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Page 337

Appendix A

The Format of the
RPM File

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A.1. The RPM File-Naming Convention

Although RPM will run just as well if a package file has been renamed, when the packages are created during RPM's build process, they follow this specific naming convention:


In this convention

A few notes are in order. Normally, the package name is taken verbatim from the packaged software's name. Occasionally, this approach won't work—usually this occurs when the software is split into multiple subpackages, each supporting a different set of functions. An
example of this situation is the way ncurses was packaged on Red Hat Linux. The package incorporating the ncurses basic functionality was called ncurses, while the package incorporating those parts of ncurses's program development functionality was named ncurses-devel.

The version number is normally taken verbatim from the package's version. The only restriction placed on the version is that it cannot contain a dash (-).

The release can be thought of as the package's version. Traditionally it is a number, starting at 1, that shows how many times the packaged software, at a given version, has been built. This is tradition and not a restriction, however. As with the version number, the only restriction is that dashes are not allowed.

The architecture specifier is a string that indicates what hardware the package has been built for. There are a number of architectures defined:

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This list will almost certainly change. For the most up-to-date list, refer to the file /usr/lib/rpmrc. It contains information used internally by RPM, including a list of architectures and equivalent code numbers.

A.2. The RPM File Format

While the following details concerning the actual format of an RPM package file were accurate at the time this was written, three points should be kept in mind:

With those caveats out of the way, let's take a look inside an RPM file…

A.2.1. Parts of an RPM File

Every RPM package file can be divided into four distinct sections:

Package files are written to disk in network byte order. If required, RPM will automatically convert to host byte order when the package file is read. Let's take a look at each section, starting with the lead.

A.2.1.1. The Lead

The lead is the first part of an RPM package file. In previous versions of RPM, it was used to store information used internally by RPM. Today, however, the lead's sole purpose is to make it easy to identify an RPM package file. For example, the file(1) command uses the lead. (Refer to section A.4 for a discussion on identifying RPM package files with the file command.) All the information contained in the lead has been duplicated or superseded by information contained in the header. (The header is discussed in section A.2.1.3.)

RPM defines a C structure that describes the lead:

struct rpmlead {

    unsigned char magic[4];

    unsigned char major, minor;

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    short type;

    short archnum;

    char name[66];

    short osnum;

    short signature_type;

    char reserved[16];

} ;

Let's take a look at an actual package file and examine the various pieces of data that make up the lead. In the following display, the number to the left of the colon is the byte offset, in hexadecimal, from the start of the file. The eight groups of four characters show the hex value of the bytes in the file—2 bytes per group of four characters. Finally, the characters on the right show the ASCII values of the data bytes. When a data byte's value results in a non-printable character, a dot (.) is inserted instead. Here are the first 32 bytes of a package file—in this case, the package file rpm-2.2.1-1.i386.rpm:

00000000: edab eedb 0300 0000 0001 7270 6d2d 322e ..........rpm-2.

00000010: 322e 312d 3100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 2.1-1...........

The first 4 bytes (edab eedb) are the magic values that identify the file as an RPM package file. Both the file command and RPM use these magic numbers to determine whether a file is legitimate.

The next 2 bytes (0300) indicate the RPM file format version. In this case, the file's major version number is 3, and the minor version number is 0. Versions of RPM later than 2.1 create version 3.0 package files.

The next 2 bytes (0000) determine what type of RPM file the file is. There are presently two types defined:

In this case, the file is a binary package file.

The next 2 bytes (0001) are used to store the architecture that the package was built for. In this case, the number 1 refers to the i386 architecture. (Note that the architecture used internally by RPM is actually stored in the header. This value is strictly for file(1)'s use.) In the case of a source package file, these two bytes should be ignored, as source packages are not built for a specific architecture.

The next 66 bytes (starting with 7270 6d2d) contain the name of the package. The name must end with a null byte, which leaves 65 bytes for RPM's usual name-version-release_style name. In this case, we can read the name from the right side of the output:


Since the name rpm-2.2.1-1 is shorter than the 65 bytes allocated for the name, the leftover bytes are filled with nulls.

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Skipping past the space allocated for the name, we see 2 bytes (0001):

00000040: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0005 ................

00000050: 0400 0000 24e1 ffbf 6bb3 0008 00e6 ffbf ....$...k.......

These bytes represent the operating system for which this package was built. In this case, 1 equals Linux. As with the architecture-to-number translations, the operating system and corresponding code numbers can be found in the file, /usr/lib/rpmrc.

The next two bytes (0005) indicate the type of signature used in the file. A type 5 signature is new to version 3 RPM files. The signature appears next in the file, but we need to discuss an additional detail before exploring the signature.

A. Wanted: A New RPM Data Structure

By looking at the C structure that defines the lead, and matching it with the bytes in an actual package file, it's trivial to extract the data from the lead. From a programming standpoint, it's also easy to manipulate data in the lead; it's simply a matter of using the element names from the structure. But there's a problem. And because of that problem, the lead is no longer used internally by RPM.

A. The Lead: An Abandoned Data Structure

What's the problem, and why is the lead no longer used by RPM? The answer to these questions is a single word: inflexibility. The technique of defining a C structure to access data in a file just isn't very flexible. Let's look at an example.

Flip back to the lead's C structure on page 349. Say, for example, that some software comes along, and it has a long name. A very long name. A name so long, in fact, that the 66 bytes defined in the structure element name just couldn't hold it.

What can we do? Well, we could certainly change the structure such that the name element would be 100 bytes long. But once a new version of RPM is created using this new structure, we have two problems:

Not a very good situation! Ideally, we would like to somehow eliminate the requirement that the format of the data written to a package file be engraved in granite. We should be able to do the following things, all without losing compatibility with existing versions of RPM:

Sounds like a big problem, but there's a solution.

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A. Is There a Solution?

The solution is to standardize the method by which information is retrieved from a file. This is done by creating a well-defined data structure that contains easily searched information about the data, and then physically separating that information from the data.

When the data is required, it is found by using the easily searched information, which points to the data itself. The benefits are that the data can be placed anywhere in the file, and that the format of the data itself can change.

A. The Solution: The Header Structure

The header structure is RPM's solution to the problem of easily manipulating information in a standard way. The header structure's sole purpose in life is to contain zero or more pieces of data. A file can have more than one header structure in it. In fact, an RPM package file has two—the signature and the header. It was from this header that the header structure got its name.

There are three sections to each header structure. The first section is known as the header structure header. The header structure header is used to identify the start of a header structure, its size, and the number of data items it contains.

Following the header structure header is an area called the index. The index contains one or more index entries. Each index entry contains information about, and a pointer to, a specific data item.

After the index comes the store. It is in the store that the data items are kept. The data in the store is packed together as closely as possible. The order in which the data is stored is immaterial—a far cry from the C structure used in the lead.

A. The Header Structure in Depth

Let's take a more in-depth look at the actual format of a header structure, starting with the header structure header.

A. The Header Structure Header

The header structure header always starts with a 3-byte magic number: 8e ad e8. Following this is a 1-byte version number. Next are 4 bytes that are reserved for future expansion. After the reserved bytes is a 4-byte number that indicates how many index entries exist in this header structure, followed by another 4-byte number indicating how many bytes of data are part of the header structure.

A. The Index Entry

The header structure's index is made up of zero or more index entries. Each entry is 16 bytes long. The first 4 bytes contain a tag—a numeric value that identifies what type of data is pointed to by the entry. The tag values change according to the header structure's position in the RPM file. A list of the actual tag values, and what they represent, is included in section A.

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Following the tag is a 4-byte type, which is a numeric value that describes the format of the data pointed to by the entry. The types and their values do not change from header structure to header structure. Here is the current list:

A few of the data types might need some clarification. The STRING data type is simply a null-terminated string, while the STRING_ARRAY is a collection of strings. Finally, the BIN data type is a collection of binary data. This is normally used to identify data that is longer than an INT but is not a printable STRING.

Next is a 4-byte offset that contains the position of the data, relative to the beginning of the store. We'll talk about the store in just a moment.

Finally, there is a 4-byte count that contains the number of data items pointed to by the index entry. There are a few wrinkles to the meaning of the count, and they center around the STRING and STRING_ARRAY data types. STRING data always has a count of 1, while STRING_ARRAY data has a count equal to the number of strings contained in the store.

A. The Store

The store is where the data contained in the header structure is stored. Depending on the data type being stored, there are some details that should be kept in mind:

With all these details out of the way, let's take a look at the signature.

A.2.1.2. The Signature

The signature section follows the lead in the RPM package file. It contains information that can be used to verify the integrity and, optionally, the authenticity of the majority of the package file. The signature is implemented as a header structure.

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You probably noticed our use of the word majority. The information in the signature header structure is based on the contents of the package file's header and archive only. The data in the lead and the signature header structure is not included when the signature information is created, nor is it part of any subsequent checks based on that information.

While that omission might seem to be a weakness in RPM's design, it really isn't. In the case of the lead, since it is used only for easy identification of package files, any changes made to that part of the file would, at worst, leave the file in such a state that RPM wouldn't recognize it as a valid package file. Likewise, any changes to the signature header structure would make it impossible to verify the file's integrity, since the signature information would have been changed from its original value.

A. Analyzing the Signature Area

Using our newfound knowledge of header structures, let's take a look at the signatures in rpm-


00000060: 8ead e801 0000 0000 0000 0003 0000 00ac ................

The first 3 bytes (8ead e8) contain the magic number for the start of the header structure. The next byte (01) is the header structure's version.

As we discussed earlier, the next 4 bytes (0000 0000) are reserved. The 4 bytes after that (0000 0003) represent the number of index entries in the signature section, namely, three. Following that are 4 bytes (0000 00ac) that indicate how many bytes of data are stored in the signature. The hex value 00ac, when converted to decimal, means the store is 172 bytes long.

Following the first 16 bytes is the index. Each of the three index entries in this header structure consists of four 32-bit integers, in the following order:

Let's take a look at the first index entry:

00000070: 0000 03e8 0000 0004 0000 0000 0000 0001 ................

The tag consists of the first 4 bytes (0000 03e8), which is 1,000 when translated from hex. Looking in the RPM source directory, at the file lib/signature.h, we find the following tag definitions:

#define SIGTAG_SIZE        1000

#define SIGTAG_MD5         1001

#define SIGTAG_PGP         1002

So the tag we are studying is for a size signature. Let's continue.

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The next 4 bytes (0000 0004) contain the data type. As we saw earlier, data type 4 means that the data stored for this index entry is a 32-bit integer. Skipping the next 4 bytes for a moment, the last 4 bytes (0000 0001) are the number of 32-bit integers pointed to by this index entry.

Now let's go back to the 4 bytes prior to the count (0000 0000). This number is the offset, in bytes, at which the size signature is located. It has a value of zero, but the question is, 0 bytes from what? The answer, although it doesn't do us much good, is that the offset is calculated from the start of the store. So first we must find where the store begins, and we can do that by performing a simple calculation.

First, go back to the start of the signature section. We've made a copy here so you won't need to flip from page to page:

00000060: 8ead e801 0000 0000 0000 0003 0000 00ac ................

After the magic, the version, and the 4 reserved bytes, there are the number of index entries (0000 0003). Since we know that each index entry is 16 bytes long (4 for the tag, 4 for the type, 4 for the offset, and 4 for the count), we can multiply the number of entries (3) by the number of bytes in each entry (16) and obtain the total size of the index, which is 48 in decimal, or 30 in hex. Since the first index entry starts at hex offset 70, we can simply add hex 30 to hex 70, and get, in hex, offset a0. So let's skip down to offset a0 and see what's there:

000000a0: 0004 4c4f b025 b097 1597 0132 df35 d169 ..LO.%.....2.5.i

If we've done our math correctly, the first 4 bytes (0004 4c4f) should represent the size of this file. Converting to decimal, this is 281,679. Let's take a look at the size of the actual file:

# ls -al rpm-2.2.1-1.i386.rpm

-rw-rw-r-- 1 ed ed 282015 Jul 21 16:05 rpm-2.2.1-1.i386.rpm


Hmmm, something's not right. Or is it? It looks like we're short by 336 bytes, or in hex, 150. Interesting how that's a nice round hex number, isn't it? For now, let's continue through the remainder of the index entries, and see if hex 150 pops up elsewhere.

Here's the next index entry. It has a tag of decimal 1001, which is an MD5 checksum. It is type 7, which is the BIN data type, it is 16 bytes long, and its data starts 4 bytes after the beginning of the store:

00000080: 0000 03e9 0000 0007 0000 0004 0000 0010 ................

And here's the data. It starts with b025 (Remember that offset of four!) and ends on the second line with 5375. This is a 128-bit MD5 checksum of the package file's header and archive sections:

000000a0: 0004 4c4f b025 b097 1597 0132 df35 d169 ..LO.%.....2.5.i

000000b0: 329c 5375 8900 9503 0500 31ed 6390 a520 2.Su......1.c..

Okay, let's jump back to the last index entry:

00000090: 0000 03ea 0000 0007 0000 0014 0000 0098 ................

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It has a tag value of 03ea (1002 in decimal—a PGP signature block) and is also a BIN data type. The data starts 20 decimal bytes from the start of the data area, which would put it at file offset b4 (in hex). It's a biggie—152 bytes long! Here's the data, starting with 8900:

000000b0: 329c 5375 8900 9503 0500 31ed 6390 a520 2.Su......1.c..

000000c0: e8f1 cba2 9bf9 0101 437b 0400 9c8e 0ad4 ........C{......

000000d0: 3790 364e dfb0 9a8a 22b5 b0b3 dc30 4c6f 7.6N...."....0Lo

000000e0: 91b8 c150 704e 2c64 d88a 8fca 18ab 5b6f ...PpN,d......[o

000000f0: f041 ebc8 d18a 01c9 3601 66f0 9ddd e956 .A......6.f....V

00000100: 3142 61b3 b1da 8494 6bef 9c19 4574 c49f 1Ba.....k...Et..

00000110: ee17 35e1 d105 fb68 0ce6 715a 60f1 c660 ..5....h..qZ`..`

00000120: 279f 0306 28ed 0ba0 0855 9e82 2b1c 2ede `...(....U..+...

00000130: e8e3 5090 6260 0b3c ba04 69a9 2573 1bbb ..P.b`.<..i.%s..

00000140: 5b65 4de1 b1d2 c07f 8afa 4a9b 0000 0000 [eM.......J.....

It ends with the bytes 4a9b. This is a 1,216-bit PGP signature block. It is also the end of the signature section. There are 4 null bytes following the last data item in order to round the size out so that it ends on an 8-byte boundary. This means that the offset of the next section starts at offset 150, in hex. Say, wasn't the size in the size signature off by 150 hex? Yes, the size in the signature is the size of the file—minus the size of the lead and the signature sections.

A.2.1.3. The Header

The header section contains all available information about the package. Entries such as the package's name, version, and file list are contained in the header. Like the signature section, the header is in header structure format. Unlike the signature, which has only three possible tag types, the header has more than 60 different tags. (The list of currently defined tags appears in section A. Be aware that the list of tags changes frequently; the definitive list appears in the RPM sources in lib/rpmlib.h.

A. Analyzing the Header

The easiest way to find the start of the header is to look for the second header structure by scanning for its magic number (8ead e8). The 16 bytes, starting with the magic, are the header structure's header. They follow the same format as the header in the signature's header structure:

00000150: 8ead e801 0000 0000 0000 0021 0000 09d3 ...........!....

As before, the byte following the magic identifies this header structure as being in version 1 format. Following the 4 reserved bytes, we find the count of entries stored in the header (0000 0021). Converting to decimal, we find that there are 33 entries in the header. The next 4 bytes (0000 09d3), converted to decimal, tell us that there are 2,515 bytes of data in the store.

Since the header is a header structure just like the signature, we know that the next 16 bytes are the first index entry:

00000160: 0000 03e8 0000 0006 0000 0000 0000 0001 ................

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The first 4 bytes (0000 03e8) are the tag, which is the tag for the package name. The next 4 bytes indicate that the data is type 6, or a null-terminated string. There's an offset of 0 in the next 4 bytes, meaning that the data for this tag is first in the store. Finally, the last 4 bytes (0000 0001) show that the data count is 1, which is the only legal value for data of type STRING.

To find the data, we need to take the offset from the start of the first index entry in the header (160) and add in the count of index entries (21) multiplied by the size of an index entry (10). Doing the math (all the values shown are in hex, remember!), we arrive at the offset to the store, hex 370. Since the offset for this particular index entry is 0, the data should start at offset 370:

00000370: 7270 6d00 322e 322e 3100 3100 5265 6420 rpm.

Since the data type for this entry is a null-terminated string, we need to keep reading bytes until we reach a byte whose numeric value is 0. We find the bytes 72, 70, 6d, and 00—a null. Looking at the ASCII display on the right, we find that the bytes form the string rpm, which is the name of this package.

Now for a slightly more complicated example. Let's look at the following index entry:

00000250: 0000 0403 0000 0008 0000 0199 0000 0018 ................

Tag 403 means that this entry is a list of filenames. The data type 8, or STRING_ARRAY, seems to bear this out. From the previous example, we found that the data area for the header began at offset 370. Adding the offset to the first filename (199) gives us 509. Finally, the count of 18 hex means that there should be 24 null-terminated strings containing filenames:

00000500: 696e 6974 6462 0a0a 002f 6269 6e2f 7270 initdb.../bin/rp

00000510: 6d00 2f65 7463 2f72 706d 7263 002f 7573 m./etc/rpmrc./us

The byte at offset 509 is 2f—a slash (/). Reading up to the first null byte, we find that the first filename is /bin/rpm, followed by /etc/rpmrc. This continues on for 22 more filenames.

There are many more tags we could decode, but they are all done in the same manner.

A. Header Tag Listing

The following list shows the tags available, along with their defined values, for use in the header:

#define RPMTAG_NAME                    1000

#define RPMTAG_VERSION                 1001

#define RPMTAG_RELEASE                 1002

#define RPMTAG_SERIAL                  1003

#define RPMTAG_SUMMARY                 1004

#define RPMTAG_DESCRIPTION             1005

#define RPMTAG_BUILDTIME               1006

#define RPMTAG_BUILDHOST               1007

#define RPMTAG_INSTALLTIME             1008

#define RPMTAG_SIZE                    1009

#define RPMTAG_DISTRIBUTION            1010

#define RPMTAG_VENDOR                  1011

#define RPMTAG_GIF                     1012

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#define RPMTAG_XPM                     1013

#define RPMTAG_COPYRIGHT               1014

#define RPMTAG_PACKAGER                1015

#define RPMTAG_GROUP                   1016

#define RPMTAG_CHANGELOG               1017

#define RPMTAG_SOURCE                  1018

#define RPMTAG_PATCH                   1019

#define RPMTAG_URL                     1020

#define RPMTAG_OS                      1021

#define RPMTAG_ARCH                    1022

#define RPMTAG_PREIN                   1023

#define RPMTAG_POSTIN                  1024

#define RPMTAG_PREUN                   1025

#define RPMTAG_POSTUN                  1026

#define RPMTAG_FILENAMES               1027

#define RPMTAG_FILESIZES               1028

#define RPMTAG_FILESTATES              1029

#define RPMTAG_FILEMODES               1030

#define RPMTAG_FILEUIDS                1031

#define RPMTAG_FILEGIDS                1032

#define RPMTAG_FILERDEVS               1033

#define RPMTAG_FILEMTIMES              1034

#define RPMTAG_FILEMD5S                1035

#define RPMTAG_FILELINKTOS             1036

#define RPMTAG_FILEFLAGS               1037

#define RPMTAG_ROOT                    1038

#define RPMTAG_FILEUSERNAME            1039

#define RPMTAG_FILEGROUPNAME           1040

#define RPMTAG_EXCLUDE                 1041 /* not used */

#define RPMTAG_EXCLUSIVE               1042 /* not used */

#define RPMTAG_ICON                    1043

#define RPMTAG_SOURCERPM               1044

#define RPMTAG_FILEVERIFYFLAGS         1045

#define RPMTAG_ARCHIVESIZE             1046

#define RPMTAG_PROVIDES                1047

#define RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS            1048

#define RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME             1049

#define RPMTAG_REQUIREVERSION          1050

#define RPMTAG_NOSOURCE                1051

#define RPMTAG_NOPATCH                 1052

#define RPMTAG_CONFLICTFLAGS           1053

#define RPMTAG_CONFLICTNAME            1054

#define RPMTAG_CONFLICTVERSION         1055

#define RPMTAG_DEFAULTPREFIX           1056

#define RPMTAG_BUILDROOT               1057

#define RPMTAG_INSTALLPREFIX           1058

#define RPMTAG_EXCLUDEARCH             1059

#define RPMTAG_EXCLUDEOS               1060

#define RPMTAG_EXCLUSIVEARCH           1061

#define RPMTAG_EXCLUSIVEOS             1062

#define RPMTAG_AUTOREQPROV             1063 /* used internally by build */

#define RPMTAG_RPMVERSION              1064

#define RPMTAG_TRIGGERSCRIPTS          1065

#define RPMTAG_TRIGGERNAME             1066

#define RPMTAG_TRIGGERVERSION          1067

#define RPMTAG_TRIGGERFLAGS            1068

#define RPMTAG_TRIGGERINDEX            1069

#define RPMTAG_VERIFYSCRIPT            1079

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This list is current as of version 2.3 of RPM. For the most up-to-date version, look in the file lib/rpmlib.h in the latest version of the RPM sources.

A. The Archive

Following the header section is the archive. The archive holds the actual files that comprise the package. The archive is compressed using GNU zip. We can verify this if we look at the start of the archive:

00000d40: 0000 001f 8b08 0000 0000 0002 03ec fd7b ...............{

00000d50: 7c13 d516 388e 4e92 691b 4a20 010a 1428 |...8.N.i.J ...(

In this example, the archive starts at offset d43. According to the contents of /usr/lib/magic, the first 2 bytes of a gzipped file should be 1f8b, which is, in fact, what we see. The following byte (08) is the flag used by GNU zip to indicate the file has been compressed with gzip's deflation method. The eighth byte has a value of 02, which means that the archive has been compressed using gzip's maximum compression setting. The following byte contains a code indicating the operating system under which the archive was compressed. A 03 in this byte indicates that the compression ran under a UNIX-like operating system.

The remainder of the RPM package file is the compressed archive. After the archive is uncompressed, it is an ordinary cpio archive in SVR4 format with a CRC checksum.

A.3. Tools for Studying RPM Files

In the tools directory packaged with the RPM sources are a number of small programs that use the RPM library to extract the various sections of a package file. Normally used by the RPM developers for debugging purposes, these tools can also be used to make it easier to understand the RPM package file format. Here is a list of the programs and what they do:

The first four programs take an RPM package file as their input. The package file can be read either from standard input or by including the filename on the command line. In either case, the programs write to standard output. Here is how rpmlead can be used to display the lead from a package file:

# rpmlead foo.rpm | od -x

0000000 abed dbee 0003 0000 0100 7072 2d6d 2e32

0000020 2e32 2d31 0031 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

0000040 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

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0000100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0500

0000120 0004 0000 e124 bfff b36b 0800 e600 bfff



Since each of these programs can also act as a filter, the following command is equivalent to the preceding one:

# cat foo.rpm | rpmlead | od -x

0000000 abed dbee 0003 0000 0100 7072 2d6d 2e32

0000020 2e32 2d31 0031 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

0000040 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

0000100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0500

0000120 0004 0000 e124 bfff b36b 0800 e600 bfff



The dump program is used in conjunction with rpmsignature or rpmheader. It makes decoding header structures a snap:

# rpmsignature foo.rpm | dump

Entry count: 3

Data count : 172

             CT  TAG                  TYPE             OFSET      COUNT

Entry      : 000 (1000)NAME           INT32_TYPE      0x00000000 00000001

       Data: 000 0x00044c4f (281679)

Entry      : 001 (1001)VERSION        BIN_TYPE        0x00000004 00000016

       Data: 000 b0 25 b0 97 15 97 01 32

       Data: 008 df 35 d1 69 32 9c 53 75

Entry      : 002 (1002)RELEASE        BIN_TYPE        0x00000014 00000152

       Data: 000 89 00 95 03 05 00 31 ed

       Data: 008 63 90 a5 20 e8 f1 cb a2

       Data: 016 9b f9 01 01 43 7b 04 00

       Data: 024 9c 8e 0a d4 37 90 36 4e

       Data: 032 df b0 9a 8a 22 b5 b0 b3

       Data: 040 dc 30 4c 6f 91 b8 c1 50

       Data: 048 70 4e 2c 64 d8 8a 8f ca

       Data: 056 18 ab 5b 6f f0 41 eb c8

       Data: 064 d1 8a 01 c9 36 01 66 f0

       Data: 072 9d dd e9 56 31 42 61 b3

       Data: 080 b1 da 84 94 6b ef 9c 19

       Data: 088 45 74 c4 9f ee 17 35 e1

       Data: 096 d1 05 fb 68 0c e6 71 5a

       Data: 104 60 f1 c6 60 27 9f 03 06

       Data: 112 28 ed 0b a0 08 55 9e 82

       Data: 120 2b 1c 2e de e8 e3 50 90

       Data: 128 62 60 0b 3c ba 04 69 a9

       Data: 136 25 73 1b bb 5b 65 4d e1

       Data: 144 b1 d2 c0 7f 8a fa 4a 9b


One aspect of dump worth noting is that it is optimized for decoding the header section of a package file. When used with rpmsignature, it displays the tag names used in the header instead of the signature tag names. The data is displayed properly in either case, however.

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A.4. Identifying RPM Files with the file(1) Command

The magic file on most UNIX-like systems today should have the necessary information to identify RPM files. But in case your system doesn't, the following information can be added to the file:



# RPM: file(1) magic for Red Hat Packages


0       beshort         0xedab

>2      beshort         0xeedb         RPM

>>4     byte            x              v%d 

>>6     beshort         0              bin

>>6     beshort         1              src

>>8     beshort         1              i386

>>8     beshort         2              Alpha

>>8     beshort         3              Sparc

>>8     beshort         4              MIPS

>>8     beshort         5              PowerPC

>>8     beshort         6              68000

>>8     beshort         7              SGI

>>10    string          x              %s

The output of the file command is succinct:

# file baz

baz: RPM v3 bin i386 vlock-1.0-2


In this case, the file called baz is a version 3 format RPM file containing release 2 of version 1.0 of the vlock package, which has been built for the Intel x86 architecture.

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