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startx......Starts X Session



The startx command launches an X Window System session from a Linux command line. It’s really a front end to the xinit command.

When you launch startx, it looks for a file called xinitrc in your home directory. This file contains information about your X Window setup, as well as what clients you want to run in conjunction with your X environment. Most of these clients should run in the background, except for the last client in the list, which should run in the foreground (this is usually a window manager).

Not many settings are associated with this command; you’ll want to check xinit for more information.



strace......Trace System Call

strace option(s) command


The strace command is used to trace system calls and signals. You use it to run a specified command; strace then tracks what system calls and signals are used by a process. The resulting information is printed to the screen or to a file (with the -o option). It’s a useful command because you don’t need the source code to see where a command is having problems.


-acolumn Aligns in a specific number of columns.
-c Counts time, calls, and errors for each system call and reports a summary.
-d Shows some debugging output of strace itself.
-eabbrev=set Abbreviates the output from large structures.
-eraw=set Prints undecoded (hexadecimal) arguments for the specifed set of system calls.
-eread=set Prints all hexadecimal and ASCII information of the specified set.
-esignal=set Traces only the specified subset of signals.
-etrace=set Traces only set of system calls.
-everbose=set Dereferences structures for the specified set of system calls.
-f Traces child processes.
-i Prints the instruction pointer at the time of the system call.
-ofilename Writes the output to filename.
-O overhead Set the overhead for tracing system calls to overhead microseconds.
-ppid Attaches to the process pid and begin tracing.
-q Suppresses messages.
-r Prints a relative timestamp upon entry to each system call.
-s strsize Sets the maximum string size to print (the default is 32).
-Ssortby Sort the output of the output from the -c option by sortby.
-t Begins each line of the trace with the time of day.
-tt Begins each line of the trace with the time of day, including microseconds.
-T Returns the time spent in system calls.
-v Provides verbose output.
-x Prints non-ASCII strings in hexadecimal string format.
-xx Print all strings in hexadecimal string format.



strings......Find Strings

strings option(s) filename(s)


The strings command searches for printable strings in a file. By default, a string must be at least four characters in length before being displayed. This command is usually used to search for printable text in binary files.

NOTE:  Most Linux implementations contain two versions of strings: the original UNIX version (strings) and the GNU version (strings-gnu), which is a more advanced version.


-a Searches through an entire object file for strings. The default is to search only the text and data segments of an object file.
-f Prints the name of the file containing the string, as well as the string itself.
-n num Sets the minimum number of characters in a string to num, instead of the default four.
-o Prints the decimal offset of the string within the file, as well as the string itself.



strings-gnu......Find Strings

strings option(s) filename(s)


The strings command searches for printable strings in a file. By default, a string must be at least four characters in length before being displayed. This command is usually used to search for printable text in binary files.

NOTE:  Most Linux implementations contain two versions of strings: the original UNIX version (strings) and the GNU version (strings-gnu), which is a more advanced version.


-a Searches through an entire object file for strings. The default is to search only the text and data segments of an object file.
-f Prints the name of the file containing the string, as well as the string itself.
-n num Sets the minimum number of characters in a string to num, instead of the default four.
-o Prints the decimal offset of the string within the file, as well as the string itself.
-t {o,x,d} Prints the decimal offset of the string within the file, as well as the string itself. The single character argument specifies the radix of the offset–octal, hexadecimal, or decimal.
—target=bfdname Specifies an object code format other than your system’s default format.

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