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Page 350

pgmtolispm Convert a portable graymap into Lisp machine format
pgmtopbm Convert a portable graymap into a portable bitmap
pgmtoppm Colorize a portable graymap into a portable pixmap
pgmtoybm Convert a portable bitmap into a Bennet Yee "face" file
pi1toppm Convert an Atari Degas PI1 into a portable pixmap
pi3topbm Convert an Atari Degas PI3 file into a portable bitmap
picttoppm Convert a Macintosh PICT file into a portable pixmap
pjtoppm Convert an HP PaintJet file into a portable pixmap
pktopbm Convert packed (PK) format font into portable bitmap(s)
pnmalias Antialias a portable anymap
pnmarith Perform arithmetic on two portable anymaps
pnmcat Concatenate portable anymaps
pnmcomp Composite two portable anymap files together
pnmconvol General MxN convolution on a portable anymap
pnmcrop Crop a portable anymap
pnmcut Cut a rectangle out of a portable anymap
pnmdepth Change the maxval in a portable anymap
pnmenlarge Read a portable anymap and enlarge it N times
pnmfile Describe a portable anymap
pnmflip Perform one or more flip operations on a portable anymap
pnmgamma Perform gamma correction on a portable anymap
pnmhistmap Draw a histogram for a PGM or PPM file
pnmindex Build a visual index of a bunch of anymaps
pnminvert Invert a portable anymap
pnmmargin Add a border to a portable anymap
pnmnlfilt Nonlinear filters: smooth, alpha trim mean, optimal
pnmnoraw Force a portable anymap into plain format
pnmpad Add borders to portable anymap
pnmpaste Paste a rectangle into a portable anymap
pnmrotate Rotate a portable anymap by some angle
pnmscale Scale a portable anymap
pnmshear Shear a portable anymap by some angle
pnmsmooth Smooth out an image
pnmtile Replicate a portable anymap into a specified size
pnmtoddif Convert a portable anymap to DDIF format
pnmtofits Convert a portable anymap into FITS format
pnmtops Convert portable anymap to PostScript
pnmtorast Convert a portable pixmap into a Sun raster file
pnmtosgi Convert a portable anymap to an SGI image file
pnmtosir Convert a portable anymap into a Solitaire format
pnmtotiff Convert a portable anymap into a TIFF file
pnmtoxwd Convert a portable anymap into an X11 window dump
ppm3d Convert two portable pixmap into a red/blue 3D glasses pixmap
ppmbrighten Change an images Saturation and Value from an HSV map
ppmchange Change all pixels of one color to another in a portable pixmap
ppmdim Dim a portable pixmap down to total blackness

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ppmdist Simplistic grayscale assignment for machine generated, color images
ppmdither Ordered dither for color images
ppmflash Brighten a picture up to complete white-out
ppmforge Fractal forgeries of clouds, planets, and starry skies
ppmhist Print a histogram of a portable pixmap
ppmmake Create a pixmap of a specified size and color
ppmmix Blend together two portable pixmaps
ppmnorm Normalize the contrast in a portable pixmap
ppmntsc Make a portable pixmap look like it was taken from an American TV show
ppmpat Make a pretty pixmap
ppmquant Quantize the colors in a portable pixmap down to a specified number
ppmquantall Run ppmquant on a bunch of files all at once, so they share a common colormap
ppmqvga 8-plane quantization
ppmrelief Run a Laplacian relief filter on a portable pixmap
ppmshift Shift lines of a portable pixmap left or right by a random amount
ppmspread Displace a portable pixmap's pixels by a random amount
ppmtoacad Convert portable pixmap to AutoCAD database or slide
ppmtobmp Convert a portable pixmap into a BMP file
ppmtogif Convert a portable pixmap into a GIF file
ppmtoicr Convert a portable pixmap into NCSA ICR format
ppmtoilbm Convert a portable pixmap into an ILBM file
ppmtomap Extract all colors from a portable pixmap
ppmtomitsu Convert a portable pixmap to a Mitsubishi S340-10 file
ppmtopcx Convert a portable pixmap into a PCX file
ppmtopgm Convert a portable pixmap into a portable graymap
ppmtopi1 Convert a portable pixmap into an Atari Degas PI1 file
ppmtopict Convert a portable pixmap into a Macintosh PICT file
ppmtopj Convert a portable pixmap to an HP PaintJet file
ppmtopjxl Convert a portable pixmap into an HP PaintJet XL PCL file
ppmtopuzz Convert a portable pixmap into an X11 "puzzle" file
ppmtorgb3 Separate a portable pixmap into three portable graymaps
ppmtosixel Convert a portable pixmap into DEC sixel format
ppmtotga Convert portable pixmap into a TrueVision Targa file
ppmtouil Convert a portable pixmap into a Motif UIL icon file
ppmtoxpm Convert a portable pixmap into an X11 pixmap
ppmtoyuv Convert a portable pixmap into an Abekas YUV file
ppmtoyuvsplit Convert a portable pixmap into three subsampled raw YUV files
psidtopgm Convert PostScript "image" data into a portable graymap
pstopnm Convert a PostScript file into a portable anymap
qrttoppm Convert output from the QRT ray tracer into a portable pixmap
rasttopnm Convert a Sun raster file into a portable anymap
rawtopgm Convert raw grayscale bytes into a portable graymap
rawtoppm Convert raw RGB bytes into a portable pixmap
rgb3toppm Combine three portable graymaps into one portable pixmap
sgitopnm Convert an SGI image file into a portable anymap
sirtopnm Convert a Solitaire file into a portable anymap

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sldtoppm Convert an AutoCAD slide file into a portable pixmap
spctoppm Convert an Atari compressed Spectrum file into a portable pixmap
spottopgm Convert SPOT satellite images to Portable Graymap format
sputoppm Convert an Atari uncompressed Spectrum file into a portable pixmap
tgatoppm Convert TrueVision Targa file into a portable pixmap
tifftopnm Convert a TIFF file into a portable anymap
xbmtopbm Convert an X11 or X10 bitmap into a portable bitmap
ximtoppm Convert an XIM file into a portable pixmap
xpmtoppm Convert an X11 pixmap into a portable pixmap
xvminitoppm Convert an XV thumbnail picture to PPM
xwdtopnm Convert an X11 or X10 window dump file into a portable anymap
ybmtopbm Convert a Bennet Yee "face" file into a portable bitmap
yuvplittoppm Convert a Y-, U- and V-file into a portable pixmap
yuvtoppm Convert Abekas YUV bytes into a portable pixmap
zeisstopnm Convert a Zeiss confocal file into a portable anymap


anytopnm(1), asciitopgm(1), atktopbm(1), bioradtopgm(1), bmptoppm(1), brushtopbm(1),

cmuwmtopbm(1), fitstopnm(1), fstopgm(1), g3topbm(1), gemtopbm(1), giftopnm(1), gouldtoppm(1), hipstopgm(1),

hpcdtoppm(1), icontopbm(1), ilbmtoppm(1), imgtoppm(1), lispmtopgm(1), macptopbm(1), mgrtopbm(1),

mtvtoppm(1), pbmclean(1), pbmlife(1), pbmmake(1), pbmmask(1), pbmpscale(1), pbmreduce(1), pbmtext(1),

pbmto10x(1), pbmto4425(1), pbmtoascii(1), pbmtoatk(1), pbmtobbnbg(1), pbmtocmuwm(1), pbmtoepsi(1),

pbmtoepson(1), pbmtog3(1), pbmtogem(1), pbmtogo(1), pbmtoicon(1), pbmtolj(1), pbmtoln03(1), pbmtolps(1),

pbmtomacp(1), pbmtomgr(1), pbmtopgm(1), pbmtopi3(1), pbmtopk(1), pbmtoplot(1), pbmtoptx(1), pbmtox10bm(1),

pbmtoxbm(1), pbmtoybm(1), pbmtozinc(1), pbmupc(1), pcxtoppm(1), pgmbentley(1), pgmcrater(1), pgmedge(1),

pgmenhance(1), pgmhist(1), pgmkernel(1), pgmnoise(1), pgmnorm(1), pgmoil(1), pgmramp(1), pgmtexture(1),

pgmtofs(1), pgmtolispm(1), pgmtopbm(1), pgmtoppm(1), pi1toppm(1), pi3topbm(1), picttoppm(1),

pjtoppm(1), pktopbm(1), pnmalias(1), pnmarith(1), pnmcat(1), pnmcomp(1), pnmconvol(1), pnmcrop(1),

pnmcut(1), pnmdepth(1), pnmenlarge(1), pnmfile(1), pnmflip(1), pnmgamma(1), pnmhistmap(1),

pnmindex(1), pnminvert(1), pnmmargin(1), pnmnlfilt(1), pnmnoraw(1), pnmpad(1), pnmpaste(1), pnmrotate(1),

pnmscale(1), pnmshear(1), pnmsmooth(1), pnmtile(1), pnmtoddif(1), pnmtofits(1), pnmtops(1),

pnmtorast(1), pnmtosgi(1), pnmtosir(1), pnmtotiff(1), pnmtoxwd(1), ppm3d(1), ppmbrighten(1),

ppmchange(1), ppmdim(1), ppmdist(1), ppmdither(1), ppmflash(1), ppmforge(1), ppmhist(1), ppmmake(1),

ppmmix(1), ppmnorm(1), ppmntsc(1), ppmpat(1), ppmquant(1), ppmquantall(1), ppmqvga(1),

ppmrelief(1), ppmshift(1), ppmspread(1), ppmtoacad(1), ppmtobmp(1), ppmtogif(1), ppmtoicr(1), ppmtoilbm(1),

ppmtomap(1), ppmtomitsu(1), ppmtopcx(1), ppmtopgm(1), ppmtopi1(1), ppmtopict(1), ppmtopj(1), ppmtopjxl(1),

ppmtopuzz(1), ppmtorgb3(1), ppmtosixel(1), ppmtotga(1), ppmtouil(1), ppmtoxpm(1), ppmtoyuv(1),

ppmtoyuvsplit(1), psidtopgm(1), pstopnm(1), qrttoppm(1), rasttopnm(1), rawtopgm(1), rawtoppm(1),

rgb3toppm(1), sgitopnm(1), sirtopnm(1), sldtoppm(1), spctoppm(1), spottopgm(1), sputoppm(1), tgatoppm(1),

tifftopnm(1), xbmtopbm(1), ximtoppm(1), xpmtoppm(1), xvminitoppm(1), xwdtopnm(1), nybmtopbm(1),

yuvsplittoppm(1), yuvtoppm(1), zeisstopnm(1)


Many. See the individual manual pages.


pbmlife—Apply Conway's Rules of Life to a portable bitmap


pbmlife [pbmfile]

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