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pr......Prints Files

pr file


The pr command prepares a file for printing. It doesn’t actually print the file—you need to send the file to the printer to do that—but the pr command creates a paginated, columned file suitable for printing.


+page Begins printing with page page.
-column Prints column number of columns.
-a Prints columns across, rather than down.
-b Evens columns on the last page.
-c Prints control characters using carets (^G); prints other unprintable characters in octal backslash notation.
-d Prints output doublespaced.
-e width Expands tabs to spaces on input; if width is specified, exchange tab for width.
-F Uses formfeeds instead of newlines between pages.
-h header Replaces the filename in the header with header.
-i[out-tab-char] [out-tab-width] Replaces spaces with tabs. You can specify an output tab character (out-tab-char) or the output tab character’s width (out-tab-width), which has a default of 8.
-l page-length Sets the page length to page-length lines; the default is 66.
-m Print all files in parallel, one in each column.
-n[number-separator[digits)]] Precedes each column with a line number; with parallel files, precedes each line with a line number. The optional argument number-separator is the character to print after each number. The optional digits is the number of digits per line number; the default is 5.
-o left-margin Offsets each line with a margin left-margin spaces wide.
-r Ignores warnings when an file cannot be opened.
-s[column-separator] Separates columns by the single character column- separator.
-t Suppresses printing the header and trailer on all pages.
-v Print unprintable characters in octal backslash notation.
-w page-width Sets the page width to page-width columns; the default is 72.

printf......Print and Format

printf argument


The printf command prints a string, using % directives and \ escapes in the same manner as the C-language printf command.

psbb......PostScript Boxes

psbb file


The psbb returns the dimensions of a bounding box from a PostScript document. If it finds one, it prints a line:

    llx lly urx ury

and exits. If it does not find one, it prints a message saying so and exits.

refer......References for Groff

refer option(s) filename


The refer preprocesses bibliographic references for the groff command. It copies the contents of filename to standard output, except that lines between .[ and .] are interpreted as citations, and lines between .R1 and .R2 are interpreted as commands about how citations are to be processed. A longer description of citations and their significance, as well as references to obscure options, can be found in the manual pages.

rev......Reverse Lines

rev filename


The rev command reverses the lines of a file. It copies the file to standard output, reversing the order of characters in every line.

sdiff......Compare Files

sdiff option(s) file1 file2


The sdiff command merges two files and prints the results to a third file.


-a Treats all files as text and compares them line-by-line, even if they do not appear to be text.
-b Ignores changes in amount of white space.
-B Ignores changes that only insert or delete blank lines.
-d Changes the algorithm to find a smaller set of changes.
-H Uses heuristics to speed handling of large files that have numerous scattered small changes.
--expand-tabs Expands tabs to spaces in the final file.
-i Ignores changes in case.
-I regexp Ignores changes that only insert or delete lines that match regexp.
--ignore-all-space Ignores white space when comparing lines.
--ignore-blank-lines Ignores changes that only insert or delete blank lines.
--ignore-case Ignores case.
--ignore-matching-lines=regexp Ignores changes that inserts or deletes lines that match regexp.
--ignore-space-change Ignores changes in the amount of white space.
-l Prints only the left column of two common lines.
--minimal Changes the algorithm to seek a smaller set of changes.
-o file Saves the merged output to file.
-s Doesn’t print common lines.
--speed-large-files Uses heuristics to speed handling of large files with numerous scattered small changes.
-t Expands tabs to spaces.
--text Treats all files as text.
-w columns Sets an output width of columns.
-W Ignores horizontal white space when comparing lines.



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