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Page 353


pbmlife reads a portable bitmap as input, applies the Rules of Life to it for one generation, and produces a portable bitmap as output.

A white pixel in the image is interpreted as a live beastie, and a black pixel as an empty space.




Copyright " 1988, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer

21 February 1991


pbmmake—Create a blank bitmap of a specified size


pbmmake [-white|-black|-gray ] width height


pbmmake produces a portable bitmap of the specified width and height. The color defaults to white.


In addition to the usual -white and -black, this program implements -gray. This gives a simple 50 percent gray pattern with 1's and 0's alternating.

All flags can be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.


pbm(5), ppmmake(1)


Copyright " 1989 by Jef Poskanzer

22 February 1989


pbmmask—Create a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap


pbmmask [-expand][pbmfile]


pbmmask reads a portable bitmap as input and creates a corresponding mask bitmap and writes it out.

The color to be interpreted as background is determined automatically. Regardless of which color is background, the mask will be white where the background is white and black where the figure is black.

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This lets you do a masked paste like this, for objects with a black background:

pbmmask obj > objmask

pnmpaste < dest -and objmask <x><y>|pnmpaste -or obj <x><y>

For objects with a white background, you can either invert them or add a step:

pbmmask obj > objmask

pnminvert objmask | pnmpaste -and obj 0 0 > blackback

pnmpaste < dest -and objmask <x><y>|pnmpaste -or blackback <x><y>

Note that this three-step version works for objects with black backgrounds, too, if you don't care about the wasted time.

You can also use masks with graymaps and pixmaps, using the pnmarith tool. For instance:

ppmtopgm obj.ppm | pgmtopbm -threshold | pbmmask > objmask.pbm

pnmarith -multiply dest.ppm objmask.pbm > t1.ppm

pnminvert objmask.pbm | pnmarith -multiply obj.ppm - > t2.ppm

pnmarith -add t1.ppm t2.ppm

An interesting variation on this is to pipe the mask through the pnmsmooth script before using it. This makes the boundary between the two images less sharp.


-expand Expands the mask by one pixel out from the image. This is useful if you want a little white border around your image. (A better solution might be to turn the pbmlife tool into a general cellular automaton tool…)


pnmpaste(1), pnminvert(1), pbm(5), pnmarith(1), pnmsmooth(1)


Copyright " 1988 by Jef Poskanzer

8 August 1989


pbmpscale—Enlarge a portable bitmap with edge smoothing


pbmpscale N [ pbmfile ]


pbmpscale reads a portable bitmap as input and outputs a portable bitmap enlarged N times. Enlargement is done by pixel replication, with some additional smoothing of corners and edges.


pnmenlarge(1), ppmscale(1), pbm(5)


Copyright " 1990 by Angus Duggan. Copyright " 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.


pbmpscale works best for enlargements of 2. Enlargements greater than 2 should be done by as many enlargements of 2 as possible, followed by an enlargement by the remaining factor.

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pbmreduce—Read a portable bitmap and reduce it N times


pbmreduce [-floyd|-fs|-threshold ][-value val] N [pbmfile]


pbmreduce reads a portable bitmap as input, reduces it by a factor of N, and produces a portable bitmap as output.

pbmreduce duplicates a lot of the functionality of pgmtopbm; you could do something like pnmscale | pgmtopbm, but pbmreduce is a lot faster.

pbmreduce can be used to "re-halftone" an image. Say you have a scanner that only produces black and white, not grayscale, and it does a terrible job of halftoning (most black-and-white scanners fit this description). One way to fix the halftoning is to scan at the highest possible resolution, say 300dpi, and then reduce by a factor of three or so using pbmreduce.You can even correct the brightness of an image, by using the -value flag.


By default, the halftoning after the reduction is done via boustrophedonic Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion; however, the -threshold flag can be used to specify simple thresholding. This gives better results when reducing line drawings.

The -value flag alters the thresholding value for all quantizations. It should be a real number between 0 and 1. Above 0.5 means darker images; below 0.5 means lighter.

All flags can be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.


pnmenlarge(1), pnmscale(1), pgmtopbm(1), pbm(5)


Copyright " 1988 by Jef Poskanzer

2 August 1989


pbmtext—Render text into a bitmap


pbmtext [_font fontfile][_builtin fontname][text]


pbmtext takes the specified text, either a single line from the command line or multiple lines from standard input, and renders it into a bitmap.


By default, pbmtext uses a built-in font called bdf (about a 10-point Times Roman font). You can use a fixed-width font by specifying _builtin fixed.

You can also specify your own font with the -font flag. The fontfile is either a BDF file from the X Window System or a PBM file.

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