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makedepend parses, but does not currently evaluate, the SVR4 #predicate(token-list) preprocessor expression; such expressions are simply assumed to be true. This may cause the wrong #include directives to be evaluated.

Imagine you are parsing two FILES, say file1.c and file2.c, and each includes the file def.h. The list of FILES that def.h includes might truly be different when def.h is included by file1.c than when it is included by file2.c. But when makedepend arrives at a list of dependencies for a file, it is cast in concrete.


Todd Brunhoff, Tektronix, Inc. and MIT Project Athena

X Version 11 Release 6


makestrs—Make string table C source and header(s)


makestrs [-f source] [-abiOPTIONS ...]


The makestrs command creates string table C source FILES and headers. If -f source is not specified, makestrs will read from stdin. The C source file is always written to stdout. makestrs creates one or more C header FILES as specified in the source file. The following OPTIONS may be specified: -sparcabi, -intelabi, -functionabi, -arrayperabi, and -defaultabi.

-sparcabi is used on SPARC platforms conforming to the SPARC Compliance Definition, i.e., SVR4/Solaris.

-intelabi used on Intel platforms conforming to the System V Application Binary Interface (SVR4).

-earlyR6abi may be used in addition to -intelabi for situations where the vendor wishes to maintain binary compatibility between X11R6 public-patch 11 (and earlier) and X11R6 public-patch 12 (and later).

-functionabi generates a functional application binary interface to the string table. This mechanism imposes a severe performance penalty and it's recommended that you not use it.

-arrayperabi results in a separate array for each string. This is the default behavior if makestrs was compiled with -DARRAYPERSTR (it almost never is).

-defaultabi forces the generation of the "normal" string table even if makestrs was compiled with -DARRAYPERSTR. makestrs is almost never compiled with -DARRAYPERSTR, so this is the default behavior if no application binary interface (ABI) OPTIONS are specified.


The syntax for string-list file is as follows (items in square brackets are optional):

#prefix <text>

#feature <text>

#externref <text>

#externdef [<text>]

[#ctempl <text>]

#file <filename>

#table <tablename>

[#htempl] <text>



[#table <tablename>



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