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GNU Smalltalk is an interpreted object-oriented programming language system written in C. Smalltalk itself has become extremely popular among programmers recently and tends to be regarded as a “pure” object-oriented implementation language.

The features of GNU Smalltalk include a binary image save capability, the ability to invoke user-written C code and pass parameters to it, a GNU Emacs editing mode, a version of the X protocol that can be called from within Smalltalk, and automatically loaded per-user initialization files. It implements all of the classes and protocol in Smalltalk-80, except for the graphic user interface (GUI) related classes.


Superopt is a function sequence generator that uses a repetitive generate-and-test approach to find the shortest instruction sequence for a given function. The interface is simple: You provide the GNU superoptimizer, gso, a function, a CPU to generate code for, and how many instructions you can accept.


GNU tar is a file-archiving program that includes multivolume support, automatic archive compression/decompression, remote archives, and special features that allow tar to be used for incremental and full backups.

Termcap Library

The GNU Termcap library is a replacement for the libtermcap.a library. It does not place an arbitrary limit on the size of Termcap entries, unlike most other Termcap libraries.


TeX is a document-formatting system that handles complicated typesetting, including mathematics. It is GNU’s standard text formatter. For more information on TeX, please refer to Chapter 19, “TeX and LaTeX.”


Texinfo is a set of utilities that generate both printed manuals and online hypertext-style documentation (called “Info”). Programs also exist for reading online Info documents. Version 3 has both GNU Emacs Lisp and standalone programs written in C or shell script. The texinfo mode for GNU Emacs enables easy editing and updating of Texinfo files. Programs provided include makeinfo, info, texi2dvi, texindex, tex2patch, and fixfonts.


The Textutils programs manipulate textual data and include the following traditional programs: cat, cksum, comm, csplit, cut, expand, fold, head, join, nl, od, paste, pr, sort, split, sum, tac, tail, tr, unexpand, uniq, and wc.

Tile Forth

Tile Forth is a 32-bit implementation of the Forth-83 standard written in C. Traditionally, Forth implementations are written in assembler to use the underlying hardware as optimally as possible, but this also makes them less portable.


time is used to report statistics (usually from a shell) about the amount of user, system, and real time used by a process.


tput is a portable way for shell scripts to use special terminal capabilities. GNU tput uses the Termcap database, instead of Terminfo as many others do.


This version of UUCP (UNIX-to-UNIX copy) supports the f, g, v (in all window and packet sizes), G, t, e, Zmodem, and two new bi-directional (i and j) protocols. If you have a Berkeley sockets library, it can make TCP connections. If you have TLI libraries, it can make TLI connections.


uuencode and uudecode are used to transmit binary files over transmission media that support only simple ASCII data. The most common use for these two utilities is on Usenet newsgroups.


wdiff is another interface to the GNU diff program. It compares two files, finding which words have been deleted or added to the first in order to create the second. It has many output formats and interacts well with terminals and programs such as more. wdiff is especially useful when two texts differ only by a few words and paragraphs have been refilled.


The GNU project provides UNIX-like software freely to everyone, with the provision that it remain free if distributed to others. GNU software can be compiled for many different types of systems, including Linux. Many GNU utilities are improvements of existing Linux counterparts and include new implementations of shells, the C compiler, and a code debugger. Other types of GNU software include games, text editors, calculators, and communication utilities. Each utility can be separately uncompressed, untarred, and compiled itself.

From here, you can read about related subjects:

Using text editors such as vi and Emacs to write your own documents is covered in Chapter 16, “Text Editors: vi and emacs.”
Printing your documents out on an attached printer is covered in Chapter 20, “Printing.”
Programming with the awk language, useful for managing files and matching patterns is covered in Chapter 25, “gawk.”

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