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Page 301

are trying to see whether there will be zero instances of this package after the uninstall is complete. If this is the case, the remainder of the script needs to be run, since there are no other amanda client packages left.

Next, we remove bin from the disk group:

# First, get rid of bin from the disk group...

if grep "^disk::.*bin" /etc/group > /dev/null


# Nuke bin at the end of the line...

    sed -e `s/\(^disk::[0-9]\{1,\}:.\{1,\}\),bin$/\1/' /etc/group> /etc/group.tmp

# Nuke bin on the line by itself...

    sed -e `s/\(^disk::[0-9]\{1,\}:\)bin$/\1/' /etc/group.tmp> /etc/group1.tmp

# Nuke bin in the middle of the line...

    sed -e `s/\(^disk::[0-9]\{1,\}:.\{1,\}\),bin,\(.\{1,\}\)/\1,\2/'/etc/group1.tmp > /etc/group2.tmp

# Nuke bin at the start of the line...

    sed -e `s/\(^disk::[0-9]\{1,\}:\)bin,\(.\{1,\}\)/\1\2/'/etc/group2.tmp > /etc/group

# Clean up after ourselves...

   rm -f /etc/group.tmp /etc/group1.tmp /etc/group2.tmp


No surprises there. Continuing our uninstall, we start on the network-related tasks:

# Next, lose the amanda line in /etc/services...

# We only want to do this if the server package isn't installed

# Look for /usr/sbin/amdump, and leave it if there...

if [ ! -f /usr/sbin/amdump ];


 if grep "^amanda" /etc/services > /dev/null


  grep -v "^amanda" /etc/services > /etc/services.tmp

  mv -f /etc/services.tmp /etc/services



That's odd. Why are we looking for a file from the server package? If you look back at the install scripts for the client and server packages, you'll find that the one thing they have in common is that both the client and the server require the same entry in /etc/services.

If an amanda server is going to back itself up, it also needs the amanda client software.

Therefore, both subpackages need to add an entry to /etc/services. But what if one of the packages is removed? Perhaps the server is being demoted to a client, or maybe the server is no longer going to be backed up using amanda. In these cases, the entry in /etc/services must stay. So, in the case of the client, we look for a file from the server subpackage, and if it's there, we leave the entry alone.

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Granted, this is a somewhat unsightly way to see whether a certain package is installed. Some of you are probably even saying, "Why can't RPM be used? Just do an rpm -q amanda-server, and decide what to do based on that." And that would be the best way to do it, except for one small point: Only one invocation of RPM can run at any given time.

Since RPM is running to perform the uninstall, if the uninstall script were to attempt to run RPM again, it would fail. The reason it would fail is because only one copy of RPM can access the database at a time. So we are stuck with our unsightly friend.

Continuing the network-related uninstall tasks…

# Finally, the amanda entry in /etc/inetd.conf

if grep "^amanda" /etc/inetd.conf > /dev/null


 grep -v "^amanda" /etc/inetd.conf > /etc/inetd.conf.tmp

  mv -f /etc/inetd.conf.tmp /etc/inetd.conf

# Kick inetd

 if [ -f /var/run/inetd.pid ];


  kill -HUP `cat /var/run/inetd.pid`




Here, we're using grep's capability to return lines that don't match the search string, in order to remove every trace of amanda from /etc/inetd.conf. After issuing a HUP on inetd, we're done.

On to the server. If you've been noticing a pattern between the various scripts, you won't be disappointed here:

%postun server

# See if we're the last server package on the system...

# If not, we don't need to do any of this stuff...

if [ "$1" = 0 ];


# Lose the amanda line in /etc/services...

# We only want to do this if the client package isn't installed

# Look for /usr/lib/amandad, and leave it if there...

if [ ! -f /usr/lib/amanda/amandad ];


 if grep "^amanda" /etc/services > /dev/null


  grep -v "^amanda" /etc/services > /etc/services.tmp

  mv -f /etc/services.tmp /etc/services




Page 303

By now, the opening if statement is an old friend. As you might have expected, we are verifying whether the client package is installed by looking for a file from that package. If the client package isn't there, the entry is removed from /etc/services. And that is that.

Obviously, these scripts must be carefully tested. In the case of amanda, because the two subpackages have some measure of interdependency, it's necessary to try different sequences of installing and erasing the two packages to make sure the /etc/services logic works properly in all cases.

After a bit of testing, our install and uninstall scripts pass with flying colors. From a technological standpoint, the client and server subpackages are ready to go. Bits and Pieces

However, just because a package has been properly built and installs and can be erased without problems doesn't mean that the package-builder's job is done. It's necessary to look at each newly built package from the user's perspective. Does the package contain everything users needs in order to deploy it effectively? Or will users need to fiddle with it, guessing as they go?

In the case of our amanda packages, it was obvious that some additional documentation was required so that the user would know what needed to be done to finalize the installation. Simply directing the user to the standard amanda documentation wasn't the right solution, either. Many of the steps outlined in the INSTALL document had already been done by the postinstall scripts. No, an interim document was required. Two, actually: one for the client, and one for the server.

So two files were created, one to be added to each subpackage. The question was, how to do it? Essentially, there were two options:

Since the second approach was more interesting, that's the approach we chose. It required an additional source tag in the spec file:

Source1:      amanda-rpm-instructions.tar.gz

Also required was an additional %setup macro in the %prep script:

%setup -T -D -a 1

While the %setup macro might look intimidating, it wasn't that hard to construct. Here's what each option means:

-T—Do not perform the default archive unpacking.

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