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xieperf......X Performance

xieperf options


The xieperf command evaluates the XIE server extension. A complete set of the tests can be found in the online manual pages.


-all Runs all tests. This may take a while.
-cache n Sets a photomap cache of n entries.
-depth depth Specifies depth planes per pixel.
-DirectColor Uses a DirectColor visual.
-DIS Runs tests covering only the protocol requests found in the DIS subset of XIE.
-display host:dpy Sets the display.
-errors Tests error-event generation.
-events Tests event generation.
-GrayScale Uses a GrayScale visual for testing.
-images path Sets the path for loading images.
-labels Generates the labels for all the scripts, but does not run the tests.
-loCal Skips test calibration.
-mkscript Generates a script file suitable for use with the script option.
-PseudoColor Uses a PseudoColor visual for testing.
-range test1 test2 Runs tests beginning with test1 and ending with test2, including the two specified tests.
-repeat n Repeats each test n times (the default is two times).
-reps n Sets the inner-loop repetitions to n.
-sync Runs the tests in synchronous mode.
-script file Runs the tests specified in a script file named file.
-showlabels Prints a test label on the screen, indicating the test to be run. This is useful to figure out if any tests are crashing the system.
-showevents Prints information about event and error tests,
-showtechs Provides a long lists of techniques used by the XIE server.
-StaticColor Uses a StaticColor visual.
-StaticGray Uses a StaticGray visual.
-tests Shows available tests.
-time s Sets the time each test should run, in s seconds (the default is five seconds).
-timeout s Sets the time that the test will wait for an event that may never arrive.
-TrueColor Uses a TrueColor visual.
-WMSafe Provides more accurate results by informing xieperf that it is running in a window-manager environment.



xinit......X Initializer

xinit client option(s)


The xinit command launches the X Window System (as called from startx) and can also launch a first client in situations where a system cannot start X directly from /etc/init.

In most situations, however, you won’t be launching an application from the command line. In these situations, there’s a sequence of steps that xinit uses when starting X:

  It first looks for a file called .xinitrc, which runs as a shell script to start client programs.
  If this file does not exist, xinit uses xterm -geometry +1+1 -n login -display :0 as a command line.
  If no server program exists on the command line, xinit looks for .xserverrc in the user’s home directory.
  If this file does not exist, xinit uses X :0 as a default server.

When you set up an .xserverrc script, you must be sure to launch the read X server.

There’s a science to writing an .xinitrc if you choose not to use the mechanized tools for configuring X Window System. You must be sure that the applications launched in this file are run in the background, except for the last program (usually a window manager), which should run in the foreground in order to ensure that the script doesn’t fail.

xkill......Kill Client

xkill option(s)


The xkill command forces an X server to sever connections to clients. You can specify a program by a resource identifier. If you do not do this, xkill will display a little skull-and-crossbones cursor, and the window underneath this cursor of death will be killed when you click on it.

NOTE:  This is not the best way to go about closing programs, so use this command with caution.


-all Kills all clients with top-level windows on the screen. Use this only as a last resource.
-button number Specifies the mouse button to use with the cursor of death. The default is the left mouse button. You can use all instead of a number to specify that any button be used with the cursor of death.
-display displayname Specifies the server to contact.
-id resource Specifies the client to be killed.
-frame Tells xkill that you want to kill direct children of the root.



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