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Linux Configuration and Installation new buy it
(Imprint: M & T Books)
(Publisher: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.)
Authors: Patrick Volkerding, Kevin Reichard, Eric Foster
ISBN: 1558285660

Introduction: Welcome to Linux
About the CD-ROMs

Section I—Linux Installation and Configuration
Chapter 1—Linux and PC Hardware
Preparing for Linux
Preparing Your PC for Linux
The Core Components
Graphics Card
Hard-Drive Controllers
SCSI Controllers
Floppy Drive
Tape Drives
Removable Drives
I/O Controllers
Outward Connectivity
Network Cards
Multiport Controllers
ISDN Cards
ATM Network Adapters
Frame Relay Cards
Other Devices
Sound Boards
Mouse and Joystick
Video-Capture Boards
Uninterruptible Power Systems
Data-Acquisition Equipment
Dealing with Some Specific Systems
Compaq Deskpro XL
Linux on Laptops
Other Specific Models
PCMCIA and Laptops
Learning About PC Hardware
Chapter 2—Installing Linux
Before You Install Linux
Creating Boot and Root Floppies
Choosing Bootdisk and Rootdisk Images
Preparing Your Hard Drive for Linux
Using FIPS to Divide Your Hard Drive
Using DOS Utilities to Divide Your Hard Drive
Using the DOS FDISK Utility
FDISK and OS/2
Booting Linux with the Bootdisk
Creating the Main Linux Partition
Installing Linux from the Setup Program
Setting up the Swap Space
Selecting the Target for Linux
Selecting the Source for Linux
Choosing the Disk Sets to Install
Configuring the Installed Software
Other Installation Methods
Installing from Hard Drive
Installing from 3.25-Inch Floppy Disks
Installing from 5.25-Inch Floppy Disks
Installing from Tape
Recompiling a Kernel
Upgrading from a Previous Version of Linux
Booting the System
Adding Users
Using Kernel Modules
Looking for Help
Shutting Linux Down
What to Do if Things Go Wrong
Other Configuration Procedures
Setting Up a Printer
Setting Up a Sound Card
Working with PCMCIA Devices
Working with a UPS
Adaptive Technologies and Linux
Using Linux with Ham Radio
Making Linux Work with Your Language
Chapter 3—Installing and Configuring XFree86
The X Window System
X on the Network
The Window Manager
X on Linux
How XFree86 Works
Setting Up the XF86Config File
Hardware, Hardware, Hardware
Laptops and X
Automating the Configuration Process
Setting Up Paths in the Configuration File
Configuring the ServerFlags Section
Configuring the Keyboard Section
Configuring the Pointer Section
Configuring the Monitor Section
Configuring the Graphics Card Section
Combining the Graphics Card with the Monitor to Make a Working X Setup
Virtual Screens
Running the Xf86config Program
Testing Your Configuration
Starting X
VGA to the Rescue
Using the Default Super VGA
Making the Most of X
Setting Up Your X Account
Configuring the Xterm Program
Controlling the Size of the Xterm Window
Copying and Pasting between xterm Windows
Starting X Automatically at Boot-Up and Creating an X Login Screen
UNIX Run-Levels
User Accounts Under Xdm
Starting X Automatically on Login
The X Font Server
Setting a Screen Background Image
The Fvwm Window Manager
Configuring Fvwm
Configuring Fonts and Colors
Testing Your Fvwm Configuration
Placing Icons
Configuring the Good Stuff
Putting It All Together
Exiting X from Fvwm

Section II—Using Linux
Chapter 4—Basic Linux Tools
Linux Tools
The Linux Filesystem
File Types
Ordinary Files
Special Device Files
How Linux Organizes Files and Directories
Moving Between Directories with Cd
File Permissions and Linux
Changing Permissions
Changing Ownerships and Permissions
Dealing with Files and Directories
Listing Files and Directories with Ls and Dir
Creating Directories with Mkdir
Using Cat
Other Ways to View a File
Finding the Magic Number with File
Copying Files with Cp
Moving and Renaming Files with Mv
Removing Files with Rm
Viewing Online-Manual Pages with Man
Finding Files
Linking Files
Viewing a File with Cal
Virtual Terminals
Linux and Passwords
Changing Your Password with Passwd
Linux Shells
Your Environment
Background Commands and Multitasking
Standard Input and Output
Command History
Minimal Completion
Using Help in Bash
The Elvis/Vi Text Editor
Using the Elvis Text Editor
Creating a Text File
More on Elvis
Printing Files
Chapter 5—Linux Applications
A Wealth of Features
Using Emacs
Emacs and Commands
The Many Modes of Emacs
Creating and Editing Files
A Basic Emacs Tutorial
Other Text-Editing Tools
Text-Processing Tools
Groff: The Traditional Standard
Creating Man Pages with Groff
Using TeX
Using Texinfo
Using Sed
Printing with Ghostscript Under Linux
Using Ghostscript
Font Tools
File Managers
Midnight Commander
Compressing and ArchivingYour Files
Using Gzip
Using Gunzip
Using Zip
Using Tar
Commands Specific to the PC Architecture: MTools
Using Mdir to View the Contents of a DOS Directory
Using Mcd to Change Directories
Using Mcopy to Copy Files
Using Mren to Rename DOS Files
Using Mdel to Delete DOS Files
Using Mtype to View a DOS File
Using Mmd to Create a DOS Directory
Using Mrd to Remove a DOS Directory
Using Mread to Copy a DOS File to Linux
Using Mwrite to Write a UNIX File to DOS
Using Mformat to Format a Diskette
Using Mlabel to Designate a Volume Label
Using Mattrib to Change the DOS File Attributes
Graphics Tools
The JPEG Utilities
Emulating Microsoft Windows under Linux
Windows 95 Window Manager
Some Math Tools
The Bc Command
Terminal Games
Miscellaneous Tools
Xdpyinfo and Xev
Sc and Xspread
Emulating DOS under Linux
X Window Games
Chapter 6—Basic Linux System Administration
System-Administration Tools
Using the Passwd File
Deleting Accounts
Managing Groups
Logging in as Su
More on the Messages File
Boot Options
Creating a Bootdisk
Recovery Packages
What to Do If You Forget Your Password
Using LILO
What is LILO?
Scheduling Events
The Nice Command
The At Command
The Batch Command
The Cron Command
More on Multitasking
More on the Foreground and Background
Swap Space and Performance
I’m Free!
Mounting Filesystems
Sending a Message of the Day

Section III—Linux Communications and Networking
Chapter 7—Linux and Telecommunications
Expanding Your Reach via Modem
Seyon: Telecommunications from Linux
Using Minicom and Xminicom
Using Rzsz
Other Linux Telecommunications Tools
Chapter 8—Linux Networking
Networking and Linux
TCP/IP Basics
Setting up TCP/IP Information
Chapter 9—Linux and the Internet
Getting on the Worldwide Network
Finding a Window to the Internet
Linux’s SLIP and PPP Tools
Linux’s PPP Tools
Setting up a PPP Connection
Internet Tools
Using Electronic Mail
Using a Web Browser
Communications with the UUCP Commands
A UUCP Primer
Using UUCP
Potential Problems with the Uucp Command
What Can Go Wrong?
Free Software and FTP
Using FTP
What do I Do with the File?
Other Networking Commands
Slurping the News

Section IV—Linux Programming
Chapter 10—Programming in Linux
Programming under Linux
The Linux C Compiler: GNU CC
C Programming
The Cc Command
Using the Cc Command
ELF Files
Linux Shared Libraries
Programming with X
Using LessTif
Programmer’s Tools
Building Programs with Make
X Window Tools
Parsers and Lexers
Other Tools
Other Programming Languages
Java the Hut
Linux Scripting Languages
Appendix A
Appendix B