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xev......X Event Display

xev option(s)


The xev command opens a window and then prints the event information about anything performed on or above the window (mouse movements, window resizings and movings, keyboard input, etc.).


-id windowid Monitors existing windowid, not a new window.
-name string Specifies that string be assigned to the new window.
-rv Displays the window in reverse video.
-s Enables save-unders on the new window.



xeyes......X Eyes

xeyes option(s)


The xeyes command creates a window with a set of eyes, which follows the movement of the cursor. An excellent way to waste X resources.


-fg foregroundcolor Sets the color for the pupils of the eyes.
-bg backgroundcolor Sets the background color.
-outline outlinecolor Sets the color for the eye outlines.
-center centercolor Sets the color for the center of the eyes.

xf86config......Generate XF86config File



The xf86config command generates an XF86Config file, needed before the X Window System can be run.

xfd......Display Font Information

xfd option(s)


The xfd command displays all the characters in an X font in a window containing the name of the font being displayed, a row of command buttons, several lines of text for displaying character metrics, and a grid containing one glyph per cell.


-fn font Specifies the font to be displayed.
-center Centers each glyph in its grid.

xfontsel......X Font Selector

xfontsel option(s)


The xfontsel provides a point-and-click interface for displaying X Window System font names as well as samples of the fonts, and retrieving the full X Logical Font Description (XLFD) name for a font. You can choose to see all the fonts–which results in a voluminous output–or you can whittle down the list of files by combining a wildcard with the -pattern option.



xfractint......X Fractal Generator

xfractint option(s)


The xfractint command is a fractal generator and a port of the MS-DOS fractint program.


-disk Saves images to file instead of to the screen.
-fast Updates images frequently (every five seconds), if you’re using a fast display.
-fixcolors num Sets the number of colors, as a power of two.
-onroot Displays images on the root window. You probably won’t want to do this, as rubberband zoom boxes don’t work on the root window.
-private Grabs as many color as possible in a private colormap.
-share Shares the current colormap.
-simple Specifies simpler keyboard handling.
-slowdisplay Updates images infrequently, if you’re using a slow display.
@filename Loads parameters from filename.

xfs......X Font Server

xfs option(s)


The xfs command launches the X Window System font server. It works exactly as the name implies: It serves rendered fonts to requesting applications. This command is configured by a system administrator, who sets it up to launch every time X is launched.


-config configuration_file Sets the font-server configuration file.
-port tcp_port Specifies the TCP port number.

xgc......X Graphics Demo

xgc option(s)


The xgc command launches a demo of X graphics capabilities. See the online-manual pages for a list of the options.

xhost......X Server Access

xhost +/- hostname


The xhost programs sets the names of hosts or users authorized to make connections to the X server. This isn’t a particularly sophisticated method of access control. A hostname preceded by a plus sign (+) is added to the access list, while a hostname preceded by a minus sign (-) is deleted from the access list. Two plus signs (++) allows everyone access, while two minus signs (—) restricts access to those on the access list. With no options, xhost will return the current status.



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