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xon......Remote Program

xon option(s) command


The xon command runs an X program on a remote machine. The default is xterm -ls.


-access Runs xhost locally to add the remote host to the host access list in the X server. Xhost needs permission to modify the access list if this is to work.
-debug Works in debugging mode, leaving stdin, stdout, and stderr intact.
-name window-name Specifies an application name and window title for the default xterm command.
-nols Doesn’t pass along the -ls option to xterm.
-screen screen-no Sets the screen number of the DISPLAY variable passed to the remote command.
-user user-name Passes along a username other than your own to the remote machine.

xpaint......X Paint Program

xpaint option(s) filename


The xpaint command launches a paint program. It allows for the editing of multiple images simultaneously and supports various formats, including PPM, XBM, TIFF, and more.


-size Sets the default width and height for new images.
-12 Uses a 12-bit PseudoColor visual.
-24 Uses a 24-bit TrueColor visual.

xpmroot......Set Root Image

xpmroot filename


The xpmroot sets the root window of the current X display to an XPM pixmap, as specified by filename on the command line.

xprop......Displays X Properties

xprop option(s)


The xprop command displays window and font properties in an X server. You can choose a window or a font on the command line, or you can click on a window to display its properties.


-f name format [dformat] Specifies the format and dformat for name.
-font font Returns the properties of font font.
-frame Returns information about the window-manager frame instead.
-fs file Uses file as the source of more formats for properties.
-grammar Prints out a detailed grammar for all command-line options.
-id id Selects window id on the command line as the window to be examined.
-name name Specifies that a window named window is the window to be examined.
-len n Returns n bytes of any property (or less).
-notype Ignores the type of each property.
-remove property-name Removes the name of a property from a window.
-root Uses the root window as the window of the client to be examined.
-spy Examines window properties indefinitely, looking for property change events.



xrdb......X Resource Database

xrdb option(s) filename


The xrdb command returns or sets the RESOURCE_MANAGER property on the root window of screen 0, or the SCREEN_RESOURCES property on the root window of any or all screens, or everything combined. You normally run this program from your X startup file.

The sort of information covered here includes color settings, font management, and more. The RESOURCE_MANAGER property is used for resources that apply to all screens of the display. The SCREEN_RESOURCES property on each screen specifies additional (or overriding) resources to be used for that screen.

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