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I would like to thank Vaughn Blumenthal and the RS Admin Group at Boeing in Everett for allowing me to work an alternative schedule, providing the necessary time needed to work on my book. In addition, I would like to thank my wife for "living without me" for months as I worked on this book and for prodding me on when I did not feel like writing.

—David Pitts

About the Authors

David Pitts, Lead Author

David Pitts is a senior consultant with BEST Consulting, one of the premier consulting companies west of the Mississippi with over 1,400 highly trained consultants. Currently on assignment with The Boeing Company, David is a system administrator, programmer, Webmaster, and author. David can be reached at dpitts@mk.net or dpitts@bestnet.com. David lives in Everett, Washington, with his wonderful wife Dana. Everett, he explains, is like living on a postcard, with the Puget Sound ten minutes to the west and the year-around snow-capped Cascade Mountains to the east. David's favorite quote comes from Saint Francis of Assisi, "Preach the Gospel, and, if necessary, use words."

David B. Horvath

David B. Horvath, CCP, is a senior consultant in the Philadelphia area. He has been a consultant for over twelve years and is also a part-time adjunct professor at local colleges, teaching courses that include C Programming, UNIX, and Database Techniques. He is currently pursuing an M.S. degree in Dynamics of Organization at the University of Pennsylvania. He has provided seminars and workshops to professional societies and corporations on an international basis. David is the author of UNIX for the Mainframer (Prentice-Hall/PTR), contributing author to UNIX Unleashed, Second Edition (with cover credit), and numerous magazine articles.

When not at the keyboard, he can be found working in the garden or soaking in the hot tub. He has been married for over ten years and has several dogs and cats.

David can be reached at rhu2@cobs.com for questions related to this book. No Spam please!

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Bill Ball, a retired U.S. Coast Guard photojournalist, has been playing with and writing about computers since 1984.

Rich Bowen is a CGI programmer working for DataBeam Corporation in Lexington, Kentucky. In his spare time (ha!), he enjoys hiking and reading, and he maintains Web sites at www.rcbowen.com and www.wgm.org, among other places. Rich lives in the heart of the Bluegrass with his border collie, Java, and his lovely wife, Carol, and there is a little Bowen on the way. Mungu asifiwe!

Eric Goebelbecker has been working with market data and trading room systems in the New York City area for the past six years. He is currently the director for systems development with MXNet, Inc., a subsidiary of the Sherwood Group in Jersey City, New Jersey, where he is responsible for developing new market data and transaction distribution systems.

Sanjiv Guha has 14 years of experience in managing and developing financial and other application systems. He specializes in C, UNIX, C++, Windows, and COBOL. Sanjiv holds a master of technology degree from Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India.

Kamran Husain is a software consultant with experience in Windows UNIX system programming. He has dabbled in all sorts of software for real-time systems, applications, telecommunications, seismic data acquistion and navigation, X Window/Motif applications, and Microsoft Windows applications. He refuses to divulge any more of his qualifications. Kamran offers consulting services, and he is an alumnus of the University of Texas at Austin.

Cameron Laird manages his own consultancy, Network Engineered Solutions, just outside Houston. With over two decades of full-time experience in information technology, he has consistently found challenges during his career in bridging system heterogeneities with high reliability, high precision, or high performance knowledge bases. Most recently, that has meant engineering applications that combine components written in a range of languages to solve needs in process control. His bias that the most important communications requirements are those between humans has persistently led him back to sidelines in writing. Hypertext is his favorite medium. Check out http://starbase.neosoft.com/~claird/ for examples of his work.

Steve Shah is a system administrator for the Center of Environmental Research and Technology at the University of California, Riverside. He received his B.S. in Computer Science with a minor in Creative Writing from UCR and is currently working on his M.S. there as well. In his copious spare time, he enjoys writing fiction, DJing, and spending time with his friends, family, and sweet, Heidi.

Sriranga Veeraraghavan is currently earning his B.E. from UC Berkeley. He is a GUI designer on UNIX and uses Java for multiple Web-based applications. He is currently working at Cisco Systems. Sriranga amuses himself with Perl, Marathon, and MacsBugs.

James Youngman is a graduate of the University of Manchester, still lives in Manchester, England, and is a software engineer specializing in embedded systems. James's first installation of Linux was MCC 1.0+ (thanks, Owen!). In his spare time, James writes and maintains GNU software and even sometimes does non_computer-related things.

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