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for (exp) [statements] Performs the statements if exp is true.
if (exp) [statements] (else [statements]) Performs the statement if the exp is true. Can also be used with the else extension; in this case, the alternate statements will be performed.
while (exp) [statements] Repeats the statement if exp is true.
break Ends a for or while statement.
continue Jumps to the next iteration in a for statement. This is a GNU extension.
define a(b) Defines the function a with the argument b.


halt Halts the bc command.
limits Returns the local limits on the bc command.
print list An odd command used to print a series of special characters. The list is a list of comma-delimited expressions and strings, printed in order.

Strings can include special characters, including the following:

a bell
b backspace
f form feed
n newline
r return
q double quote
t tab
\ backslash


assignment =+ =- =* =/ =^ =
relational < <= > >= == !=
unary - ++ —


s Sine.
c Cosine.
a Arctangent.
e Exponential; base e.
l Natural logarithm.
j(n,x) Bessel function.


/* */ Comment lines.
{ } Brackets statements.
[ ] Array index.

bdftopcf......Bitmap Font Conversion

bdftopcf option(s) fontfile.bdf


The bdftopcf command converts fonts from the X Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF) to the Portable Compiled Format (PCF), which is more easily used by the X font server. PCF fonts can be read by any machine.


-i Inhibits computation of ink metrics. Bypassing computation can speed processing.
-l Sets the font bit order to least significant bit (LSB) first.
-L Sets the font byte order to least significant bit (LSB) first.
-m Sets the font bit order to most significant bit (MSB) first.
-M Sets the font byte order to most significant bit (MSB) first.
-o outputfile Specifies the name of the output file.
-pn Padding for the font glyph is set to n. Each glyph has each scanline padded to 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes.
-t Convert fonts to “terminal fonts” when possible. This option allows fonts to rendered more quickly by the font server.
-un Sets the font scanline unit to n. This option is necessary when the font bit order is different than the font byte order; n can be 1, 2, or 4 bytes.


$ bdftopcf -t -o fontfile.pcf fontfile.dbf

bitmap......Bitmap Editor

bitmap option(s) filename basename


The bitmap program is used to create and edit bitmaps. Bitmaps are image files laid out in a grid and used in the X Window System for a variety of purposes, from icons and cursors to Web-page graphic elements. They are stored as actual C code, which can be inserted directly into programs.

This program can specify a “hot spot” for use with a cursor, which tells the window manager where the cursor is specifically pointing, such as a tip of an arrow or the middle of a crosshair.

The basename is used with the C code input file.

To see how the image will actually appear, press Alt-I.

There are a number of commands available when this program is actually running, such as inverting the present image and marking a section of the bitmap. These are available through buttons on the left side of the window.

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