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popclient......POP Mail Client

popclient option(s) host


The popclient retrieves electronic mail from a mail server running the Internet Post Office Protocol (POP). It supports both POP2 (as specified in RFC 937) and POP3 (RFC 1725).

This command is used to grab the mail from the remote server (specified by host) and store it in a mail folder on your hard disk. From there you’ll read it with a mail program like mail or elm.


-2 Uses Post Office Protocol version 2 (POP2).
-3 Uses Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3).
-a Uses POP3 and retrieves old (previously retrieved) and new messages from the mail server.
-c Writes messages to standard output instead of disk.
-F Uses POP3 and deletes old (previously retrieved) messages from the mail server before retrieving new messages.
-f pathname Sets an alternate name for the .poprc file.
-k Keeps old messages on mail server.
-K Deletes messages on mail server after retrieval.
-l lines Retrieves lines of each message body and headers.
-p string Passes string as password when logging on the mail server. If you don’t specify one, you’ll be prompted for a password when you actually login the mail server.
--protocol proto Sets the protocol to use with the remote mail server. The protocol can be:
POP2 (Post Office Protocol 2)
POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3)
APOP (POP3 with MD5 authentication)
RPOP (POP3 with trusted-host-based authentication, like rlogin/rsh)
-o folder Appends messages to file in folder.
-r folder Grabs messages from folder, an alternative folder on the mail server.
-s Works in silent mode.
-u name Passes name as the user to the mail server; by default, this is your login name on your machine.
-v Works in verbose mode, with all messages between you and the server displayed.


fetchmail (a newer version of popclient-most Linux distributions will contain one or the other)

postnews......Post News

postnews option headerfile newsgroup(s)


The postnews command posts a news item to a Usenet newsgroup. You can specify the newsgroup (or newsgroups) on the command line; if you don’t, the postnews command will prompt you for a newsgroup. If you do specify newsgroups, you need to separate them with commas but no spaces. After you specify the newsgroup, a text editor allows you to create the posting.

At any point you can terminate the posting by entering nonconforming input, such as a fictional newsgroup name.


-h Specifies that the header is in headerfile.



printmail......Prints Mail

printmail option filename


The printmail command formats mail in anticipation of printing. It copies your messages from your user mailbox or a specified filename, with each message separated by a line of dashes. It’s actually a call to the readmsg command, and it’s usually part of a pipeline (like printmail | lpr).


-p Uses a form feed instead of dashes to separate messages.



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