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xload......Display System Load

xload option(s)


The xload command periodically polls for the system-load average and relays the information in a histogram.


-hl color Sets the color of the scale lines in the histogram.
-jumpscroll pixels Sets the number of pixels to offset when the graph reaches the right edge of the window. The default is half the width of the current window.
-label string Specifies the string to put as the label above the load average.
-lights n Displays the load average with keyboard LEDs. When the load level reaches n, xload lights the first n keyboard LEDs, but displays nothing on the screen.
-nolabel Displays no label above the load graph.
-scale integer Sets the minimum number of tick marks in the display histogram.
-update seconds Returns new information every seconds. The default is 10, and the minimum is 1.

xlock......Lock Display

xlock option(s)


The xlock command locks an X display until a password is entered. When this happens, all new server connections are refused, the screen saver is disabled, the mouse cursor is turned off, and the screen is blanked.


-cycles num Sets the number of cycles until a pattern times out.
-display dsp Sets the display to lock.
-font fontname Sets the fontname to be used on the login prompt screen.
-forceLogout minutes Sets minutes before auto-logout.
-info textstring Displays informational text on the login screen; the default is Enter password to unlock; select icon to lock.
-invalid textstring Sets textstring to display when a password is deemed invalid; the default is Invalid login.
-lockdelay seconds Sets the number of seconds before a screen needs a password to be unlocked.
-logoutButtonHelp textstring Sets textstring as the message shown outside the logout button it is displayed.
-logoutButtonLabel textstring Sets textstring as a messages shown inside the logout button when the logout button is displayed; the default is Logout.
-logoutFailedString textstring Sets the textstring to be displayed when a logout fails. The default is Logout attempt FAILED.\n Current user could not be automatically logged out.
-message textstring Specifies a message, not a fortune.
-messagefile filename Specifies a file where the contents are the message.
-messagesfile formatted-filename Specifies a file containing a fortune message. The first entry is the number of fortunes, the next line contains the first fortune.
-mfont mode-fontname Specifies the font to be used with the marquee and nose modes.
-mode modename Sets a display mode.
-mono Displays in monochrome.
-name resource Uses resource instead of the Xlock resource when configuring xlock. There are 45 of them; check out the online manual pages for a complete list. (Hint: we like the nose mode.)
-nice nicelevel Sets the nice level.
-password textstring Shows textstring in front of the password prompt; the default is Password:.
-program programname Specifies a program to be used to generate a fortune message.
-resources Displays the default resource file.
-saturation value Sets the saturation of the color ramp.
-timeout seconds Sets the number of seconds before the password screen times out.
-username textstring Shows textstring in front of the username prompt; the default is Name:.
-validate textstring Sets textstring to display when validating a password; the default is Validating login.
-/+allowroot Allows the root user to login the system.
-/+echokeys Displays ? for each key entered. The default is to display nothing.
-/+enablesaver Keeps the screen saver running.
-/+grabmouse Grabs the mouse and keyboard (the default).
-/+inroot Runs xlock in a root window. This doesn’t actually lock the system.
-/+install Allows xlock to use it own colormap. This will not work with the fvwm window manager.
-/+inwindow Runs xlock in a window.
+/-nolock Works as a screen saver.
-/+remote Allows you to lock remote X terminals. You should not be locking someone else’s X terminal.
-/+timeelapsed Tells you how long a machine has been locked.
-/+usefirst Uses the first key pressed as the first key of the password. The default is to ignore the first key, since it’s used to get the attention of the system.

xlogo......Display X Logo

xlogo option


The xlogo command displays the X logo. This is useful at trade shows, when gawkers want to know what operating system is running.


-shape Displays the logo window as a shape instead of a rectangle.

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