Special Edition Using Visual C++ 6

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C++ Review and Object-Oriented Concepts

Working with Objects

C++ is an object-oriented programming language. You can use it to write programs that are not object-oriented, like the "Hello World!" example in Chapter 28, "Future Explorations," but its real power comes from the way it helps you to implement your applications as objects rather than procedures. As a Visual C++ programmer, you will make extensive use of MFC, the Microsoft Foundation Classes: These are implementations of objects almost every application uses.

TIP: If you never worked with C++ before you picked up this book, you are likely to need more help than one chapter can provide. As an introduction, consider using any of Jesse Liberty's books on C++: Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days, or Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days: Complete Compiler Edition.

What Is an Object?

An object is a bundle, a clump, a gathering together of items of information that belong together, and functions that work on those items of information. For example, a BankAccount object might gather up a customer number, account number, and current balance--these three pieces of information are required for all bank accounts. Many languages provide a way to group related information together into structures or records or whatever the language calls the feature. However, where an object differs from these is in including functions, or behavior, as well as information. Our BankAccount object will have Deposit(), Withdraw(), and GetBalance() functions, for example. Figure A.1 shows one way of looking at the design of an object.

FIG. A.1 Objects combine information (variables) and behavior (functions).

Why Use Objects?

There are many advantages to an object-oriented approach to application development, but the two most important are maintanability and robustness. That's what you call them when you're persuading your manager to switch to C++. In your day-to-day life, they mean you can change one thing without breaking anything else, and you don't have to count on remembering to always do step B whenever you do step A. Both these benefits arise because code from outside our BankAccount object can't directly access any information inside the object, only through the functions you've added to the object. For example, imagine that some piece of code creates a bank account like this:

BankAccount account;

That code can now deposit or withdraw money or find out the balance in the account, like this:

float newbalance = account.GetBalance();

That code cannot work on the balance directly, like this:

account.balance = 100.00;
account.balance -= 50.00;
float newbalance = account.balance;

This information hiding doesn't seek to protect the numeric value of the account balance--the three lines of code that work are obviously using and affecting that value. Instead, information hiding protects design decisions made by the programmer, and it leaves you free to change them later.

As an example, say you decide to use a floating point number to represent the account balance, the number of dollars in the account. Later, you change your mind, deciding that using an integer that represents the number of pennies in the account would be faster, or more accurate, or less of a burden on available memory. Of course, you will have to change the code for Deposit() and Withdraw(), which will still take floating point arguments, to convert from dollars to pennies. After you do that, all the code that other people wrote that called those functions will work perfectly: They'll never know you changed anything. If you're the one writing the whole project, you'll know that you have no work to do other than the changes within your BankAccount object. If other code could talk to balance directly, as in the second set of three lines, you'd have to find every place in the whole application that does so and change it to convert from dollars to pennies or from pennies to dollars. What a nightmare!

What if you never make such a fundamental change as that? After all, it's rare to change the type of a variable partway through the project. Well then, imagine a change in the business rules governing withdrawals. When the project started, you were told that accounts couldn't be overdrawn, so you wrote code for the Withdraw() function that looked like this:

balance -= amounttowithdraw;
if (balance < 0)
    balance += amounttowithdraw; //reverse transaction

Then, just as the application was almost complete, you were told that, in fact, many accounts have overdraft protection and you should have written the following:

balance -= amounttowithdraw;
if (balance < -overdraftlimit)
    balance += amounttowithdraw; //reverse transaction

If all withdrawals go through the Withdraw() function, your life is easy: Make one change in the function, and everything's taken care of. If lots of other places in the code were processing withdrawals themselves, by just lowering the value of balance, you would have to find all those places and fix the overdraft check in each place. If you missed one, your program would have a strange and subtle bug that missed overdrafts in some situations and caught them in others. The object-oriented way is much safer.

What Is a Class?

In any bank, there are many bank accounts: yours, mine, and thousands of others. They all have fundamental things in common: They have a balance and a customer, and certain kinds of transactions are allowed with them. In a banking application, you will have perhaps thousands of bank account objects, and each will be an instance of the BankAccount class.

When you define a class, you define what it means to be a BankAccount (or a Truck, or an Employee, or whatever). You list the information that is kept by objects of this class in the form of member variables, and the things objects of this class can do, in the form of member functions. Also, you make it clear which parts of the class you want to protect with information hiding. Listing A.1 shows a declaration for the class BankAccount.

Listing A.1  Declaring the BankAccount Class

class BankAccount
      float balance;
      char[8] customer_id;
      char[8] account_num;
    float GetBalance();
    void Withdraw(float amounttowithdraw);
    void Deposit(float amounttodeposit);

The keyword private before the three variables directs the compiler not to compile code that accesses these variables, unless that code is within a member function of BankAccount. The keyword public before the three functions tells the compiler any code at all can call them. This is a typical arrangement for a well-designed object-oriented program: All the variables are private, and all the functions are public.

TIP: Occasionally, you might write a function for an object that is used to perform some repetitive task. It's not always appropriate for other objects to use that function to direct your object to perform that task. In this case, you can make the function private. Many developers make variables public to save the bother of writing public functions to access the variable. There's rarely a good reason to do this; it's just laziness.

Now if certain code declares two bank accounts, mine and yours, each will have its own balance, customer_id, and account_num variables. Depositing money into my bank account will not affect your balance. Listing A.2 shows some code that creates bank accounts and then exercises their functions.

Listing A.2  Using BankAccount Objects

BankAccount mine, yours;
float mybalance = mine.GetBalance();
float yourbalance = yours.GetBalance();

Where Are the Functions?

The three member functions--Deposit(), Withdraw(), and GetBalance()--must be written, and their code must be compiled. You can put the code for these functions in two places: inside the class declaration (called inline code) or outside the class declaration, usually in a separate file. Only very short and simple functions should have inline code because long functions here make the class declaration hard to read. If all three functions in this sample class had inline code, the class declaration would be as shown in Listing A.3.

Listing A.3  BankAccount with Inline Code

class BankAccount
      float balance;
      char[8] customer_id;
      char[8] account_num;
    float GetBalance() { return balance;}
    void Withdraw(float amounttowithdraw)
        balance -= amounttowithdraw;
        if (balance < 0)
           balance += amounttowithdraw; //reverse transaction
    void Deposit(float amounttodeposit) {balance += amounttodeposit;}

Notice that the semicolon after the function names in Listing A.1 has been replaced by the function body, surrounded by braces. The Withdraw() function is a little too long to include in the class declaration like this and would be better placed outside the class. Because all functions in an object-oriented program belong to a class, when you provide the code, you must indicate the name of the class to which the function belongs. Listing A.4 shows the code for Withdraw() as it might appear outside the class declaration. The two colons (::) between the classname and the function name are called the scope resolution operator.

Listing A.4  BankAccount's Withdraw() Function

void BankAccount::Withdraw(float amounttowithdraw)
        balance -= amounttowithdraw;
        if (balance < 0)
           balance += amounttowithdraw; //reverse transaction

NOTE: Usually, the class declaration is placed in a file of its own with a name such as BankAccount.h so that it can be used by all the other code that makes BankAccount objects or calls BankAccount functions. This file is generally referred to as the header file. Typically, the rest of the code is placed in another file with a name such as BankAccount.cpp, referred to as the implementation file. n

Inline Functions

It's easy to confuse inline code, such as that in Listing A.3, with inline functions. The compiler can choose to make any function an inline function, which provides tremendous performance improvements for small functions. Because it can harm performance for long functions, generally the compiler, not the programmer, makes the decision about inlining. When you provide inline code, you are suggesting to the compiler that the function be inlined. Another way to make this suggestion is to use the keyword inline with the code outside the class declaration, like this:

inline void BankAccount::Withdraw(float amounttowithdraw)
balance -= amounttowithdraw;
if (balance < 0)
balance += amounttowithdraw; //reverse transaction

If this function will be called from other objects, don't inline it like this in the .cpp file. Leave it in the header file or make a separate file for inline functions, an .inl file, and #include it into each file that calls the member functions. That way the compiler will be able to find the code.

The compiler might not inline a function, even though it has inline code (in the class declaration) or you use the inline keyword. If you know what you're doing, the __forceinline keyword introduced in Visual C++ 6 enables you to insist that a function be inlined. (Notice that this keyword, like all nonstandard compiler keywords, starts with two underscores.) Because this can cause code bloat and slow your application, use this feature only when you have an almost complete application and are looking for performance improvements. This is a Visual C++-only keyword that won't work with other compilers.

Perhaps you've already seen one of the other advantages of C++. Functions generally require much fewer parameters. In another language, you might pass the account number into each of these three functions to make it clear which balance you want to know about or change. Perhaps you would pass the balance itself into a Withdraw() function that checks the business rules and then approves or denies the withdrawal. However, because these BankAccount functions are member functions, they have all the member variables of the object to work with and don't require them as parameters. That makes all your code simpler to read and maintain.

How Are Objects Initialized?

In C, you can just declare a variable, like this:

int i;

If you prefer, you can declare it and initialize it at the same time, like this:

int i = 3;

A valid bank account needs values for its customer_id and account_num member variables. You can probably start with a balance of 0, but what sensible defaults can you use for the other two? More importantly, where would you put the code that assigns these values to the variables? In C++, every object has an initializer function called a constructor, and it handles this work. A constructor is different from ordinary member functions in two ways: Its name is the name of the class, and it doesn't have a return type, not even void. Perhaps you might write a constructor like the one in Listing A.5 for the BankAccount class.

Listing A.5  BankAccount Constructor

BankAccount::BankAccount(char* customer, char* account, float startbalance)
        strcpy(customer_id, customer);
        strcpy(account_num, account);
        balance = startbalance;

TIP: strcpy() is a function from the C runtime library, available to all C and C++ programs, that copies strings. The code in Listing A.5 copies the strings that were passed to the constructor into the member variables.

After writing the BankAccount constructor, you would add its declaration to the class by adding this line to the class declaration:

BankAccount(char* customer, char* account, float startbalance);

Notice that there is no return type. You don't need the class name and scope resolution operator because you are in the class definition, and the semicolon at the end of the line indicates that the code is outside the class declaration.

Now, when you declare a BankAccount object, you can initialize by providing constructor parameters, like this:

BankAccount account("AB123456","11038-30",100.00);

What Is Overloading?

Imagine the banking application you are writing also deals with credit cards and that there is a CreditCard class. You might want a GetBalance() function in that class, too. In C, functions weren't associated with classes. They were all global, and you couldn't have two functions with the same name. In C++ you can. Imagine that you write some code like this:

BankAccount account("AB123456","11038-30",100.00);
float accountbalance = account.GetBalance();
CreditCard card("AB123456", "4500 000 000 000", 1000.00);

Most developers can see that the second line will call the BankAccount GetBalance() function, whose full name is BankAccount::GetBalance(), and the fourth line will call CreditCard::GetBalance(). In a sense, these functions don't have the same name. This is one example of overloading, and it's a really nice thing for developers because it lets you use a simple and intuitive name for all your functions, instead of one called GetBankAccountBalance() and another called GetCreditCardBalance().

There's another, even nicer situation in which you might want two functions with the same name, and that's within a single class. Take, for example, that BankAccount constructor you saw a little earlier in this chapter. It might be annoying to pass in a zero balance all the time. What if you could have two constructors, one that takes the customer identifier, account number, and starting balance and another that takes only the customer and account identifiers? You might add them to the class declaration like this:

BankAccount(char* customer, char* account, float startbalance);
BankAccount(char* customer, char* account);

As Listing A.6 shows, the code for these functions would be very similar. You might feel that you need different names for them, but you don't. The compiler tells them apart by their signature: the combination of their full names and all the parameter types that they take. This isn't unique to constructors: All functions can be overloaded as long as at least one aspect of the signature is different for the two functions that have the same name.

TIP: Two functions in the same class, with the same name, must differ in the type or number of parameters. If they differ only in the return type, that is not a valid overload.

Listing A.6  Two BankAccount Constructors

BankAccount::BankAccount(char* customer, char* account, float startbalance)
        strcpy(customer_id, customer);
        strcpy(account_num, account);
        balance = startbalance;
BankAccount::BankAccount(char* customer, char* account)
        strcpy(customer_id, customer);
        strcpy(account_num, account);
        balance = 0;

Reusing Code and Design with Inheritance

Maintainability and robustness, thanks to information hiding, are two of the features that inspire people to switch to object-oriented programming. Another is reuse. You can reuse other people's objects, calling their public functions and ignoring their design decisions, by simply making an object that is an instance of the class and calling the functions. The hundreds of classes that make up MFC are a good example. C++ enables another form of reuse as well, called inheritance.

What Is Inheritance?

To stick with the banking example, imagine that after you have BankAccount implemented, tested, and working perfectly, you decide to add checking and savings accounts to your system. You would like to reuse the code you have already written for BankAccount, not just copy it into each of these new classes. To see whether you should reuse by making an object and calling its functions or reuse by inheriting, you try saying these sample sentences:

A checking account IS a bank account.

A checking account HAS a bank account part.

A savings account IS a bank account.

A savings account HAS a bank account part.

Most people agree that the IS sentences sound better. In contrast, which of the following would you choose?

A car IS an engine (with some seats and wheels)

A car HAS an engine (and some seats and wheels)

If the IS sentences don't sound silly, inheritance is the way to implement your design. Listing A.7 contains possible class declarations for the two new classes.

TIP: The class reusing code in this way is called a derived class or sometimes a subclass. The class providing the code is called the base class or sometimes the superclass.

Listing A.7  CheckingAccount and SavingsAccount

class SavingsAccount: public BankAccount
      float interestrate;
    SavingsAccount(char* customer, char* account, 
                   float startbalance, float interest);
    void CreditInterest(int days);
class CheckingAccount: public BankAccount
    Checking(char* customer, char* account, float startbalance);
    void PrintStatement(int month);

Now, if someone makes a CheckingAccount object, he can call functions that CheckingAccount inherited from BankAccount or functions that were written specially for CheckingAcount. Here's an example:

CheckingAccount ca("AB123456","11038-30",100.00); 

What's terrific about this is what happens when someone changes the business rules. Perhaps management notices that there are no service charges in this system and instructs you to add them. You will charge 10 cents for each deposit and withdrawal, and subtract the service charges on instruction from some monthly maintenance code that another developer is writing. You open up BankAccount.h and add a private member variable called servicecharges. You set this to zero in the constructor and increase it by 0.1 in both Deposit() and Withdraw(). Then you add a public function called ApplyServiceCharges() that reduces the balance and resets the charges to zero.

At this point in most other languages, you'd have to repeat all this for CheckingAccount and SavingsAccount. Not in C++! You have to add a line to the constructors for these classes, but you don't change anything else. You can reuse your changes as easily as you reused your BankAccount class in the first place.

What Is Protected Access?

Without writing all of CheckingAccount::PrintStatement(), you can assume it will need to know the balance of the account. To spare any hard-to-read code that would put that number onscreen, consider this line of code:

float bal = balance;

This line, inside CheckingAccount::PrintStatement(), will not compile. balance is a private member variable, and no code can access it, other than code in BankAccount member functions. Though this probably seems outrageous, it's actually very useful. Remember the possible design decision that would change the type of balance from float to int? How would the BankAccount programmer know all the classes out there that inherited from BankAccount and rely on the type of the balance member variable? It's much simpler to prevent access by any other code. After all, CheckingAccount::PrintStatement() can use a public function, GetBalance(), to achieve the desired result.

If you want to grant code in derived classes direct access to a member variable, and you're confident that you will never need to find all these classes to repeat some change in all of them, you can make the variable protected rather than private. The class declaration for BankAccount would start like this:

class BankAccount
      float balance;
      char[8] customer_id;
      char[8] account_num;
   // ...

What Is Overriding?

At times, your class will inherit from a base class that already provides a function you need, but the code for that function isn't quite what you want. For example, BankAccount might have a Display() function that writes onscreen the values of the three member variables: customer_id, account_num, and balance. Other code could create BankAccount, CheckingAccount, or SavingsAccount objects and display them by calling this function. No problem. Well, there is one little problem: All SavingsAccount objects have an interestrate variable as well, and it would be nice if the Display() function showed its value, too. You can write your own code for SavingsAccount::Display(). This is called an override of the function from the base class.

You want SavingsAccount::Display() to do everything that BankAccount::Display() does and then do the extra things unique to savings accounts. The best way to achieve this is to call BankAccount::Display() (that's its full name) from within SavingsAccount::Display(). Besides saving you time typing or copying and pasting, you won't have to recopy later if someone changes the base class Display().

What Is Polymorphism?

Polymorphism is a tremendously useful feature of C++, but it doesn't sneak up on you. You can use it only if you are using inheritance and pointers, and then only if the base class in your inheritance hierarchy deliberately activates it. Consider the code in Listing A.8.

TIP: If you haven't worked with pointers before, you may find the &, *, and -> operators used in this code example confusing. & means address of and obtains a pointer from a variable. * means contents of and uses a pointer to access the variable it points to. -> is used when the pointer has the address of an object rather than an integer, float, or other fundamental type.

Listing A.8  Inheritance and Pointers

BankAccount ba("AB123456","11038-30",100.00);
CheckingAccount ca("AB123456","11038-32",200.00);
SavingsAccount sa("AB123456","11038-39",1000.00, 0.03);
BankAccount* pb = &ba;
CheckingAccount* pc = &ca;
SavingsAccount* ps = &sa;
BankAccount* pc2 = &ca;
BankAccount* ps2 = &sa;

In this example, there are three objects and five pointers. pb, pc, and ps are straightforward, but pc2 and ps2 represent what is often called an upcast: A pointer that points to a derived class object is being carried around as a pointer to a base class object. Although there doesn't seem to be any use at all in doing such a thing in this code example, it would be very useful to be able to make an array of BankAccount pointers and then pass it to a function that wouldn't have to know that SavingsAccount or CheckingAccount objects even existed. You will see an example of that in a moment, but first you need to be clear about what's happening in Listing A.8.

The call to pb->Display() will execute the BankAccount::Display() function, not surprisingly. The call to pc->Display() would execute CheckingAccount::Display() if you had written one, but because CheckingAccount only inherits the base class code, this call will be to BankAccount::Display(), also. The call to ps->Display() will execute the override, SavingsAccount::Display(). This is exactly the behavior you want. Each account will be displayed completely and properly.

Things aren't as simple when it comes to pc2 and ps2, however. These pointers, though they point to a CheckingAccount object and a SavingsAccount object, are declared to be of type pointer-to-BankAccount. Each of the display calls will execute the BankAccount::Display() function, which is not what you want at all. To achieve the desired behavior, you must include the keyword virtual in your declaration of BankAccount::Display(). (The keyword must appear in the base class declaration of the function.) When you do so, you are asking for polymorphism, asking that the same line of code sometimes do quite different things. To see how this can happen, consider a function such as this one:

void SomeClass::DisplayAccounts(BankAccount* a[], int numaccounts)
   for (int i = 0; i < numaccounts; i++)

This function takes an array of BankAccount pointers, goes through the array, and displays each account. If, for example, the first pointer is pointing to a CheckingAccount object, BankAccount::Display() will be executed. If the second pointer is pointing to a SavingsAccount object, and Display() is virtual, SavingsAccount::Display() will be executed. You can't tell by looking at the code which lines will be executed, and that's polymorphism.

It's a tremendously useful feature. Without it, you'd have to write switch statements that decide which function to call, and every time you add another kind of BankAccount, you'd have to find those switch statements and change them. With it, you can add as many new kinds of BankAccount classes as you want, and you never have to change SomeClass::DisplayAccounts() to accommodate that.

Managing Memory

When you declare an object in a block of code, it lasts only until the last line of code in the block has been executed. Then the object goes out of scope, and its memory is reclaimed. If you want some cleanup task taken care of, you write a destructor (the opposite of a constructor) for the object, and the system will call the destructor before reclaiming the memory.

Often you want to create an object that will continue to exist past the lifetime of the function that created it. You must, of course, keep a pointer to the object somewhere. A very common situation is to have the pointer as a member variable of a class: The constructor for the class allocates the memory, and the destructor releases it.

Allocating and Releasing Memory

In C, you allocate memory like this with the malloc() function. For example, to allocate enough memory for a single integer, you would write

int *pi = (int *) malloc ( sizeof(int) );

However, when you allocate memory for an object, you want the constructor to run. malloc(), written long before C++ was developed, can't call constructors. Therefore, you use an operator called new to allocate and initialize the memory, like this:

BankAccount* pb = new BankAccount("AB123456","11038-30",100.00);

The parameters after the classname are passed along to the constructor, as they were when you allocated a BankAccount within a block. Not only does new call the constructor, but you also don't have to calculate the number of bytes you need with sizeof, and you don't have to cast the pointer you receive back. This is a handy operator.

TIP: The place where this memory is allocated is technically called the free store. Many C++ developers call it the heap. On the other hand, variables allocated within a block are said to be on the stack.

When you're finished with the object you allocated with new, you use the delete operator to get rid of it, like this:

delete pb;

delete will call the destructor and then reclaim the memory. The older C function, free(), must never be used to release memory that was allocated with new. If you allocate some other memory (say, a dynamic array of integers) with malloc(), you must release it with free() rather than delete. Many developers find it simpler to leave free() and malloc() behind forever and use new and delete exclusively.

new can be used for array allocation, like this:

int * numbers = new int[100];

When you are finished with memory that was allocated like this, always use the array form of delete to release it:

delete[] numbers;

Pointers as Member Variables

It's common to use pointers within objects. Consider the BankAccount class that's been the example throughout this chapter. Why should it carry around a character string representing a customer identifier? Wouldn't it be better to carry around a pointer to an object that is an instance of the class Customer? This is easy to do. Remove the private customer_id variable and add a Customer pointer to the class declaration, like this:

Customer* pCustomer;

You would have to write code in the constructor that finds the right Customer object using only the customer identifer passed to the constructor, and you would probably add two new constructors that take Customer pointers. You can't take away a public function after you've written it, because someone might be relying on it. If you are sure no one is, you could remove it.

Now a BankAccount can do all sorts of useful things by delegating to the Customer object it is associated with. Need to print the customer's name and address at the top of the statement? No problem, have the Customer object do it:


This is a terrific way to reuse all the work that went into formatting the name and address in the Customer class. It also completely isolates you from changes in that format later.

TIP: This kind of reuse is generally called aggregation or containment and is contrasted with inheritance. It corresponds to the HAS sentences presented in the inheritance section.

Dynamic Objects

A BankAccount is always associated with exactly one Customer object. However, there are other things about a BankAccount that might or might not exist. Perhaps an account is associated with a CreditCard, and if so, possible overdrafts are covered from that card.

To implement this in code, you would add another private member variable to the BankAccount class:

CreditCard *pCard;

All the constructors written so far would set this pointer to NULL to indicate that it doesn't point to a valid CreditCard:

pCard = NULL;

You could then add a public function such as AddCreditCard() that would set the pointer. The code could be inline, like this:

void AddCreditCard(CreditCard* card) {pCard = card;}

The new code for Withdraw() would probably look like this:

void BankAccount::Withdraw(float amounttowithdraw)
     balance -= amounttowithdraw;
     if (balance < 0)
           if (pCard)
              int hundreds = - (int) (balance / 100); 
              pCard->CashAdvance(hundreds * 100);
              balance += hundreds * 100;
              balance += amounttowithdraw; //reverse transaction

This rounds the overdraft (not the withdrawal) to the nearest hundred and obtains that amount from the credit card. If this account has no associated card, it reverses the transaction, as before.

Destructors and Pointers

When a BankAccount object is thrown away, the Customer or CreditCard objects to which it might have had pointers continue to exist. That means BankAccount doesn't need a destructor at the moment. Many times, objects with pointers as member variables do need destructors.

Consider the situation of ordering new checks. When the checks arrive, the charge is taken out of the account. Perhaps you will make a CheckOrder object to gather up the information and will add a function to CheckingAccount to make one of these. Without taking this example too far afield by trying to design CheckOrder, the OrderChecks() function might look like this:

   pOrder = new CheckOrder( /* whatever parameters the constructor takes */);

You would add pOrder as a private member variable of CheckingAccount:

   CheckOrder* pOrder; 

In the constructor for CheckingAccount, you would set pOrder to NULL because a brand new account doesn't have an outstanding check order.

When the checks arrive, whatever outside code called OrderChecks() could call ChecksArrive(), which would look like this:

    balance -= pOrder.GetCharge();
    delete pOrder;
    pOrder = NULL;

NOTE: This function will be able to access balance directly like this only if balance was protected in BankAccount rather than private, as discussed earlier. n

The delete operator will clean up the order object by running its destructor and then reclaim the memory. You set the pointer to NULL afterwards to make sure that no other code tries to use the pointer, which no longer points to a valid CheckOrder object.

What if a CheckingAccount is closed while an order is outstanding? If you throw away the pointer, the memory occupied by the CheckOrder object will never be reclaimed. You will have to write a destructor for CheckingAccount that cleans this up. Remember that constructors always have the same name as the class. Destructor names are always a tilde (~) followed by the name of the class. CheckingAccount::~CheckingAccount() would look like this:

    delete pOrder;

Running Destructors Accidentally

When a class has a destructor that does something destructive, you have to be very careful to make sure that it isn't unexpectedly called and causes you trouble. Look at the code in Listing A.9. It makes a CheckingAccount object, orders checks, passes the object to some function or another, and then tells the account that the checks have arrived.

Listing A.9  Accidental Destruction

CheckingAccount ca("AB123456","11038-32",200.00);

This looks harmless enough. However, when you pass the CheckingAccount object to SomeFunction(), the system makes a copy of it to give to the function. This copy is identical to ca: It has a pointer in it that points to the same CheckOrder as ca. When the call to SomeFunction() returns, the copy is no longer needed, so the system runs the destructor and reclaims the memory. Unfortunately, the destructor for the temporary CheckingAccount object will delete its CheckOrder, which is also ca's CheckOrder. The call to ChecksArrive() can't work because the CheckOrder object is gone.

There are two ways to deal with this problem. The first is to change SomeFunction() so that it takes a pointer to a CheckingAccount or a reference to a CheckingAccount. The second is to write a function called a copy constructor that controls the way the temporary CheckingAccount is made. References and copy constructors are beyond the scope of this chapter. If the function takes a pointer, no copy is made, and there can be no accidental destruction.

What Else Should I Know?

If you bought a book solely on C++ or attended a week-long introductory course, you would learn a number of other C++ features, including the following:

Two topics not always covered in introductory material are exceptions and templates. These are discussed in Chapter 26, "Exceptions and Templates."

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