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innd......InterNetNews Daemon

innd option(s)


The innd command launches the InterNetNews daemon, which handles all incoming NNTP feeds. It reads the active, newsfeeds, and hosts.nntp files into memory. It then opens the NNTP port to receive articles from remote sites and a named pipe for use by ctlinnd to direct the server to perform certain actions. It also opens the history database and two log files to replace its standard output and standard error.

Once the files and sockets are opened, innd waits for connections and data to be ready on its ports by using select and nonblocking I/O. If no data is available, then it will flush its in-core data structures.

Configuring this command can be a complicated affair; check the online-manual pages for more information.

lilo......Linux Loader

lilo option(s)


The lilo command installs the Linux boot loader, which controls how Linux boots. Formerly, when you wanted to use Linux on a system in conjunction with other operating systems, you’d install lilo to make sure that the preferred operating system—or a preferred kernel, for that matter—was loaded. Today, there are other boot tools that work better than lilo. WARNING: If you’re a new user, don’t use lilo as a boot manager.


-v Runs in verbose mode, providing more information about its activity.
-q Lists the currently map files from /boot/map.
-m map-fileb Uses map-file instead of the default map file.
-C config-file Specifies a configuration other than the default.
-d delay Waits delay deciseconds before loading the first kernel on the list.
-D label Uses the kernel with label, instead of the first one on the list, as the default kernel to boot.
-r root-directory Performs a chroot to root-directory; used when repairing a setup from a boot floppy.
-t Tests without writing a new boot sector or map file.
-c Turns on map compaction, which merges read requests from adjacent sectors.
-f disk-tab Sets the disk-geometry parameter file; the default is /etc/disktab.)
-i boot-sector Sets a new boot-sector file; the default is /boot/boot.b.)
-l Generates linear sector addresses instead of sector/head/cylinder addresses.
-P {fix|ignore} Fixes or ignores corrupt partition tables.
-s save-file Saves old boot-sector information in save-file.
-S save-file Saves old boot-sector information in save-file, overwriting if it already exists.
-u device-name Uninstalls LILO by copying device-name (a saved boot record) back, and checks the time-stamp.
-U device-name Uninstalls LILO by copying device-name (a saved boot record) back, but does not check the time-stamp.
-R command line Sets a default command line for the boot loader the next time it executes.
-I label Specifies the pathname of the running kernel, as specified with label.

makefloppies......Floppy Nodes

makefloppies option(s)


The makefloppies shell script creates a new floppy block device files. It uses the floppycontrol program to translate the minor device numbers into meaningful names. It also uses these names to decide whether to create a given block device file or not, depending on the type of the physical drive.


-l Works with a local directory, not /dev.
-n Reports on what would have been done, but not do it.
-t Names the devices for drive type, not floppy type.



md5sum......Checks MD5 Message Digest

md5sum option(s) filename


The md5sum command computes and checks the MD5 message digest. It produces a 128-bit fingerprint or message digest. It also checks whether the message digests are the same where they exist in other files.


-b Assumes that all files are binary files.
-c file Checks that the file (the MD5 sum, a binary/text flag, and a filename) is as it should be.
-s string Computes a message digest for string.
-t text Assumes that all files are text files.

mount......Mount Filesystem



The mount command mounts filesystems. This is an involved command meant for use by system administrators; check the online-manual pages for more information.

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