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sed......Stream Editor

sed option(s) filename(s)


The sed command reads files and modifies the input as specified by a list of commands. The input is then written to the standard output.


-a Files listed as parameters for the w’ functions are created (or truncated) before any processing begins.
-e command Appends the editing commands specified by command to the list of commands.
-f command_file Append the commands from command_file to the list of commands.
-n Suppresses echoing of each line of input.

selection......Select Text

selection option(s)


The selection command takes characters from the current Linux console and pastes them into another section of the current console. The command is typically launched at boot time from the /etc/rc.local file and run as a background process.


-aaccel Movements of more than delta pixels are multiplied by accel (the default is 2).
-bbaud-rate Sets the baud rate of the mouse. warning: This is an option to be avoided, as setting the incorrect baud rate can cause your mouse to freeze, and there are other mechanisms for setting the baud rate elsewhere in Linux and XFree86.
-cl|m|r Sets the copy button to left (l), middle(m), or right (r). (The default is left.)
-ddelta Movements of more than delta pixels are multiplied by accel (the default is 25).
-mmouse-device Sets the mouse (the default is /dev/mouse).
-pl|m|r Sets the paste button to left (l), middle(m), or right (r). (The default is right.)
-ssample-rate Sets the sample rate of the mouse (the default is 100).
-tmouse-type Sets the mouse type: Microsoft is ms, Mouse Systems is msc, MM Series is mm, Logitech is logi, Bus Mouse is bm, MSC 3-bytes is sun, and PS/2 mouse is ps2. The default is ms. warning: This is an option to be avoided, as setting the mouse type can cause your mouse to freeze, and there are other mechanisms for setting the mouse type elsewhere in Linux and XFree86.
-wslack Sets the amount of slack before the pointer reappears at the other side of the screen.

soelim......Groff Interpreter

soelim option filename(s)


The soelim command interprets .so requests in groff input. It reads a specified filename and replaces lines of the form:

    .so file

with the contents of filename.


-C Recognizes .so even when it is followed by a character other than space or newline.



sort......Sorts Files

sort option(s) filename(s)


The sort command sorts, merges, or compares the lines of text files. The results are written to the screen.


You can change the mode with the following options:

-c Checks whether files are sorted; if not, an error message is printed.
-m Merges files by sorting them as a group, but the files must already be sorted.


+POS1 [-POS2] Within each line, sets the field to use as the sorting key.
-b Ignores leading blanks in lines.
-d Sorts in phone directory order, ignoring all characters except letters, digits, and blanks when sorting.
-f Folds lowercase characters into the equivalent uppercase characters when sorting.
-i Ignores non-ASCII characters.
-k POS1[,POS2] Sets the field within each line to use as the sorting key.
-M Month abbreviations are changed to uppercase and sorted in order.
-n Compares in arithmetic value.
-o file Writes output to file.
-r Reverses the order.
-t separator Specifies separator as the field separator.
-u Displays only the first of a sequence of lines that compare equal when using the -m option, or checks that no pair of consecutive lines compares equal when using the -c option.

split......Splits Files

split option(s) infile outfile


The split command splits a file into two or more output files. The default is to split a file after each 1,000 lines, but that can be changed with a command-line option.


-lines Uses lines as the number of lines in file (the default is 1000).
-b bytes[bkm] Separates files by bytes number of bytes. You can add a character to specify different units:
b 512-byte blocks
k 1-kilobyte blocks
m 1-megabyte blocks
-C bytes[bkm] Separates files by bytes number of bytes, but makes sure that the file ends on a complete line. You can add a character to specify different units:
b 512-byte blocks
k 1-kilobyte blocks
m 1-megabyte blocks

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