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Maximum RPM (RPM) new buy it
(Imprint: Sams)
(Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing)
Author: Edward Bailey
ISBN: 0672311054

About This Book

Part I

Chapter 1 An Introduction to Package Management
Chapter 2 - Using RPM to Install Packages
Chapter 3 - Using RPM to Erase Packages
Chapter 4 - Using RPM to Upgrade Packages
Chapter 5 - Getting Information About Packages
Chapter 6 - Using RPM to Verify Installed Packages
Chapter 7 - Using RPM to Verify Package Files
Chapter 8 - Miscellanea

Part II - RPM and Developers: How to Distribute Your Software More Easily with RPM

Chapter 9 The Philosophy Behind RPM
Chapter 10 - The Basics of Developing with RPM
Chapter 11 - Building Packages: A Simple Example
Chapter 12 - rpm -b Command Reference
Chapter 13 - Inside the Spec File
Chapter 14 - Adding Dependency Information to a Package
Chapter 15 - Making a Relocatable Package
Chapter 16 - Making a Package That Can Build Anywhere
Chapter 17 - Adding PGP Signatures to a Package
Chapter 18 - Creating Subpackages
Chapter 19 - Building Packages for Multiple Architectures and Operating Systems
Chapter 20 - Real-World Package Building
Chapter 21 - A Guide to the RPM Library API

PART III - Appendixes