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-amin min Finds files that were accessed:
+m more than m minutes ago.
m exactly m minutes ago.
-m less than m minutes ago.
-anewer file Finds files that were accessed after they were modified.
-atime days Finds files that were accessed:
+d more than d days ago.
d exactly d days ago.
-d less than d days ago.
-cmin min Finds files that were changed:
+m more than m minutes ago.
m exactly m minutes ago.
-m less than m minutes ago.
-cnewer file Finds files that were changed after they were modified.
-ctime days Finds files that were changed:
+d more than d days ago.
d exactly d days ago.
-d less than d days ago.
-daystart Assumes that times are calculated from the beginning of the day, not from now.
-empty Continues the search even if a file is empty.
-exec command {}\; Runs the Linux command after a file is found.
-false Returns a false value if a match is made.
-follow Follows symbolic links and the associated directories.
-fstype type Finds files stored on specific filesystem type: ufs, 4.2, 4.3, nfs, tmp, mfs, S51K, and S52K.
-gid num Finds files belonging to a specific group num.
-group group Finds files belonging to a specific group, which can be an ID or a name.
-ilname file Searches for symbolic links pointing to file, which can include metacharacters and wildcards. The case doesn’t matter.
-iname file Finds a file named file. The case doesn’t matter.
-inum num Finds files with a specific inode number of num.
-ipath name Finds files that match name, which is an abolute pathname. The case doesn’t matter.
-links num Finds files with num number of links.
-lname file Searches for symbolic links pointing to file, which can include metacharacters and wildcards. The case must match.
-maxdepth num Stops search after descending num levels of directories.
-mindepth num Begins search at num levels of directories and lower.
-mmin min Finds files that were modified:
+m more than m minutes ago.
m exactly m minutes ago.
-m less than m minutes ago.
-mtime days Finds files that were modified:
+d more than d days ago.
d exactly d days ago.
-d less than d days ago.
-name file Finds a file named file. The case must match.
-newer file Finds files that have been modified more recently than file.
-nogroup Finds files whose group owner isn’t listed in /etc/group.
-nouser Finds files whose owner isn’t listed in /etc/passwd.
-ok command {}\; Runs the Linux command after a file is found, verifiying that you do indeed want to run the command.
-path name Finds files that match name, which is an absolute pathname. The case matters.
-perm nnn Finds files that have permissions matching specified file permissions (such as rwx).
-size num[c] Finds a file containing num blocks or num character if c is added.
-type t Returns names of file whose type is t, which can be b (block special file), c (character special file), d (directory), f (plain file), l (symbolic link), p (pipe), or s (socket).
-user user Finds files belonging to specified user.


$ find / -ctime -2

This finds all the files on the entire filesystem that have been changed less than two days ago.

$ find $HOME

This lists all the files and directories in your home directory.

funzip......Filtered Unzip

funzip password input_file


The funzip command is a filter for extracting from a ZIP archive in a pipe.



getfilename......Get Filename

getfilename format-name filename


The getfilename command asks a user to name a file in a given format. It’s not useful on its own but becomes useful when combined with a mailcap-oriented program, such as mailto.



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