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Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days

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Table of Contents:


Chapter 1 - The Visual C++ Development Environment--Building Your First Visual C++ Application

Chapter 2 - Using Controls in Your Application

Chapter 3 - Allowing User Interaction--Integrating the Mouse and Keyboard in Your Application

Chapter 4 - Working with Timers

Chapter 5 - Getting User Feedback--Adding Dialog Boxes to Your Application

Chapter 6 - Creating Menus for Your Application

Chapter 7 - Working with Text and Fonts

Chapter 8 - Adding Flash--Incorporating Graphics, Drawing, and Bitmaps

Chapter 9 - Adding ActiveX Controls to Your Application

Chapter 10 - Creating Single Document Interface Applications

Chapter 11 - Creating Multiple Document Interface Applications

Chapter 12 - Adding Toolbars and Status Bars

Chapter 13 - Saving and Restoring Work--File Access

Chapter 14 - Retrieving Data from an ODBC Database

Chapter 15 - Updating and Adding Database Records Through ADO

Chapter 16 - Creating Your Own Classes and Modules

Chapter 17 - Sharing Your Functionality with Other Applications--Creating DLLs

Chapter 18 - Doing Multiple Tasks at One Time--Multitasking

Chapter 19 - Building Your Own Widgets--Creating ActiveX Controls

Chapter 20 - Internet Applications and Network Communications

Chapter 21 - Adding Web Browsing Functionality to Your Applications

Appendix A - C++ Review

Appendix B - Answers - 579

Appendix C - Printing and Print Previewing

Appendix D - Understanding and Exception Handling

Appendix E - Using the Debugger and Profiler

Appendix F - Using MFC's Helper Classes - 699

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