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Page 343

_b bfdname, --target=bfdname Specify the object-code format for the object FILES to be bfdname. This may not be necessary; objdump can automatically recognize many FORMATS. For example, objdump _b oasys _m vax _h fu.o displays summary information from the section headers (_h) of fu.o, which is explicitly identified (_m) as a Vax object file in the format produced by Oasys compilers. You can list the FORMATS available with the _i option.
_d, --disassemble Display the assembler mnemonics for the machine instructions from objfile. This option only disassembles those sections that are expected to contain instructions.
_D, --disassemble-all Like _d, but disassemble the contents of all sections, not just those expected to contain instructions.
_f, --file_headers Display summary information from the overall header of each file in objfile.
_h, --section_headers, Display summary information from the section headers of the object file.
--help Print a summary of the OPTIONS to objdump and exit.
_i, --info Display a list showing all architectures and object FORMATS available for specification with _b or _m.
_j name, --section=name Display information only for section name.
_l, --line_numbers Label the display (using debugging information) with the filename and source line numbers corresponding to the object code shown. Only useful with _d or _D.
_m machine, --architecture=machine Specify the object FILES objfile are for architecture machine. You can list available architec- tures using the _i option.
_r, --reloc Print the relocation entries of the file. If used with _d or _D, the relocations are printed interspersed with the disassembly.
_R, --dynamic_reloc Print the dynamic relocation entries of the file. This is only meaningful for dynamic objects, such as certain types of shared libraries.
_s, --full_contents Display the full contents of any sections requested.
--stabs Display the contents of the .stab, .stab.index, and .stab.excl sections from an ELF file. This is only useful on systems (such as Solaris 2.0) in which .stab debugging symbol-table entries are carried in an ELF section. In most other file FORMATS, debugging symbol-table entries are interleaved with linkage symbols, and are visible in the --syms output.
_t, --syms Symbol table. Print the symbol table entries of the file. This is similar to the information provided by the nm program.
_T, --dynamic_syms Dynamic symbol table. Print the dynamic symbol table entries of the file. This is only meaningful for dynamic objects, such as certain types of shared libraries. This is similar to the information provided by the nm program when given the _D (--dynamic) option.
--version Print the version number of objdump and exit.
_x, --all_headers Display all available header information, including the symbol table and relocation entries. Using _x is equivalent to specifying all of _a _f _h _r _t.


binutils entry in info; The GNU Binary Utilities, Roland H. Pesch (October 1991); nm(1).


Copyright " 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be included in translations approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in the original English.

Cygnus support, 5 November 1991

Page 344


oclock—Round X clock


oclock [_option ... ]


oclock simply displays the current time on an analog display.


_fg color Choose a different color for both hands and the jewel on the clock
_bg color Choose a different color for the background.
_jewel color Choose a different color for the jewel on the clock.
_minute color Choose a different color for the minute hand of the clock.
_hour color Choose a different color for the hour hand of the clock.
_backing { WhenMapped Select an appropriate level of backing store.
Always NotUseful}
_geometry geometry Define the initial window geometry; see X(1).
_display display Specify the display to use; see X(1).
_bd color Choose a different color for the window border.
_bw width Choose a different width for the window border. As the Clock widget changes its border around quite a bit, this is most usefully set to zero.
_shape Cause the clock to use the Shape extension to create an oval window. This is the default unless the shapeWindow resource is set to false.
_noshape Cause the clock to not reshape itself and ancestors to exactly fit the outline of the clock.
_transparent Cause the clock to consist only of the jewel, the hands, and the border.


If you would like your clock to be viewable in color, include the following in the #ifdef COLOR section you read with xrdb:

*customization: -color

This will cause oclock to pick up the colors in the app-defaults color customization file: <XRoot>/lib/X11/app-defaults/Clock-color. The default colors are

Clock*Background Gray
Clock*BorderColor Light blue
Clock*hour Yellow
Clock*jewel Yellow
Clock*minute Yellow


X(1), X Toolkit documentation


Keith Packard, MIT X Consortium

X Version 11 Release 6

Page 345


od—Dump FILES in octal and other FORMATS


od [_abcdfhiloxv] [_s[bytes]] [_w[bytes]] [_A radix] [_j bytes] [_N bytes]

[_t type] [--skip_bytes=bytes] [--address_radix=radix] [--read_bytes=bytes]

[--format=type] [--output_duplicates] [--strings[=bytes]] [--width[=bytes]]

[--traditional] [--help] [--version] [file...]


This manual page documents the GNU version of od. od writes to the standard output the contents of the given FILES, or of the standard input if the name _ is given. Each line of the output consists of the offset in the input file in the leftmost column of each line, followed by one or more columns of data from the file, in a format controlled by the OPTIONS. By default, od prints the file offsets in octal and the file data as two-byte octal numbers.


_A, --address_radix=radix Select the base in which file offsets are printed. radix can be one of the following:
d Decimal
o Octal
None (do not print offsets)
The default is octal.
_j, --skip_bytes=bytes Skip bytes input bytes before formatting and writing. If bytes begins with 0x or 0X, it is interpreted in hexadecimal; otherwise, if it begins with 0, in octal; otherwise, in decimal. Appending b multiplies it by 512, k by 1024, and m by 1048576.
_N, --read_bytes=bytes Only output up to bytes bytes of each input file. Any prefixes and suffixes on bytes are interpreted as for the _j option.
_t, --format=type Select the format in which to output the file data. type is a string of one or more of the following type indicator characters. If you include more than one type indicator character in a single type string or use this option more than once, od writes one copy of each output line using each of the data types that you specified, in the order that you specified.
a Named character
c ASCII character or backslash escape
d Signed decimal
f Floating point
o Octal
u Unsigned decimal
x Hexadecimal

Except for types a and c, you can specify the number of bytes to use in interpreting each number in the given data type by following the type indicator character with a decimal integer. Alternately, you can specify the size of one of the C compiler's built-in data types by following the type indicator character with one of the following characters. For integers (d, o, u, x):

C char
S short
I int
L long

Page 346

For floating point (f):
F float
D double
L long double
_v, --output_duplicates Output consecutive lines that are identical. By default, when two or more consecutive output lines would be equal, od outputs only the first line, and puts just an asterisk on the following line to indicate that identical lines have been elided.
_s, --strings[=bytes] Instead of the normal output, output only string constants in the input, which are a run of at least bytes ASCII graphic (or formatting) characters, terminated by a NUL. If bytes is omitted, it defaults to 3.
_w, --width[=bytes] The number of input bytes to format per output line. It must be a multiple of the least common multiple of the sizes associated with the specified output types. If bytes is omitted, it defaults to 32. If this option is not given, it defaults to 16.
--help Print a usage message and exit with a nonzero status.
--version Print version information on standard output, then exit.

The next several OPTIONS map the old, pre-POSIX format specification OPTIONS to the corresponding POSIX format specs. GNU od accepts any combination of old- and new-style OPTIONS. Format specification OPTIONS accumulate.

_a Output as named characters. Equivalent to _t a.
_b Output as octal bytes. Equivalent to _t oC.
_c Output as ASCII characters or backslash escapes. Equivalent to _t c.
_d Output as unsigned decimal shorts. Equivalent to _t u2.
_f Output as floats. Equivalent to _t fF.
_h Output as hexadecimal shorts. Equivalent to _t x2.
_i Output as decimal shorts. Equivalent to _t d2.
_l Output as decimal longs. Equivalent to _t d4.
_o Output as octal shorts. Equivalent to _t o2.
_x Output as hexadecimal shorts. Equivalent to _t x2.
--traditional Recognize the pre-POSIX nonoption arguments that some older versions of od accepted. The following syntax:
od --traditional [file] [[+]offset[.][b]


can be used to specify at most one file and optional arguments specifying an offset and a pseudo-start address, label. By default, offset is interpreted as an octal number specifying how many input bytes to skip before formatting and writing. The optional trailing decimal point forces the interpretation of offset as a decimal number. If no decimal is specified and the offset begins with 0x or 0x, it is interpreted as a hexadecimal number. If there is a trailing b, the number of bytes skipped will be offset multiplied by 512. The label argument is interpreted just like offset, but it specifies an initial pseudo-address. The pseudo addresses are displayed in parentheses following any normal address.

GNU Text Utilities


passwd—Change password


passwd [ name ]

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