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Page 290

Finding dependencies...

Requires (1): dump

1 block

Generating signature: 0

Wrote:           /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/amanda-client-2.3.0-1.i386.rpm

Binary Packaging: amanda-server-2.3.0-1

Finding dependencies...

1 block

Generating signature: 0

Wrote:            /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/amanda-server-2.3.0-1.i386.rpm

+ umask 022

+ echo Executing: %clean

Executing: %clean

+ cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD

+ cd amanda-2.3.0

+ exit 0

Source Packaging: amanda-2.3.0-1




374 blocks

Generating signature: 0

Wrote:             /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS/amanda-2.3.0-1.src.rpm


Great! Let's take a look at our handiwork:

#   cd     /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/

# ls -l

total 2

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1246 Nov 20 21:19 amanda-client-2.3.0-1.i386.rpm

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1308 Nov 20 21:19 amanda-server-2.3.0-1.i386.rpm



Hmmm, those binary packages look sort of small. We'd better see what's in there:

# rpm -qilp amanda-*-1.i386.rpm

Name : amanda-client                 Distribution: (none)

Version : 2.3.0                            Vendor: (none)

Release : 1                            Build Date: Wed Nov 20 21:19:44 1996

Install date: (none)                   Build Host: moocow.rpm.org

Group : System/Backup                    Source RPM: amanda-2.3.0-1.src.rpm

Size : 0

Summary : Client-side Amanda package

Description :

The Amanda Network Backup system contains software necessary to

automatically perform backups across a network. Amanda consists of

two packages -- a client (this package), and a server:

The client package enable a network-capable system to have its

filesystems backed up by a system running the Amanda server.


In order for a system to perform backups of itself, install both

the client and server packages!

(contains no files)

Page 291

Name : amanda-server                  Distribution: (none)

Version : 2.3.0                             Vendor: (none)

Release : 1                             Build Date: Wed Nov 20 21:19:44 1996

Install date: (none)                    Build Host: moocow.rpm.org

Group : System/Backup                    Source RPM: amanda-2.3.0-1.src.rpm

Size : 0

Summary : Server-side Amanda package

Description :

The Amanda Network Backup system contains software necessary to

automatically perform backups across a network. Amanda consists of

two package -- a client, and a server (this package):

The server package enables a network-capable system to control one

or more Amanda client systems performing backups. The server system

will direct all backups to a locally attached tape drive. Therefore,

the server system requires a tape drive.


 In order for a system to perform backups of itself, install both

the client and server packages!

(contains no files)


What do they mean, (contains no files)? The spec file has perfectly good %files lists….


20.4.1. Creating the %files List

Everything was going so smoothly, we forgot that the %files lists were going to need files. No problem; we just need to put the filenames in there, and we'll be all set. But is it really that easy? How to Find the Installed Files

Luckily, it's not too bad. Since we saved the output from our first make install, we can see the filenames as they're installed. Of course, it's important to make sure the install output is valid. Fortunately for us, amanda didn't require much fiddling by the time we got it built and tested. If it had, we would have had to get more recent output from the installation phase.

It's time for more decisions. We have one list of installed files and two %files lists. It would be silly to put all the files in both %files lists, so we have to decide which file goes where.

This is where experience with the software really pays off, because the wrong decision made here can result in awkward, ill-featured packages. Here's the %files list we came up with for the client subpackage:

%files  client






Page 292








The files in /usr/lib/amanda are all the client-side amanda programs, so that part was easy. The remaining files are part of the original source archive. Amanda doesn't install them, but they contain information that users should see.

Realizing that RPM can't package these files specified as they are, let's leave the client %files list for a moment and check out the list for the server subpackage:

%files server



































The files in /usr/sbin are programs that will be run by the amanda administrator in order to perform backups and restores. The files in /usr/lib/amanda are the server-side programs that do the actual work during backups. Following that are a number of man pages: one for each program to be run by the amanda administrator, and one with an overview of amanda.

Page 293

Bringing up the rear are a number of files that are not installed, but would be handy for the amanda administrator to have available. There is some overlap with the files that will be part of the client subpackage, but the additional files here discuss features that would interest only amanda administrators. Included here is the example subdirectory, which contains a few sample configuration files for the amanda server.

As in the client %files list, these last files can't be packaged by RPM as we've listed them. We need to use a few more of RPM's tricks to get them packaged. Applying Directives

Since we'd like the client subpackage to include those files that are not normally installed, and since the files are documentation, let's use the %doc directive on them. That will accomplish two things:

In the course of looking over the %files lists, it becomes apparent that the directory /usr/lib/amanda will contain only files from the two amanda subpackages. If the subpackages are erased, the directory will remain, which won't hurt anything, but it isn't as neat as it could be. But if we add the directory to the list, RPM will automatically package every file in the directory. Because the files in that directory are part of both the client and the server subpackages, we'll need to use the %dir directive to instruct RPM to package only the directory.

After these changes, here's what the client %files list looks like now:

%files  client

%dir    /usr/lib/amanda/










%doc docs/INSTALL

%doc docs/SYSTEM.NOTES

%doc docs/WHATS.NEW

We've also applied the same directives to the server %files list:

%files  server





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