RAID-Based Storage

One skill that a system administrator should cultivate is the ability to look at complex system configurations, and observe the different shortcomings inherent in each configuration. While this might, at first glance, seem to be a rather depressing viewpoint to take, it can be a great way to look beyond the shiny new boxes to some future Saturday night with all production down due to a failure that could easily have been avoided.

With this in mind, let us use what we now know about disk-based storage and see if we can determine the ways that disk drives can cause problems. First, consider an outright hardware failure:

A disk drive with four partitions on it dies completely: what happens to the data on those partitions? It is immediately unavailable (at least until it can be restored from a recent backup, that is).

A disk drive with a single partition on it is operating at the limits of its design due to massive I/O loads: what happens to applications that require access to the data on that partition? The applications slow down because the disk drive cannot process reads and writes any faster.

You have a large data file that is slowly growing in size; soon it will be larger than the largest disk drive available for your system. What happens then? The data file (and its associated applications) stop running.

Just one of these problems could cripple a data center, yet system administrators must face these kinds of issues every day. What can be done?

Fortunately, there is one technology that can address each one of these issues. And the name for that technology is RAID.

Basic Concepts

RAID is an acronym standing for Redundant Array of Independent Disks[1]. As the name implies, RAID is a way for multiple disk drives to act as a single disk drive.

RAID techniques were first developed by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley in the mid-1980s. At the time, there was a large gap in price between the high-performance disk drives used on the large computers installations of the day, and the smaller, slower disk drives used by the still-young personal computer industry. RAID was viewed as a method of having many less expensive disk drives fill in for higher-priced hardware.

More importantly, RAID arrays can be constructed in different ways, and will have different characteristics depending on the final configuration. Let us look at the different configurations (known as RAID levels) in more detail.

RAID Levels

The Berkeley researchers originally defined five different RAID levels and numbered them "1" through "5". In time, additional RAID levels were defined by other researchers and members of the storage industry. Not all RAID levels were equally useful; some were of interest only for research purposes, and others could not be economically implemented.

In the end, there were three RAID levels that ended up seeing widespread usage:

  • Level 0

  • Level 1

  • Level 5

The following sections will discuss each of these levels in more detail.


The disk configuration known as RAID level 0 is a bit misleading, as this is the only RAID level that employs absolutely no redundancy. However, even though RAID 0 has no advantages from a reliability standpoint, it does have other advantages.

A RAID 0 array consists of two or more disk drives. The drives are divided into chunks, which represents some multiple of the drives' native block size. Data written to the array will be written, chunk by chunk, to each drive in the array. The chunks can be thought of as forming stripes across each drive in the array; hence the other term for RAID 0: striping.

For example, with a two-drive array and a 4KB chunk size, writing 12KB of data to the array would result in the data being written in three 4KB chunks to the following drives:

  • The first 4KB would be written to the first drive, into the first chunk

  • The second 4KB would be written to the second drive, into the second chunk

  • The last 4KB would be written to the first drive, into the second chunk

Advantages to RAID 0

Compared to a single disk drive, the advantages to RAID 0 are:

  • Larger total size — RAID 0 arrays can be constructed that are larger than a single disk drive, making it easier to store larger data files

  • Better read/write performance — The I/O load on a RAID 0 array will be spread evenly among all the drives in the array

  • No wasted space — All available storage on all drives in the array are available for data storage

Disadvantages to RAID 0

Compared to a single disk drive, RAID 0 has the following disadvantage:

  • Less reliability — Every drive in a RAID 0 array must be operative in order for the array to be available


If you have trouble keeping the different RAID levels straight, just remember that RAID 0 has zero percent redundancy.


RAID 1 uses two (although some implementations support more) identical disk drives. All data is written to both drives, making them identical copies of each other. That is why RAID 1 is often known as mirroring.

Whenever data is written to a RAID 1 array, two physical writes must take place: one to one drive, and one to the other. Reading data, on the other hand, only needs to take place once and either drive in the array can be used.

Advantages to RAID 1

Compared to a single disk drive, a RAID 1 array has the following advantages:

  • Improved redundancy — Even if one drive in the array were to fail, the data would still be accessible

  • Improved read performance — With both drives operational, reads can be evenly split between them

Disadvantages to RAID 1

When compared to a single disk drive, a RAID 1 array has some disadvantages:

  • Reduced write performance — Because both drives must be kept up-to-date, all write I/O must be performed by both drives, slowing the overall process of writing data to the array

  • Reduced cost efficiency — With one entire drive dedicated to redundancy, the cost of a RAID 1 array is at least double that of a single drive


RAID 5 attempts to combine the benefits of RAID 0 and RAID 1, while minimizing their respective disadvantages.

Like RAID 0, a RAID 5 array consists of multiple disk drives, each divided into chunks. This allows a RAID 5 array to be larger than any single drive. And like a RAID 1 array, a RAID 5 array uses some disk space in a redundant fashion, improving reliability.

However, the way RAID 5 works is unlike either RAID 0 or 1.

A RAID 5 array must consist of at least three identically-sized disk drives (although more drives may be used). Each drive is divided into chunks and data is written to the chunks in order. However, not every chunk is dedicated to data storage as it is in RAID 0. Instead, in an array with n disk drives in it, every nth chunk is dedicated to parity.

Chunks containing parity make it possible to recover data should one of the drives in the array fail. The parity in chunk x is calculated by mathematically combining the data from each chunk x stored on all the other drives in the array. If the data in a chunk is updated, the corresponding parity chunk must be recalculated and updated as well.

This also means that every time data is written to the array, two drives are written to: the drive holding the data, and the drive containing the parity chunk.

One key point to keep in mind is that the parity chunks are not concentrated on any one drive in the array. Instead, they are spread evenly through all the drives. Even though dedicating a specific drive to contain nothing but parity is possible (and, in fact, this configuration is known as RAID level 4), the constant updating of parity as data is written to the array would mean that the parity drive could become a performance bottleneck. By spreading the parity information throughout the array, this impact is reduced.

Advantages to RAID 5

Compared to a single drive, a RAID 5 array has the following advantages:

  • Improved redundancy — If one drive in the array fails, the parity information can be used to reconstruct the missing data chunks, all while keeping the data available for use

  • Improved read performance — Due to the RAID 0-like way data is divided between drives in the array, read I/O activity is spread evenly between all the drives

  • Reasonably good cost efficiency — For a RAID 5 array of n drives, only 1/nth of the total available storage is dedicated to redundancy

Disadvantages to RAID 5

Compared to a single drive, a RAID 5 array has the following disadvantage:

  • Reduced write performance — Because each write to the array results in two writes to the physical drives (one write for the data and one for the parity), write performance is worse than a single drive[2]

Nested RAID Levels

As should be obvious from the discussion of the various RAID levels, each level has specific strengths and weaknesses. It was not long before people began to wonder whether different RAID levels could somehow be combined, producing arrays with all of the strengths and none of the weaknesses of the original levels.

For example, what if the disk drives in a RAID 0 array were actually RAID 1 arrays? This would give the advantages of RAID 0's speed, with the reliability of RAID 1.

This is just the kind of thing that can be done. Here are the most commonly-nested RAID levels:

  • RAID 1+0

  • RAID 5+0

  • RAID 5+1

Because nested RAID is used in more specialized environments, we will not go into greater detail here. However, there are two points to keep in mind when thinking about nested RAID:

  • Order matters — The order in which RAID levels are nested can have a large impact on reliability. In other words, RAID 1+0 and RAID 0+1 are not the same

  • Costs can be high — If there is any disadvantage common to all nested RAID implementations, it is one of cost; the smallest possible RAID 5+1 array is six disk drives (and even more drives will be required for larger arrays)

Now that we have explored the concepts behind RAID, let us see how RAID can be implemented.

RAID Implementations

It is obvious from the previous sections that RAID requires additional "intelligence" over and above the usual disk I/O processing for individual drives. At the very least, the following tasks must be performed:

  • Dividing incoming I/O requests to the individual disks in the array

  • Calculating parity (for RAID 5), and writing it to the appropriate drive in the array

  • Monitoring the individual disks in the array and taking the appropriate actions should one fail

  • Controlling the rebuilding of an individual disk in the array, when that disk has been replaced or repaired

  • Providing a means to allow administrators to maintain the array (removing and adding drives, initiating and halting rebuilds, etc.)

Fortunately, there are two major methods that may be used to accomplish these tasks. The next two sections will describe them.

Hardware RAID

A hardware RAID implementation usually takes the form of a specialized disk controller card. The card performs all RAID-related functions and directly controls the individual drives in the arrays attached directly to it. With the proper driver, the arrays managed by a hardware RAID card appear to the host operating system just as if they were regular disk drives.

Most RAID controller cards work with SCSI drives, although there are some IDE-based RAID controllers as well. In any case, the administrative interface is usually implemented in one of three ways:

  • Specialized utility programs that run as applications under the host operating system

  • An on-board interface using a serial port that is accessed using a terminal emulator

  • A BIOS-like interface that is only accessible during the system's power-up testing

Some RAID controllers have more than one type of administrative interface available. For obvious reasons, a software interface provides the most flexibility, as it allows administrative functions while the operating system is running. However, if you are going to boot Red Hat Linux from a RAID controller, an interface that does not require a running operating system is a requirement.

Because there are so many different RAID controller cards on the market, it is impossible to go into further detail here. The best course of action is to read the manufacturer's documentation for more information.

Software RAID

Software RAID is simply RAID implemented as kernel- or driver-level software for a particular operating system. As such, it provides more flexibility in terms of hardware support — as long as the hardware is supported by the operating system, RAID arrays can be configured and deployed. This can dramatically reduce the cost of deploying RAID by eliminating the need for expensive, specialized RAID hardware.

Because Red Hat Linux includes support for software RAID, the remainder of this section will describe how it may be configured and deployed.

Creating RAID Arrays

Under Red Hat Linux there are two ways that RAID arrays can be created:

We will next look into these two methods.

While Installing Red Hat Linux

During the normal Red Hat Linux installation process, RAID arrays can be created. This is done during the disk partitioning phase of the installation. To begin, you must manually partition your disk drives using Disk Druid. You will first need to create partitions of the type "software RAID". These partitions will later be combined to form the desired RAID arrays.

Once you have created all the partitions required for the RAID array(s) that you wish to create, you must then use the RAID button to actually create the arrays. You will be presented with a dialog box where you select the array's mount point, file system type, RAID device name, RAID level, and the "software RAID" partitions on which this array will be based.

Once the desired arrays have been created, the installation process continues as usual.


For more information on creating software RAID arrays during the Red Hat Linux installation process, refer to the Official Red Hat Linux Customization Guide.

After Red Hat Linux Has Been Installed

Creating a RAID array after Red Hat Linux has been installed is a bit more complex. As with the addition of any type of disk storage, the necessary hardware must first be installed and properly configured. Partitioning is a bit different for RAID than it is for single disk drives. Instead of selecting a partition type of "Linux" (type 83) or "Linux swap" (type 82), all partitions that will be part of a RAID array must be set to "Linux raid auto" (type fd). Next, it is necessary to create the /etc/raidtab file. This file is responsible for the proper configuration of all RAID arrays on your system. The file format (which is documented in the raidtab man page) is relatively straightforward. Here is an example /etc/raidtab entry for a RAID 1 array:

raiddev             /dev/md0
raid-level                  1
nr-raid-disks               2
chunk-size                  64k
persistent-superblock       1
nr-spare-disks              0
    device          /dev/hda2
    raid-disk     0
    device          /dev/hdc2
    raid-disk     1

Some of the more notable sections in this entry are:

  • raiddev — Shows the special device file name for the RAID array[3]

  • raid-level — Defines the RAID level to used used by this RAID array

  • nr-raid-disks — Indicates how many physical disk partitions are to be part of this array

  • nr-spare-disks — Software RAID under Red Hat Linux allows the definition of one or more spare disk partitions; these partitions can automatically take the place of a malfunctioning disk

  • device, raid-disk — Together, they define the physical disk partitions that will make up the RAID array

Next, it is necessary to actually create the RAID array. This is done with the mkraid program. Using our example /etc/raidtab file, we would create the /dev/md0 RAID array with the following command:

mkraid /dev/md0

The RAID array /dev/md0 is now ready to be formatted and mounted. This process is no different than the single drive approach outlined in the Section called Partitioning and the Section called Formatting the Partition(s).

Day to Day Management of RAID Arrays

There is little that needs to be done to keep a RAID array operating. As long as no hardware problems crop up, the array should function just as if it were a single physical disk drive.

However, just as a system administrator should periodically check the status of all disk drives on the system, the RAID arrays should be checked as well.

Checking Array Status With /proc/mdstat

The file /proc/mdstat is the easiest way to check on the status of all RAID arrays on a particular system. Here is a sample mdstat (view with the command cat /proc/mdstat):

Personalities : [raid1] 
read_ahead 1024 sectors
md3 : active raid1 hda4[0] hdc4[1]
      73301184 blocks [2/2] [UU]
md1 : active raid1 hda3[0] hdc3[1]
      522048 blocks [2/2] [UU]
md0 : active raid1 hda2[0] hdc2[1]
      4192896 blocks [2/2] [UU]
md2 : active raid1 hda1[0] hdc1[1]
      128384 blocks [2/2] [UU]
unused devices: <none>

On this system, there are four RAID arrays (all RAID 1). Each RAID array has its own section in /proc/mdstat and contains the following information:

  • The RAID array device name (minus /dev/)

  • The status of the RAID array

  • The RAID array's RAID level

  • The physical partitions that currently make up the array (followed by the partition's array unit number)

  • The size of the array

  • The number of configured devices versus the number of operative devices in the array

  • The status of each configured device in the array (U meaning the device is OK, and _ indicating that the device has failed)

Rebuilding a RAID array with raidhotadd

Should /proc/mdstat show that a problem exists with one of the RAID arrays, the raidhotadd utility program should be used to rebuild the array. Here are the steps that would need to be performed:

  1. Determine which disk drive contains the failed partition

  2. Correct the problem that caused the failure (most likely by replacing the drive)

  3. Partition the new drive so that the partitions on it are identical to those on the other drive(s) in the array

  4. Issue the following command:

    raidhotadd <raid-device> <disk-partition>
  5. Monitor /proc/mdstat to watch the rebuild take place


Here is a command that can be used to watch the rebuild as it takes place:

watch -n1 cat /proc/mdstat



When early RAID research began, the acronym stood for Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks, but over time the "standalone" disks that RAID was intended to supplant became cheaper and cheaper, rendering the price comparison meaningless.


There is also an impact from the parity calculations required for each write. However, depending on the specific RAID 5 implementation, this impact can range from sizable to nearly nonexistent.


Note that since the RAID array is composed of partitioned disk space, the device file name of a RAID array does not reflect any partition-level information.