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checknews......Checks Usenet News



The checknews command is usually used in a user profile (.profile) or a shell script (.login ) to call the readnews command in order to check for unread Usenet news messages when a user logs in. The readnews command is used with the -c option.



chfn......Change Finger Information

chfn option(s)


The chfn command changes the information stored in your finger profile. This information is returned over the network to anyone requesting information about you via the finger command. This information includes your name, your office number, your office phone, and your home phone. (By default, this information is not stored on a Linux system; you must enter it yourself.) The existing finger information is returned in brackets if you decide to enter the new finger information interactively (the process if you run chfn on a command line by itself).


-f name Enters your full name.
-h number Enters your home phone number.
-o office Enters your office number.
-p number Enters your office phone number.
-u Returns Help information.
-v Prints the version number.


$ chfn

Changing finger information for Kevin.

Name [Kevin]:

Office [101]:

Office Phone [555-1212]:

Home Phone [555-1213]:



elm......Electronic Mail

elm option(s)


The elm command is an interactive mail system, more advanced in its capabilities than the mail command. You can use elm to send a message from a command line (with text input from the command line), send a file to a user from a command line, or specify nothing and use the elm interface to read and send mail.


-a Uses an arrow cursor.
-c Expands an alias.
-d level Sets the debugging level.
-f folder Reads mail from folder rather than the inbox.
-i file Includes file in the outgoing mail message.
-m Turns the menu off and uses the space to display more message headers.
-s subj Specifies a subject.



fastmail......Fast Mail

fastmail option(s) filename address-list


The fastmail command sends batch mail to a large group of people in staggered fashion so that the mail system is not overwhelmed. Basically, it’s a simplified mail system for the general user.


-b bcc-list Sends blind carbon copies (BCC) to the e-mail addresses in bcc-list.
-c cc-list Sends carbon copies (CC) to the e-mail addresses in cc-list.
-C comments Adds comments as a Comments: line, added to the RFC822 header.
-d Lists errors in debugging mode.
-f from Sets from as the user name in the From: line.
-i msg-id Adds a message-ID to the mail message.
-r replyto Sets reply-to field.
-R references Sets descriptive/reference text for the message.
-s subject Sets the Subject: line of the message with subject.



finger......Finger Information

finger option(s) user


The finger command returns information about a user, stored in their .plan and .project files. (Most users don’t bother to set up these files, so don’t be surprised if no information is returned.) You can specify user as a login name (which must be exact) or as a first or last name (where all matches are returned; this can be a long list in a networked environment).


-l Displays information in the long format. In addition to the information provided in the -s option (login name, real name, terminal name, write status, idle time, office location, and office phone number), this option adds the home directory, home phone number, login shell, mail status, and the contents of the .plan, .project, and .forward files.
-m Overrides matching of first and last names.
-p Cancels delivery of .plan and .project files.
-s Displays information in the short format: login name, real name, terminal name, write status, idle time, office location, and office phone number.

formail......Format Mail

formail option(s)


The formail command formats standard input (usually a file, in this instance) into a mailbox format, which can then be manipulated by mail programs.


+num Skips the first num messages.
-num Splits only num number of messages.
-a headerfield Adds headerfield to messages lacking headers.
-b Ignores bogus From: fields.
-c Concatenates header fields that are more than one line long.
-d Allows loose formatting.
-e Places messages immediately after one another, instead of inserting blank lines between them.
-f Ignores nonmailbox-format lines.
-i headerfield Adds new headerfield even if one already exists; old headerfield is renamed Old-headerfield.

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