
-index=URL Set the default index file to the specified URL.
-localhost Disables URLs that point to remote hosts.
-locexec Enables local-program execution from local files only.
-mime_header Displays a MIME header of a fetched document along with its source.
-nobrowse Disables directory browsing.
-noexec Disables local program execution.
-nolist Disables the link-list feature in dumps.
-nolog Disables mailing of error messages to document owners.
-noprint Disables print functions.
-noredir Prevents automatic redirection and prints a message with a link to the new URL.
-nostatus Disable the retrieval status messages.
-number_links Starts numbering of links.
-post_data Sends form data from standard input using POST method and dump results.
-realm Restricts access to URLs in the starting realm.
-reload Flushes the cache on a proxy server (only the first document is affected).
-restrictions=option Disables services; option is one of the following:
all Restricts all options
bookmark Disallows changing the location of the bookmark file.
bookmark_exec Disallows execution links via the bookmark file.
change_exec_perms Disallows changing the execute permission on files (but still allows it for directories).
default Disables default services for anonymous users.
dired_support Disallows local file management.
disk_save Disallows saving binary files to disk.
download Disables downloads.
editor Disallows editing.
exec Disables execution scripts.
exec_frozen Disallow the changing of the local execution option.
file_url Disables the opening of files via URLs.
goto Disables the goto command.
inside_ftp Disallows FTP connections for people from inside your domain.
inside_news Disallows Usenet new posts from people from inside your domain.
inside_rlogin Disallows rlogins for people from inside your domain.
inside_telnet Disallows telnets for people from inside your domain.
jump Disables the jump command.
mail Disables outgoing mail.
news_post Disable news posting.
options_save Disallow saving options in .lynxrc.
outside_ftp Disallow FTPs for people coming from outside your domain.
outside_news Disallows news postings for people from outside your domain.
outside_rlogin Disallows rlogins for people from outside your domain.
outside_telnet Disallows telnets for people from outside your domain.
print Disallows most print options.
shell Disallows shell escapes,
suspend Disallows Linux Ctrl-Z suspends with escape to shell.
telnet_port Disallows specifying a port in telnet connections.
-rlogin Disable recognition of rlogin commands.
-selective Requires .www_browsable files to browse directories.
-show_cursor Positions the cursor at the start of the currently selected link, not hidden in the right-hand corner.
-source Sends the raw HTML code of the default document to standard output.
-telnet Disables recognition of telnet commands.
-term=TERM Sets terminal type.
-trace Turns on WWW trace mode.
-traversal Traverses all HTTP links derived from startfile.
-underscore Toggles use of underline format in dumps.
-validate Accepts only HTTP URLs for validation.
-vikeys Enable vi-like key movement.

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