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xargs......Build Command Lines

xargs option(s) command


The xargs command reads arguments from standard input, delimited by blanks (protected with double or single quotes or a backslash) or newlines, and executes the command (if none is specified, /bin/echo will be run) one or more times with any initial-arguments followed by arguments read from standard input. Blank lines on the standard input are ignored. It exists with the following status:

0 successful
123 the command exits with status 1–125
124 the command exits with status 255
125 the command is killed by a signal
126 the command cannot be run
127 the command is not found
1 another error occurred


-0, --null Filenames are terminated by null characters instead of whitespace, and the quotes and backslash characters are not special characters.
-e[eof-str], --eof[=eof-str] Sets the end-of-file string to eof-str.
-i[replace-str], --replace [=replace-str] Replaces occurrences of replace-str in the initial arguments with names read from standard input.
-l[max-lines], --max-lines[=max-lines] Uses max-lines nonblank input lines per command line; the default is one.
-n max-args, -- Use max-args arguments per command line. max-args=max-args
-p, --interactive Prompts the user before each command is run.
-P max-procs, --max-procs=max-procs Runs up to max-procs processes at a time; the default is one.
-r, --no-run-if-empty Commands without nonblanks are not run.
-s max-chars, --max-chars=max-chars Uses max-chars characters per command line, including the command and initial arguments and the terminating nulls at the ends of the argument strings.
-x, —exit Exits if the size (as set by -s) is exceeded.

xauth......X Authority Info

xauth option(s) command arg...


The xauth command displays and edits the authorization information used in connecting to the X server. This program doesn’t actually contact the X server or create the authority information itself.


-b Breaks authority file locks before proceeding. This option is used to clean up stale locks.
-f authfile Sets the authority file to use. The default is the file listed with the XAUTHORITY environment variable or the .Xauthority file in the user’s home directory.
-i Overrides authority file locks.
-q Works in quiet mode and doesn’t print unsolicited status messages.
-v Works in verbose mode, printing status messages indicating the results of various operations.

There is a long list of commands for manipulating authority files; see the online-manual pages for details.

xcalc......X Calculator

xcalc option(s)


The xcalc command launches a scientific calculator. It emulates a TI-30 or an HP-10C.

There are a number of user commands available after this program is launched; see the online-manual pages for details.


-rpn Uses Reverse Polish Notation, which emulates an HP-10C; if this is not set, the emulation is TI-30.
-stipple Uses a stipple of the foreground and background colors for the background of the calculator; useful for monochrome displays.

xclipboard......Display X Clipboard

xclipboard option(s)


The xclipboard command displays the contents of the clipboard, which contains text selections typically copied there by other applications. A clipboard is how applications can cut and paste within the application and with other applications; text is copied first to the clipboard and then copied from there.


-w Wraps lines that are too long to be displayed in one line in the clipboard.
-nw Does not wrap lines that are too long to be displayed in one line in the clipboard.



xclock......X Clock

xclock option(s)


The xclock command launches an analog or digital clock.


-analog Displays the time with a standard 12-hour analog clock face, with tick marks and hands.
-d, -digital Displays the time with 24-hour digits.
-chime Sets a chime for once on the half hour and twice on the hour.
-hd color Sets the color of the hands on an analog clock.
-hl color Sets the color of the edges of the hands on an analog clock.
-update seconds Sets how often the clock should be updated, in seconds. When a clock is obscured by another window, it is not updated. If seconds is 30 or less, a seconds hand will be displayed on an analog clock. The default is 60 seconds.
-padding number Sets the width (in pixels) of the padding between the window border and the clock text or picture. The default is 10 on a digital clock and 8 on an analog clock.



xcmap......Display Colormap

xcmap option(s)


The xcmap command displays the contents of the X color in a grid of squares corresponding to entries in the colormap.

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