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mdel deletes a file on an MS-DOS FILESystem.

mdel will allow the following command-line option:
v Verbose mode. Echo the filenames as they are processed.

mdel will ask for verification prior to removing a read_only file.





mdeltree—Remove an MS-DOS directory tree


mdeltree [ -v ] msdosdirectory [ msdosdirectories... ]


mdeltree removes a directory and all the FILES and subdirectories it contains from an MS-DOS FILESystem. mdeltree will allow the following command-line option:

v Verbose mode. Displays each file or directory as it is removed.

An error occurs if the directory does not exist.


mtools(1), mrd(1)



mdir—Display an MS-DOS directory


mdir [ -w ] msdosdirectory

mdir [ -w ][-a ] msdosfile [ msdosFILES... ]


mdir displays the contents of an MS-DOS directory.

mdir will allow the following command-line OPTIONS:

w Wide output. This option will print the filenames across the page without displaying the file size or creation date.
a Also list hidden FILES.

An error occurs if a component of the path is not a directory.




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merge—Three-way file merge


merge [ OPTIONS ] file1 file2 file3


merge incorporates all changes that lead from file2 to file3 into file1. The result ordinarily goes into file1. merge is useful for combining separate changes to an original. Suppose file2 is the original, and both file1 and file3 are modifications of file2. Then merge combines both changes.

A conflict occurs if both file1 and file3 have changes in a common segment of lines. If a conflict is found, merge normally outputs a warning and brackets the conflict with <<<<<<< and >>>>>>> lines. A typical conflict will look like this:

<<<<<<< file A

lines in file A


lines in file B

>>>>>>> file B

If there are conflicts, the user should edit the result and delete one of the alternatives.


_A Output conflicts using the _A style of diff3(1), if supported by diff3. This merges all changes leading from file2 to file3 into file1, and generates the most verbose output.
_E, _e These OPTIONS specify conflict styles that generate less information than _A. See diff3(1) for details. The default is _E. With _e, merge does not warn about conflicts.
_L label This option may be given up to three times, and specifies labels to be used in place of the corresponding filenames in conflict reports. That is, merge_Lx_L y _Lz a b c generates output that looks like it came from FILES x, y, and z instead of from FILES a, b, and c.
_p Send results to standard output instead of overwriting file1.
_q Quiet; do not warn about conflicts.
_V Print RCS's version number.


Exit status is 0 for no conflicts, 1 for some conflicts, 2 for trouble.


AUTHOR: Walter F. Tichy.
Manual Page Revision: 5.7; Release Date: 1995/06/01.
Copyright " 1982, 1988, 1989 Walter F. Tichy.
Copyright " 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Paul Eggert.


diff3(1), diff(1), rcsmerge(1), co(1)


It normally does not make sense to merge binary FILES as if they were text, but merge tries to do it anyway.

GNU, 1 June 1995

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mesg—Display (do not display) messages from other users


mesg [n][y]


The mesg utility is invoked by a users to control write access others have to the terminal device associated with the standard error output. If write access is allowed, then programs such as talk(1) and write(1) may display messages on the terminal.

Traditionally, write access is allowed by default. However, as users become more conscious of various security risks, there is a trend to remove write access by default, at least for the primary login shell. To make sure your ttys are set the way you want them to be set, mesg should be executed in your login scripts.

OPTIONS available:

n Disallows messages
y Permits messages to be displayed

If no arguments are given, mesg displays the present message status to the standard error output.

The mesg utility exits with one of the following values:

\0 Messages are allowed.
\1 Messages are not allowed.
1 An error has occurred.




biff(1), talk(1), write(1), wall(1), login(1),



A mesg command appeared in version 6 AT&T UNIX.

Linux 1.2, 10 March 1995


mformat—Add an MS-DOS FILESystem to a low-level formatted disk


mformat [ -t tracks ] [ -h heads ] [ -s sectors ] [ -l volume label ]

[ -S sizecode ] [ -2 sectors on track 0 ] [ -M software sector size ]

[ -a ][-X ][-C ][-H hidden sectors ] drive:


mformat adds a minimal MS-DOS FILESystem (boot sector, FAT, and root directory) to a disk that has already been formatted by a UNIX low-level format.

The follow OPTIONS are supported: (The S, 2, 1, and M OPTIONS may not exist if this copy of mtools has been compiled without the USE_2M option).

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t The number of tracks (not cylinders).
h The number of heads (sides).
s The number of sectors per track. If the 2m option is given, number of 512-byte sector equivalents on generic tracks (that is, not head 0 track). If the 2m option is not given, number of physical sectors per track (which may be bigger than 512 bytes).
l An optional volume label.
S The sizecode. The size of the sector is 2 ^ (sizecode + 7).
2 2m format. The parameter to this option describes the number of sectors on track 0, head 0. This option is recommended for sectors bigger than normal.
1 Don't use a 2m format, even if the current geometry of the disk is a 2m geometry.
M Software sector size. This parameter describes the sector size in bytes used by the MS-DOS FILESystem. By default it is the physical sector size.
a If this option is given, an Atari-style serial number is generated. Ataris store their serial number in the OEM label.
X FORMATS the disk as an Xdf disk. Xdf disks are used by OS/2. This format can hold 1756Kb, and is faster than the equivalent 2m FORMATS. The disk has first to be low-level formatted using the xdfcopy utility included in the fdutils package.
C Creates the disk image file to install the MS-DOS FILESystem on it. Obviously, this is useless on physical devices such as floppies and hard disk partitions.
H Number of hidden sectors. This parameter is useful for formatting hard disk partitions, which are not aligned on track boundaries (in other words, first head of first track doesn't belong to the partition, but contains a partition table). In that case the number of hidden sectors is in general the number of sectors per cylinder. This is untested.
n Serial number.

To format a disk at a density other than the default, you must supply (at least) those command-line parameters that are different from the default.

Mformat returns 0 on success or 1 on failure.




Requires a low-level format utility from UNIX.

Doesn't detect (or record) bad block information.



mgrtopbm—Convert an MGR bitmap into a portable bitmap


mgrtopbm [mgrfile]


mgrtopbm reads an MGR bitmap as input and produces a portable bitmap as output.


pbmtomgr(1), pbm(5)

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