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-all Performs operations on the RESOURCE_MANAGER as well as SCREEN_RESOURCES on every screen of the display.
-backup string Appends string to backup files.
-cpp filename Specifies the pathname of the C pre-processor program to be used.
-edit filename Places the contents of the specified properties into filename.
-global Performs operations only on the RESOURCE_MANAGER property.
-load Loads input as the new value of the specified properties, replacing the old contents.
-merge Merges input with the current contents of the specified properties, instead of replacing them.
-n Changes to the specified properties (when used with -load, -override, and -merge) or to the resource file (when used with -edit) should be shown on the standard output, but should not be performed.
-nocpp Does not run the input file through a preprocessor before loading it into properties.
-override Adds input to, instead of replacing, the current contents of the specified properties, as new entries override previous entries.
-query Prints the current contents of the specified properties to standard output.
-quiet Suppresses information about duplicate entries.
-remove Removes specified properties from the server.
-retain Does not reset the server if xrdb is the first client. The usefulness of this option is highly debatable, as there’s very little chance that xrdb will ever be the first client of any X server.
-screen Performs operations only on the SCREEN_RESOURCES property of the default screen of the display.
-screens Performs operations only on the SCREEN_RESOURCES property of the default screen of the display. For -load, -override, and -merge, the input file is processed for each screen.
-symbols Symbols defined for the preprocessor are printed to standard output.
-Dname[=value] Defines symbols to use with the following conditions:
-Idirectory Specifies a directory to look to for include files.
-Uname Removes any definitions of this symbol.

xrefresh......Refresh Screen

xrefresh option(s)


The xrefresh command repaints all or part of your screen. It maps a window on top of the desired area of the screen and then immediately unmaps it, causing refresh events to be sent to all applications.


-black Shuts down the monitor for a second before repainting the screen.
-none Repaints all windows without any gimmicks. This is the default, as well it should be.
-root Uses the root window background.
-solid color Uses a solid background of the specified color.
-white Uses a white background, which causes the screen to appear to flash brightly before repainting.

xset......Set Options

xset option(s)


The xset command is used to set various aspects of X Window System. These settings will be reset to default values when you log out.

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