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Page 1188

# Root and Eric get alert and higher messages.

*.alert                                                 root,eric

# Save mail and news errors of level err and higher in a

# special file.

uucp,news.crit                                          /var/log/spoolerr


/etc/syslog.conf The syslogd(8) configuration file.


The effects of multiple selectors are sometimes not intuitive. For example mail.crit,*.err will select mail facility messages at the level of err or higher, not at the level of crit or higher.


syslog(3), syslogd(8)

10 May 1991


termcap—Terminal capability database.


The termcap database is an obsolete facility for describing the capabilities of character-cell terminals and printers. It is retained only for capability with old programs; new ones should use the terminfo(5) database and associated libraries.

/etc/termcap is an ASCII file (the database master) that lists the capabilities of many different types of terminals. Programs can read termcap to find the particular escape codes needed to control the visual attributes of the terminal actually in use. (Other aspects of the terminal are handled by stty.) The termcap database is indexed on the TERM environment variable.

termcap entries must be defined on a single logical line, with \ used to suppress the newline. Fields are separated by :. The first field of each entry starts at the left-hand margin and contains a list of names for the terminal, separated by |.

The first subfield may (in BSD termcap entries from versions 4.3 and prior) contain a short name consisting of two characters. This short name may consist of capital or small letters. In 4.4 BSD termcap entries, this field is omitted.

The second subfield (first in the newer 4.4 BSD format) contains the name used by the environment variable TERM. It should be spelled in lowercase letters. Selectable hardware capabilities should be marked by appending a hyphen and a suffix to this name. Usual suffixes are w (more than 80 characters wide), am (automatic margins), nam (no automatic margins) and rv (reverse video display). The third subfield contains a long and descriptive name for this termcap entry.

Subsequent fields contain the terminal capabilities; any continued capability lines must be indented one tab from the left margin.

Although there is no defined order, it is suggested to write first Boolean, then numeric, and at last string capabilities, each sorted alphabetically without looking at lower or upper spelling. Capabilities of similar functions can be written in one line.


Head line: vt|vt101|DEC VT 101 terminal in 80 character mode:\

Head line: Vt|vt101-w|DEC VT 101 terminal in (wide) 132 character mode:\

Boolean: :bs:\

Numeric: :co#80:\

String: :sr=nE[H:\

Page 1189

Boolean Capabilities

5i Printer will not echo on screen
am Automatic margins which means automatic line wrap
bs Ctrl+H (8 dec.) performs a backspace
bw Backspace on left margin wraps to previous line and right margin
da Display retained above screen
db Display retained below screen
eo A space erases all characters at cursor position
es Escape sequences and special characters work in status line
gn Generic device
hc This is a hardcopy terminal
HC The cursor is hard to see when not on bottom line
hs Has a status line
hz Hazeltine bug; the terminal cannot print tilde characters
in Terminal inserts nulls, not spaces, to fill whitespace
km Terminal has a meta key
mi Cursor movement works in insert mode
ms Cursor movement works in standout/underline mode
NP No pad character
NR ti does not reverse te
nx No padding; must use XON/XOFF
os Terminal can overstrike
ul Terminal underlines, although it cannot overstrike
xb Beehive glitch; F1 sends Escape and F2 sends ^C
xn Newline/wraparound glitch
xo Terminal uses XON/XOFF protocol
xs Text typed over standout text will be displayed in standout
xt Teleray glitch; destructive tabs and odd standout mode

Numeric Capabilities

co Number of columns
dB Delay in milliseconds for backspace on hardcopy terminals
dC Delay in milliseconds for carriage return on hardcopy terminals
dF Delay in milliseconds for form feed on hardcopy terminals
dN Delay in milliseconds for newline on hardcopy terminals
dT Delay in milliseconds for tabulator stop on hardcopy terminals
dV Delay in milliseconds for vertical tabulator stop on hardcopy terminals
it Difference between tab positions
lh Height of soft labels
lm Lines of memory
lw Width of soft labels


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