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All the preceding platforms except the Jensen include an NCR 810 SCSI controller, though BusLogic PCI SCSI controllers (other than the FlashPoint), the Adaptec AHA-2940 SCSI controller, and Qlogic 1020 ISP controllers are also supported. The Jensen design uses an AHA-1740 SCSI controller and is supported.

NE2000, DE422, and DE4x5 (PCI) Ethernet cards are supported. This includes the UDB's internal Ethernet hardware. Token Ring support is also included in the kernels.

The X Window System should work on any machine with an S3-based video card except the Jensen machines. There is a server available from ftp://ftp.azstarnet.com/pub/linux/axp/jensen for S3 cards. TGA servers (which work on the UDB, for example) are available on your Red Hat Linux/Alpha CD in the X11 directory. Most of the cards from Orchid and Number 9 will work. Most Diamond Stealth cards are also supported. Digital TGA cards (based on the DC21030 chip) are supported in 8-bit mode, and an X server for Mach64 cards is also provided.


UNIX, as a real operating system, is a viable solution to many of the business needs today. It has been estimated that more than half of the Web servers on the Internet today are actually Red Hat Linux systems running Apache. Although I cannot confirm or deny that number, I do know that Red Hat Linux, with its support infrastructure, its multiplatform usability, and its reliability, is the choice of many system administrators trying to work real-world problems and coming up with real-world solutions. To quote Mike Kropinack of MK Computer Associates (http://www.mk.net), "Linux is an awesome system, be it Red Hat, Slackware, or whatever. I'd choose it over Microsoft or Novell any day because in over two years of using it, I've never seen it crash in any of our production servers."

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