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Page 1190

Numeric Capabilities

li Number of lines
Nl Number of soft labels
pb Lowest baud rate that needs padding
sg Standout glitch
ug Underline glitch
vt Virtual terminal number
ws Width of status line if different from screen width

String Capabilities

!1 Shifted save key
!2 Shifted suspend key
!3 Shifted undo key
#1 Shifted help key
#2 Shifted home key
#3 Shifted input key
#4 Shifted cursor left key
%0 Redo key
%1 Help key
%2 Mark key
%3 Message key
%4 Move key
%5 Next-object key
%6 Open key
%7 Options key
%8 Previous-object key
%9 Print key
%a Shifted message key
%b Shifted move key
%c Shifted next key
%d Shifted options key
%e Shifted previous key
%f Shifted print key
%g Shifted redo key
%h Shifted replace key
%i Shifted cursor right key
%j Shifted resume key
&0 Shifted cancel key
&1 Reference key
&2 Refresh key
&3 Replace key
&4 Restart key

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String Capabilities

&5 Resume key
&6 Save key
&7 Suspend key
&8 Undo key
&9 Shifted begin key
*0 Shifted find key
*1 Shifted command key
*2 Shifted copy key
*3 Shifted create key
*4 Shifted delete character
*5 Shifted delete line
*6 Select key
*7 Shifted end key
*8 Shifted clear line key
*9 Shifted exit key
@0 Find key
@1 Begin key
@2 Cancel key
@3 Close key
@4 Command key
@5 Copy key
@6 Create key
@7 End key
@8 Enter/send key
@9 Exit key
al Insert one line
AL Insert %1 lines
ac Pairs of block graphic characters to map alternate character set
ae End alternative character set
as Start alternative character set for block graphic characters
bc Backspace if not ^H
bl Audio bell
bt Move to previous tab stop
cb Clear from beginning of line to cursor
cc Dummy command character
cd Clear to end of screen
ce Clear to end of line
ch Move cursor horizontally only to column %1
cl Clear screen and cursor home
cm Cursor move to row %1 and column %2 (on screen)
CM Move cursor to row %1 and column %2 (in memory)


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String Capabilities

cr Carriage return
cs Scroll region from line %1 to %2
ct Clear tabs
cv Move cursor vertically only to line %1
dc Delete one character
DC Delete %1 characters
dl Delete one line
DL Delete %1 lines
dm Begin delete mode
do Cursor down one line
DO Cursor down #1 lines
ds Disable status line
eA Enable alternate character set
ec Erase %1 characters starting at cursor
ed End delete mode
ei End insert mode
ff Formfeed character on hardcopy terminals
fs Return character to its position before going to status line
F1 The string sent by function key f11
F2 The string sent by function key f12
F3 The string sent by function key f13
F9 The string sent by function key f19
FA The string sent by function key f20
FB The string sent by function key f21
FZ The string sent by function key f45
Fa The string sent by function key f46
Fb The string sent by function key f47
Fr The string sent by function key f63
hd Move cursor a half line down
ho Cursor home
hu Move cursor a half line up
i1 Initialization string 1 at login
i3 Initialization string 3 at login
is Initialization string 2 at login
ic Insert one character
IC Insert %1 characters
if Initialization file
im Begin insert mode

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String Capabilities

ip Insert pad time and needed special characters after insert
iP Initialization program
K1 Upper-left key on keypad
K2 Center key on keypad
K3 Upper-right key on keypad
K4 Bottom-left key on keypad
K5 Bottom-right key on keypad
k0 Function key 0
k1 Function key 1
k2 Function key 2
k3 Function key 3
k4 Function key 4
k5 Function key 5
k6 Function key 6
k7 Function key 7
k8 Function key 8
k9 Function key 9
k; Function key 10
ka Clear all tabs key
kA Insert line key
kb Backspace key
kB Back tab stop
kC Clear screen key
kd Cursor down key
kD Key for delete character under cursor
ke Turn keypad off
kE Key for clear to end of line
kF Key for scrolling forward/down
kh Cursor home key
kH Cursor down key
kI Insert character/insert mode key
kl Cursor left key
kL Key for delete line
kM Key for exit insert mode
kN Key for next page
kP Key for previous page
kr Cursor right key
kR Key for scrolling backward/up
ks Turn keypad on
kS Clear to end of screen key
kt Clear this tab key


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String Capabilities

kT Set tab here key
ku Cursor up key
l0 Label of zeroth function key, if not f0
l1 Label of first function key, if not f1
l2 Label of first function key, if not f2
la Label of tenth function key, if not f10
le Cursor left one character
ll Move cursor to lower-left corner
LE Cursor left %1 characters
LF Turn soft labels off
LO Turn soft labels on
mb Start blinking
MC Clear soft margins
md Start bold mode
me End all modes such as so, us, mb, md, and mr
mh Start half bright mode
mk Dark mode (Characters invisible)
ML Set left soft margin
mm Put terminal in meta mode
mo Put terminal out of meta mode
mp Turn on protected attribute
mr Start reverse mode
MR Set right soft margin
nd Cursor right one character
nw Carriage return command
pc Padding character
pf Turn printer off
pk Program key %1 to send string %2 as if typed by user
pl Program key %1 to execute string %2 in local mode
pn Program soft label %1 to show string %2
po Turn the printer on
pO Turn the printer on for %1 (<256) bytes
ps Print screen contents on printer
px Program key %1 to send string %2 to computer
r1 Reset string 1 to set terminal to sane modes
r2 Reset string 2 to set terminal to sane modes
r3 Reset string 3 to set terminal to sane modes
RA Disable automatic margins
rc Restore saved cursor position
rf Reset string file name

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