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messages......Count Messages

messages foldername


The messages command counts the number of messages in a foldername, keying off of the number of times the From: field appears.

metamail......Multimedia Mail

metamail option(s)


The metamail command works with multimedia mail messages, as defined by the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) format. It reads a mailcap file to determine how to display nontext message. It’s also called by other mail programs that need to display nontext messages.

Unless you run into unusual circumstances, you’ll never use metamail directly; instead, your mail package will invoke it to display nontext messages. Since users won’t use this command directly, we devote little space to it; instead, we encourage you to check the online-manual pages to see how to add metamail support to a mail-reading program or add lines.

metasend......Send Multimedia Mail

metasend option(s)


The metasend command sends an existing data file as a nontext multimedia mail message. You can specify a message recipient, subject, carbon-copy recipients, MIME content-type, filename, and encoding on the command line; if you don’t, you’ll be prompted for this information after you launch the command.


-b Works in batch mode, exiting if information is missing from the command line.
-c cc Sets the carbon-copy (CC) address.
-D Sets the Content-description value.
-e encoding Sets the encoding type: base64, quoted-printable, 7bit, or x-uue.
-E Specifies that the file is already a MIME entity, not requiring a Content-description header.
-f filename Sets the data file.
-F from Sets the From address.
-i <content-id> Sets the content-id for the MIME entity, enclosed in angle brackets.
-I <content-id> Sets the content-id for the multipart entity created by metasend,
-m MIME-type Sets the MIME content -type.
-n -- Specifies that an additional file is to be included.
-o outputfile Sends the output to outputfile.
-P preamblefile Specifies a file to be used as the preamble of the MIME message.
-s subject Sets the Subject field.
-S splitsize Sets the maximum size before splitting a message into parts via splitmail.
-t to Sets the To: address,
-z Deletes temporary files, even if delivery fails.



mimencode......MIME Encoding

mimencode option(s)


The mimencode command translates to and from the Multipurpose Internet Mail Encoding (MIME) standard. Since MS-DOS/Windows/Windows 95/Windows NT doesn’t support uuencoding, MIME encoding is preferable.


-b Specifies base64 encoding (the default).
-q Specifies quoted-printable encoding instead of base64.
-u Decodes input, not encodes it.
-p Translates carriage return/line feed sequences into newlines.
-o filename Sends output to filename.

mmencode......MIME Encoding

mmencode option(s)


The mmencode command translates to and from the Multipurpose Internet Mail Encoding (MIME) standard. Since MS-DOS/Windows/Windows 95/Windows NT doesn’t support uuencoding, MIME encoding is preferable.


-b Specifies base64 encoding (the default).
-q Specifies quoted-printable encoding instead of base64.
-u Decodes input, not encodes it.
-p Translates carriage return/line feed sequences into newlines.
-o filename Sends output to filename.

pine......Electronic Mail/News

pine option(s) address


The pine command is used to read electronic mail and Usenet news. It supports MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), allowing you to save MIME objects to files. In some cases, it can also initiate the correct program for viewing the object.

Outgoing mail is usually handed off to sendmail, but it can be posted directly via SMTP. There are many command-line options; see the online-manual pages for more information.



Pnews......Post News Articles


Pnews newsgroup title

Pnews -h headerfile


The Pnews command posts news articles to specific newsgroups. It’s an interactive program, which means that it guides you through the process of adding an item to a newsgroup. After you’ve entered the relevant information, the new news item is sent to the Usenet via the inews program.

Pnews will include a signature file, if the file is .news_sig and stored in your home directory. The inews program adds a signature via the .signature file stored in your home directory. (If both files exist, then they both will be added to a news item.)

Pnews will use the default system editor to compose messages, which is defined with the EDITOR variable. This program also interacts with the trn newsreader; you’ll want to look through the online manual pages for more information.


$ Pnews

I see you’ve never used this version of Pnews before.

    I will give you extra help this first time through,

    but then you must remember what you learned.

$ Pnews alt.linux.slackware


-h When used with trn, Pnews will insert a previous article that is the subject of the current article.



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