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rxvt......Terminal Emulator

rxvt option(s)


The rxvt command is a VT100 terminal emulator for the X Window System. It’s actually a scaled-down version of the popular xterm terminal emulator, lacking some xterm features (Tektronix 4014 emulation, session logging, and toolkit-style configurability) that you might not miss. The advantage is that rxvt uses much less swap space than xterm. If you’re operating in a tight-memory environment, you might want to consider switching from xterm to rxvt.

See the xterm command for more on resources, since rxvt accepts most of the same resources as xterm.


-7 Runs in 7-bit mode, stripping the 8th bit from all characters typed on the keyboard.
-8 Runs in 8-bit clean mode, allowing the 8th bit of characters typed at the keyboard to be passed to the application.
-bg color Sets the background color to color.
-bigfont keysym Sets Alt-keysym as the toggle for increasing the font size, instead of the default Alt->.
-C Captures system console messages.
-display display-name Opens rxvt on the specified display-name.
-e command [options] Runs a command and its command-line options immediately after launching rxvt. If this option is used, it must be the last on the command line.
-fat Uses a fat scrollbar instead of the default thin scrollbar.
-fg color Sets the foreground color to color.
-font fontname Sets the text font to fontname.
-geometry geometry Opens the window with the specified X geometry.
-ic Starts iconified.
-ls Adds - to argv[0] of the window’s shell, causing it to be a login shell.
-ls- Takes away - to argv[0] of the window’s shell, causing it to be a login shell. It also tells rxvt to stay iconified if it received a bell character.
-ma Opens rxvt from an icon if it receives a bell character.
-meta string Alters alt+key setting. By default, rxvt sends an escape prefix when it receives an alt keypress. You can specify escape, 8thbit, or ignore for string.
-n text Sets the name in the window icon or the icon manager to text. It also sets the window’s title in the titlebar to text unless the -T option is also set.
-pagedown keysym Sets Alt-keysym as the toggle for scrolling down a page, instead of the default Alt-Next_Page.
-pageup keysym Sets Alt-keysym as the toggle for scrolling up a page, instead of the default Alt-Prev_Page.
-secure keysym Sets Alt-keysym as the toggle for increasing the font size, instead of the default Alt-s.
-sl number Saves number of lines of scrolled text, instead of the default 64.
-smallfont keysym Sets Alt-keysym as the toggle for decreasing the font size, instead of the default Alt-<.
-T text Sets the string in the titlebar to text.
-thin Uses a thin scrollbar no matter what.

rz......Receive Zmodem

rs option(s)


The rz command is used to receive batch files using the Zmodem protocol. Pathnames are supplied by the sending program, and directories are made if necessary (and possible). Normally, the rz command is automatically issued by the calling Zmodem program, but some defective Zmodem implementations may require starting rz the old-fashioned way.


a Strips carriage returns and all characters beginning with the first Ctrl-Z.
b Binary file-transfer override.
D Output file data to /dev/null; for testing.
e Forces sender to escape all control characters; normally, XON, XOFF, DLE, CR-@-CR, and Ctrl-X are escaped.
p Skip file if destination file exists.
q Works in quiet mode.
t time Changes timeout to time tenths of seconds.
v Works in verbose mode, causing a list of filenames to be appended to /tmp/rzlog.
y Clobbers any existing files with the same name.

sb......Send Ymodem

sb option(s) filename


The sb command sends a file to another system using the Ymodem protocol. There’s a long list of options to this command; see the online-manual page for more information.

script......Scripts Session

script option filename


The script command saves every character from a terminal session to a specified text filename. If no filename is specified, the characters are saved to typescript.


-a filename Appends keystrokes to existing filename.

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