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passwd changes the specified user's password. Only the superuser is allowed to change other users' passwords. If the user is not root, then the old password is prompted for and verified.

A new password is prompted for twice, to avoid typing mistakes. Unless the user is the superuser, the new password must have more than six characters, and must have either both uppercase and lowercase letters, or nonletters. Some passwords that are similar to the user's name are not allowed.





chsh(1), chfn(1)


A password consisting of all digits is allowed.

No warnings are printed if the superuser chooses a poor password.

The _f and _s options are not supported.


Peter Orbaek (poe@daimi.aau.dk)

Linux 1.0, 22 June 1994


paste—Merge lines of files


paste [_s] [_d delim-list] [--serial] [--delimiters=delim-list] [--help]

[--version] [file...]


This manual page documents the GNU version of paste. paste prints lines consisting of sequentially corresponding lines of each given file, separated by tabs, terminated by a newline. If no files are given, the standard input is used. A filename of - means standard input.


_s, --serial Paste the lines of one file at a time rather than one line from each file.
_d, --delimiters delim-list Consecutively use the characters in delim-list instead of TAB to separate merged lines. When delim-list is exhausted, start again at its beginning.
--help Print a usage message and exit with a nonzero status.
--version Print version information on standard output, then exit.

GNU Text Utilities

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pbmclean—Flip isolated pixels in portable bitmap


pbmclean [-connect] [pbmfile]


pbmclean reads a portable bitmap as input and outputs a portable bitmap with every pixel that has less than connect identical neighbors inverted. pbmclean can be used to clean up "snow" on bitmap images.




Copyright " 1990 by Angus Duggan. Copyright " 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.


pbmfilters—List of all programs in the PBMPlus package


anytopnm Attempt to convert an unknown type of image file to a portable anymap
asciitopgm Convert ASCII graphics into a portable graymap
atktopbm Convert Andrew Toolkit raster object to a portable bitmap
bioradtopgm Convert a Biorad confocal file into a portable graymap
bmptoppm Convert a BMP file into a portable pixmap
brushtopbm Convert a doodle brush file into a portable bitmap
cmuwmtopbm Convert a CMU window manager bitmap into a portable bitmap
fitstopnm Convert a FITS file into a portable anymap
fstopgm Convert a Usenix FaceSaver file into a portable graymap
g3topbm Convert a Group 3 fax file into a portable bitmap
gemtopbm Convert a GEM IMG file into a portable bitmap
giftopnm Convert a GIF file into a portable anymap
gouldtoppm Convert Gould scanner file into a portable pixmap
hipstopgm Convert a HIPS file into a portable graymap
hpcdtoppm Convert a Photo-CD file into a portable pixmap
icontopbm Convert a Sun icon into a portable bitmap
ilbmtoppm Convert an ILBM file into a portable pixmap
imgtoppm Convert an IMG-whatnot file into a portable pixmap
lispmtopgm Convert a Lisp machine bitmap file into PGM format
macptopbm Convert a MacPaint file into a portable bitmap
mgrtopbm Convert an MGR bitmap into a portable bitmap
mtvtoppm Convert output from the MTV or PRT ray tracers into a portable pixmap

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pbmclean Flip isolated pixels in portable bitmap
pbmlife Apply Conway's Rules of Life to a portable bitmap
pbmmake Create a blank bitmap of a specified size
pbmmask Create a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap
pbmpscale Enlarge a portable bitmap with edge smoothing
pbmreduce Read a portable bitmap and reduce it N t imes
pbmtext Render text into a bitmap
pbmto10x Convert a portable bitmap into Gemini 10X printer graphics
pbmto4425 Display PBM images on an AT&T 4425 terminal
pbmtoascii Convert a portable bitmap into ASCII graphics
pbmtoatk Convert a portable bitmap to Andrew Toolkit raster object
pbmtobg Convert a portable bitmap into BitGraph graphics
pbmtocmuwm Convert a portable bitmap into a CMU window manager bitmap
pbmtoepsi Convert a portable bitmap into an encapsulated PostScript
pbmtoepson Convert a portable bitmap into Epson printer graphics
pbmtog3 Convert a portable bitmap into a Group 3 fax file
pbmtogem Convert a portable bitmap into a GEM IMG file
pbmtogo Convert a portable bitmap into compressed GraphOn graphics
pbmtoicon Convert a portable bitmap into a Sun icon
pbmtolj Convert a portable bitmap into HP LaserJet format
pbmtoln03 Convert portable bitmap to DEC LN03+ Sixel output
pbmtolps Convert portable bitmap to PostScript
pbmtomacp Convert a portable bitmap into a MacPaint file
pbmtomgr Convert a portable bitmap into an MGR bitmap
pbmtopgm Convert a portable bitmap to portable graymap by averaging areas
pbmtopi3 Convert a portable bitmap into an Atari Degas .pi3 file
pbmtopk Convert a portable bitmap into a packed (PK) format font
pbmtoplot Convert a portable bitmap into a UNIX plot(5) file
pbmtoptx Convert a portable bitmap into Printronix printer graphics
pbmtox10bm Convert a portable bitmap into an X10 bitmap
pbmtoxbm Convert a portable bitmap into an X11 bitmap
pbmtozinc Convert a portable bitmap into a Zinc bitmap
pbmupc Create a Universal Product Code bitmap
pcxtoppm Convert a PCX file into a portable pixmap
pgmbentley Bentleyize a portable graymap
pgmcrater Create cratered terrain by fractal forgery
pgmedge Edge-detect a portable graymap
pgmenhance Edge-enhance a portable graymap
pgmhist Print a histogram of the values in a portable graymap
pgmkernel Generate a convolution kernel
pgmnoise Create a graymap made up of white noise
pgmnorm Normalize the contrast in a portable graymap
pgmoil Turn a portable graymap into an oil painting
pgmramp Generate a grayscale ramp
pgmtexture Calculate textural features on a portable graymap
pgmtofs Convert a portable graymap to Usenix FaceSaver format

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