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Page 315



#table <tablename>


[#file <filename>


You may have one or more #file directives. Each #file may have one or more #table directives.

The #prefix directive determines the string that makestr will prefix to each definition.

The #feature directive determines the string that makestr will use for the feature-test macro, for example, X™STRINGDEFINES.

The #externref directive determines the string that makestr will use for the extern clause; typically this will be extern, but Motif wants it to be externalref.

The #externdef directive determines the string that makestr will use for the declaration; typically, this will be the null string, and Motif will use externaldef(_xmstrings).

The #ctmpl directive determines the name of the file used as a template for the C source file that is generated.

Each #file <filename> directive will result in a corresponding header file by that name containing the appropriate definitions as specified by command-line OPTIONS. A single C source file containing the declarations for the definitions in all the headers will be printed to stdout.

The #htmpl directive determines the name of the file used as a template for the C header file that is generated.

Each #table <tablename> directive will be processed in accordance with the ABI. On most platforms, all tables will be catenated into a single table with the name of the first table for that file. To conform to the Intel ABI, separate tables will be generated with the names indicated.

The template FILES specified by the #ctmpl and #htmpl directives are processed by copying line for line from the template file to the appropriate output file. The line containing the string <<<STRING_TABLE_GOES_HERE>>> is not copied to the output file. The appropriate data is then copied to the output file and then the remainder of the template file is copied to the output file.


makestrs is not very forgiving of syntax errors. Sometimes you need a trailing space after # directives, other times they will mess you up. No warning messages are emitted.


SPARC Compliance Definition 2.2, SPARC International Inc., 535 Middlefield Road, Suite 210, Menlo Park, CA 94025

System V Application Binary Interface, Third Edition, ISBN 0-13-100439-5, UNIX Press, PTR Prentice Hall, 113 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

System V Application Binary Interface, Third Edition, Intel386 Architecture Processor Supplement, ISBN 0-13-104670-5, UNIX Press, PTR Prentice Hall, 113 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

System V Application Binary Interface, Third Edition, SPARCArchitecture Processor Supplement, ISBN 0-13-104696-9, UNIX Press, PTR Prentice Hall, 113 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

X Version 11 Release 6


mattrib—Change MS-DOS file attribute flags


mattrib [ -a|+a ][-h|+h ][-r|+r ][-s|+s ] msdosfile [ msdosFILES... ]

Page 316


mattrib adds attribute flags to an MS-DOS file (with the + operator) or removes attribute flags (with the - operator).

mattrib allows the following command-line OPTIONS:

a Archive bit. Used by some backup programs to indicate a new file.
r Read-only bit. Used to indicate a read-only file. FILES with this bit set cannot be erased by DEL or modified.
s System bit. Used by MS-DOS to indicate an operating system file.
h Hidden bit. Used to make FILES hidden from DIR.





mbadblocks—Scan an MS-DOS floppy and mark its unused bad blocks as bad.


mbadblocks drive:


mbadblocks scans an MS-DOS floppy for bad blocks. All unused bad blocks are marked as such in the FAT. This is intended to be used right after mformat. It is not intended to salvage bad disks.




This should (but doesn't :-( ) also try to salvage bad blocks that are in use by reading them repeatedly, and then mark them bad.


mcd—Change MS-DOS directory


mcd [ msdosdirectory ]


Without arguments, mcd will report the current device and working directory. Otherwise, mcd changes the current device and current working directory relative to an MS-DOS FILESystem.

The ENVIRONMENTal variable MCWD may be used to locate the file where the device and current working directory information is stored. The default is $HOME/.mcwd. Information in this file is ignored if the file is more than six hours old.

MS-DOS subdirectory names are supported with either the / or \ separator. The use of the \ separator or wildcards will require the directory name to be enclosed in quotes to protect it from the shell.

mcd returns 0 on success or 1 on failure.



Page 317


Unlike MS-DOS versions of CD, mcd can be used to change to another device.

It may be wise to remove old .mcwd FILES at logout.



mcookie—Generate magic cookies for xauth




mcookie generates a 128-bit random hexadecimal number for use with the X AUTHORity system. Typical usage:

xauth add :0 . `mcookie'


X(1), xauth(1)

12 February 1995


mcopy—Copy MS-DOS FILES to/from UNIX


mcopy [ -tnvmoOsSrRA ] sourcefile targetfile

mcopy [ -tnvmoOsSrRA ] sourcefile [ sourceFILES... ] targetdirectory

mcopy [ -tnvm ] MSDOSsourcefile


mcopy copies the specified file to the named file, or copies multiple FILES to the named directory. The source and target can be either MS-DOS or UNIX FILES.

The use of a drive letter designation on the MS-DOS FILES—a: for example—determines the direction of the transfer. A missing drive designation implies a UNIX file whose path starts in the current directory. If a source drive letter is specified with no attached filename (for example, mcopy a: .), all FILES are copied from that drive.

If only a single, MS-DOS source parameter is provided (for example, mcopy a:foo.exe), an implied destination of the current directory (.) is assumed.

A filename of - means standard input or standard output, depending on its position on the command line.

mcopy will allow the following command-line OPTIONS:
t Text file transfer. mcopy will translate incoming carriage return/line feeds to line feeds.
n No warning. mcopy will not warn the user when overwriting an existing file.
v Verbose mode.
m Preserve the file modification time.

If the target file already exists, and the -n option is not in effect, mcopy asks whether to overwrite the file or to rename the new file. (See the mtools(1) man page for details.)

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mtools(1), mread(1), mwrite(1)


Unlike MS-DOS, the + operator (append) from MS-DOS is not supported.



md5sum—Generate/check MD5 message digests


md5sum [_bv][_c [ file ]]

md5sum file ...


md5sum generates and checks MD5 message digests, as described in RFC-1321. The message digest produced can be thought of as a 128-bit "signature" of the input file. Typically, md5sum is used to verify the integrity of FILES made available for distribution via anonymous FTP (for example, announcements for new versions of irc(1) usually contain MD5 signatures). Message digests for a tree of FILES can be generated with a command similar to the following:

find . -type f -print | xargs md5sum

The output of this command is suitable as input for the _c option.


_c [file] Check message digests. Input is taken from stdin or from the specified file. The input should be in the same format as the output generated by md5sum.
_v Verbose. Print filenames when checking.
_b Read FILES in binary mode; otherwise, end-of-file conventions will be ignored.


The md5sum program was written by Branko Lankester and may be freely distributed. The original source code is in the MIT PGP 2.6.2 distribution. Those concerned about the integrity of this version should obtain the original sources and compile their own version.

The underlying implementation of Ron Rivest's MD5 algorithm was written by Colin Plumb and is in the public domain. (Equivalent code is also available from RSA Data Security, Inc.)


sum(1), cksum(1), pgp(1)

Linux 1.0, 11 February 1995


mdel—Delete an MS-DOS file


mdel [ -v ] msdosfile [ msdosFILES... ]

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